Universal Health Care, Pluses and Minuses

by watson 347 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    Sorry about that Pec. I was posting while you were posting and didnt notice your correction.

    ~cheesy grin at Pec~

  • Robdar

    Rob is that Wavy?? Come on, that guy is cool!!

    He is butt ugly and a moocher. And he has lived off Woodstock for too long.

  • beksbks
  • beksbks


  • beksbks


  • beksbks


  • Robdar

    Look yall, I'm all for health care reform but BTS has made some very strong points. It is definitely something we should approach cautiously.

  • sammielee24

    I attended a town hall meeting today held by a Republican on the Ways and Means Committee.

    The summary was a 2 hour discussion filled with lies, misleading information, cutting off the microphone and patronization.

    However, the bottom line was that when asked what the Republican plan for reform was so that people could compare the two - the response was 'I have none'.

    So in essence, the Republicans are screaming bloody murder about this plan but have no alternate plan for reform, nor are they going to introduce one. If it does not move forward with Obama, then it will die along with 20,000 US citizens every year because they have no money for care.

    Like I said - right wing talk show host said it all - 'if Obama shoves this through, the torches and pitchforks will come out'. sammieswife.

  • beksbks

    Wavy Gravy , Hugh Romney, who is fast approaching official geezerhood, is more active and more effective in the world then he was decades ago. Back then when still known as Hugh Romney he stood on the stage of the original Woodstock concert and announced...." What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,000!" He was at Woodstock as a member of an entertainment/activist commune known as the Hog Farm. Today, the Hog Farm still exists, collectively owning and operating the 700-acre Black Oak Ranch and hosting the annual Pig-Nic. And Wavy lives a third of the year in a Berkeley Hog Farm urban outpost, a big communal house he refers to as "hippie Hyannisport" But Mr. Gravy (as he's known to readers of the New York Times) has expanded his activities over the past two-and-a-half decades to include codirectorship (with his wife, Jahanara) of Camp Winnarainbow, a performing arts program for children which takes over the Hog Farm for 10 weeks every summer, and the organization of all-star rock concerts to raise money for a variety of environmental, progressive, political, and charitable causes, most notably Seva, a foundation he cofounded in 1978, initially to combat preventable and curable blindness in the Third World.

    I suspect you had a bad ex husband, who turned you against all things liberal. Won't say another word, no need to kick my ass tonight.

  • Robdar

    Ahhh, we have a storm blowing in. The wind smells lovely. I am going out on the deck.

    G'night all.



    I suspect you had a bad ex husband, who turned you against all things liberal. Won't say another word, no need to kick my ass tonight.

    And you are so wrong. Wavy Gravy spending the evening at my apartment is what pushed me towards conservatism. He's a creep. I don't care what his press said. BTW, I met Wavy years before I met my ex.

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