Universal Health Care, Pluses and Minuses

by watson 347 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    Burns you said anyone that wants coverage can simply purchase it.

    For a high enough premium, I am sure a product is available. However with a high enough risk, it may be cheaper to self-insure.


  • jeeprube
    Man, you really do need the last word... Fine, I will let you have it,

    So much so that he had to come back from his grandiose goodbye from yesterday to get it. I mean seriously Burns didn't you just post some big thread announcing how busy your life was and how you could no longer bear to waste your incredible intellect upon us lowly peasants?

  • PEC

    Sorry, I miss read the post.


  • Robdar
  • Robdar
    Bullshit, it happens all the time, the number one cause of bankruptcy is medical bills.

    Slow down, Pec. Notice World Traveler is from British Columbia and made a statement in favor of health care reform when he said, "our system may be flawed somewhat (and the other side of the Atlantic), but NO ONE loses their home."

    My law firm filed another medical bankruptcy today. Did 2 yesterday. We need to reform health care.

  • PEC

    Thanks, Robdar.


  • beksbks

    PEC, that was Worldtraveller that said that, a Canadian. He's on our side.

  • beksbks

    Oh heck, sorry PEC,

  • beksbks

    Rob is that Wavy?? Come on, that guy is cool!!

  • sammielee24

    Inequality may never be entirely abolished may be a true statement however, in a society that preaches freedom, that has based it's own idealogy around the world on freedom, it should be at the very least a goal that would create a solid foundation for progress. Equality can be enforced and at times must be - that's why slavery was abolished....to end the idea that some humans are of less value than others and therefore equal. The end to slavery was only forced by war. The end to segregation only came by civil rights/war. If you as an American citizen supported war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam or any other place where the USA fought idealogically for 'democracy, freedom, equality'...then you fought and allowed people to die for that idealogy that equality by force was at times necessary.

    The very notion that you can say healthcare should be based on merit because all people are not equal is telling quite simply in the fact that as babies, are not all children equal? Should not all children be seen as innocent and above the selfishness and greed of a corporation in determining their ability to survive? If you do not believe in equality - you believe in slavery. It is very clear. The idea of choice is simply fluff - because regardless of the ability to choose, there must by money to pay for the service and that is part of the equation you seem unwilling to grasp. sammeiswife.

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