Circuit Oversear for dinner..."sorry no time to talk" remember this! Like Jesus is coming!

by Witness 007 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • reniaa

    Our whole congregation had a talk before the CO's visit telling us not to make to much of a special effort on food for the CO, to keep it simple salads etc no puddings needed, just the food they would eat themselves by the people catering for the CO.

    I later got invited to the lunch by pioneer who was making it for the CO and it was just vegetable stew and garlic bread. We all had a good day and a chat, the CO refered to the talk saying he and his wife enjoyed peoples generosity but he was putting on loads of weight and also they didn't like to upset people by refusing what had been made especially for them.

    I saw how human they were and could see how it would be hard visiting different congos every week and different homes always trying to be respectful of people's homes, lifes and generosity.


  • AllTimeJeff

    I have enjoyed the hell out of this thread.

    One time, the ex and I had Tim Bland over. (naming names on this one) He was totally disinterested, we had a another couple whom he talked to the entire time.

    Then all of a sudden, he just got up and said "I'll see you at the KH". Oh you should have seen the ex's eyes spew forth laser beams at his rudeness. She chewed him out in the library a couple of days later (she had to discuss something else with him) and he actually apologized.

    I should have seen the ex's reaction as a harbinger of things to come... but I digress

    As an elder, it was pretty common to make sure that the CO and wife got sent to approved homes. Only Paul Koehler didn't care, to his credit. Everyone else was a bit to persnickity in my opinion.

  • startingovernow

    Well with a name like Bland what do you expect...

    "Approved homes"? Man, I'd love to know what exactly that means. In some congregations it was like pulling teeth to get people to even consider hosting the C.O.s. Beggers can't be choosers.

    Our whole congregation had a talk before the CO's visit telling us not to make to much of a special effort on food for the CO, to keep it simple salads etc no puddings needed, just the food they would eat
    themselves by the people catering for the CO.
    I later got invited to the lunch by pioneer who was making it for the CO and it was just vegetable stew and garlic bread. We all had a good day and a chat, the CO refered to the talk saying he and his wife enjoyed
    peoples generosity but he was putting on loads of weight and also they didn't like to upset people by refusing what had been made especially for them.
    I saw how human they were and could see how it would be hard visiting different congos every week and different homes always trying to be respectful of people's homes, lifes and generosity.


    Back in the day,most CO`s were cool!!

    What you may not know..Because..Your not a Jehovahs Witness..


    CO`s dietary considerations,were not discussed from the Stage..


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Bam let's take it up a notch. Rewitch had her/his fun. I still picture that bottom bitch as a 55 year old fat ass with issues

  • boyzone

    The only CO I really liked was Richard Cullen. He was a down to earth guy who openly hated the pictures in the Rev book and wasn't afraid to say so. He had time for the kids too which I always appreciated. Great speaker too.

    The loony one was Charlie Scurlock. He was so field service orientated that meetups were scheduled for 8.45am so we could all start at 9. (how the hell am I supposed to get kids to school and be there for that time?)

    Then it was door after door after door until 12 - lunch - then out again for RV's till 4. I tell ya, the bloke was a machine, nobody wanted to work with him. We all reckoned he took Matt 24 v 14 as a personal challenge.

  • boyzone

    I was shocked at how ignorant they were and even though I was young and believed it was the troof, I said something to the effect of "are you always this rude or are you just having a bad day?" The CO was furious that someone like me----young, female and blonde to boot----would dare say something like that to someone of his status, but I didn't care. I was really upset at how unappreciative they were.

    Good for you Mary.

    I hate it when I see certain ones so intmidated by the title of CO that they put up with bad bahaviour. We wouldn't tolerate it from anyone else, why the hell should they get away with it?

  • highdose

    does anyone from the UK remember John Stanbridge?

    he was infamous for denoucing single parent familes as unspiritual from the platform. also for giving the most mind numbing talk ever!... namely he would hold up pictures of native birds of britian and explain how their traits were in coman with exemplary JW's!!!

    last i heard he had been retired to Kent congo, to bore them only.... phew!

  • isaacaustin

    Our whole congregation had a talk before the CO's visit telling us not to make to much of a special effort on food for the CO, to keep it simple salads etc no puddings needed, just the food they would eat themselves by the people catering for the CO.

    I later got invited to the lunch by pioneer who was making it for the CO and it was just vegetable stew and garlic bread. We all had a good day and a chat, the CO refered to the talk saying he and his wife enjoyed peoples generosity but he was putting on loads of weight and also they didn't like to upset people by refusing what had been made especially for them.

    I saw how human they were and could see how it would be hard visiting different congos every week and different homes always trying to be respectful of people's homes, lifes and generosity.


    Reniaa: Did you handicapped child help you accompany you or did you leave her home by herself?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Issac, if you don't want Reinaa given undue attention, why do you give her undue attention? Thats all it seems you do on this board some days...

    No disrespect meant to you sir, but I am just calling them like I see them.

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