Besty Unplugged - My Life Story Part 1

by besty 40 Replies latest jw experiences



    Good story!..


  • Hope4Others

    Thanks for you first installment, interesting and nice pics...


  • besty
    I believe these personal experiences are powerful tools in helping those who are "lurkers" here to realize that the "evil apostates" are real people, intelligent, thoughtful, and who do go on to live happy, productive lives after their being disfellowshipped.

    I agree. Life stories tend not to be too doctrinal and the human element personalizes the anonymous shunning policies emanating from Brooklyn.

    The life stories on freeminds are getting about 8000 views per month and are one of the most popular parts of the site.

  • BabaYaga

    Great stuff, Besty! I enjoyed the photos immensely, too... looking forward to more of your story.


  • palmtree67

    Thank-you for letting me get to know you better.

  • The Missus
    The Missus

    Thanks for sharing your story Besty! I always find it interesting reading about how people got their start in the religion, what opened their eyes and how they have rebounded since. Thanks too for the pics - lovely family!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Very interesting Paul, thanks for sharing. The pictures are stunning. Oh, and you have a PM.

  • Dagney

    "The reasons why my parents became Jehovah’s Witnesses has interested me recently. I never gave that particular question any thought until a year or so ago. Now it seems crystal clear to me they were ripe for recruitment into a high control group – it could have been Moonies, Mormons or Church of God, but it just so happens it was a friendly lady who worked at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn that answered their questions and left them hungry for more. I’m convinced that they decided to join on that first visit as the following six reasons make it inevitable they would join something."

    I figured that one out as well a few years ago about my parents. Poverty, alone in CA miles away from friends and family in IL...vulnerable. I had always "thanked Jah" for being born in a JW family, (sigh), because I KNEW I never would buy it from someone going door to door. Then I stopped to analyze why the draw and blind loyalty, even to the detriment of oneself and children, (abusive father/husband). There was a large hole in their psyche...the carrot of the paradise, the novelty of having "THE" truth, and chosen and and special above all other human beings on the earth filled that hole. They like feeling martyred and special.

    Cheers mate!

  • ninja

    gadzooks!......that boy is ginger.....he he

  • besty

    indeed - Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads, as 13 percent of the population has red hair and approximately 40 percent carries the recessive redhead gene

    so marrying into a tribe of English redheads the die was cast......

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