Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-02-09 WT Study (THE CHRIST)

by blondie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-02-09 WT Study (May 15, 2009, pages 28-32)(THE CHRIST)

    Review comments will be in red or headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will headed by QUOTES
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

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    “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself ... and follow me continually."--LUKE 9:23.


    Therefore, when we loyally submit to the direction of the faithful slave and its Governing Body, we are submitting to Christ, the slave's Master. (April 1 2007 WT)

    The Christ = 144,001?

    The word Christ signifies anointed. Anointing means designation to official position in God’s arrangement. The Christ is the instrument or channel for the blessing of mankind. The Christ is composed of Jesus, the great and mighty head, and 144,000 members. --The Harp of God, 1921, p 187

    WT 5/1/09 ::R4390 : page 139::

    The tribe of Levi itself was divided, a priestly class being selected, and the remainder of the tribe assisting or serving under them. So in the antitype--a "little flock," a priestly class, is selected for the pre-eminent position and constitutes "Abraham's Seed" on the highest plane, the Divine nature. This class, The Christ, is composed of Jesus, the Head, and the Church, his members.

    WT 6/15/1911 R4841: page 189

    This Gospel Age is the time in which the Messiah is prepared. The Head of the Messiah, therefore, very properly, is first; and following Him the Apostles and all down through the Age the various members of the Body. This Age will end when the full number of the "elect" shall have been found and tested. Then the Body will have been completed. When The Messiah is complete, The Christ will be complete.

    WT 2/15/27 page 53

    "Seeing then that The Servant of Jehovah is The Christ, and that The Christ is composed of Jesus and the faithful members of his body, we find it proper to apply the term "Servant" to Jesus Christ alone or to Jesus Christ and the members of his body collectively as one; and sometimes it is applied only to the members of the body of Christ yet on earth."


    Q 1, 2. Why is it important for us to consider why we should follow "the Christ"?

    How delighted Jehovah must feel to see among the congregated throngs of his worshippers on earth you newly interested ones and young ones! As you continue to study the Bible, attend Christian meetings regularly, and grow in your knowledge of the lifesaving truth found in God's Word, you need to take to heart Jesus' invitation: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow me continually." (Luke 9:23) Jesus is saying that disowning yourself and becoming his follower is something you would want to do. It is important for us, then, to consider why we should follow "the Christ."--Matt.16:13-16.


    his worshippers--only jws

    study bible--not without WT publications

    QUOTE1981 No matter where we may live on earth, God's Word continues to serve as a light to our path and a lamp to our roadway as to our conduct and beliefs. (Ps. 119:105) But Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his "faithful and discreet slave," made up of spirit anointed ones, to help Christians in all nations to understand and apply properly the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do. (Watchtower; Dec. 1, 1981; p. 27)

    COMMENTSChristian meetings regularly--only jw meetings; where in the bible does it say the early Christians had 5 meetings weekly?

    Based on the quotes in Opening Comments, who did the WTS teach is THE CHRIST?

    2. What about those of us who are already walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ? We are exhorted to "keep on doing it more fully." (1 Thess. 4:1, 2) Whether we embraced true worship recently or decades ago, reflecting on reasons for following the Christ will help us to apply Paul's exhortation and follow Him ever more fully in our daily lives. Let us consider five reasons why we should want to follow the Christ.

    COMMENTSthose of us--only jws


    To Increase Our Intimacy With Jehovah

    3. When addressing the Athenians as he "stood in the midst of the Areopagus, the apostle Paul said: "[God] decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of men, for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us." (Acts 17:22, 26, 27) We can seek God and really come to know him. For example, the book of creation speaks volumes about God's qualities and abilities. Appreciatively reflecting on his creative works can teach us a great deal about the Creator. (Rom. 1:20) Jehovah has also revealed details about himself in his written Word, the Bible. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) The more we 'meditate on his activity' and 'concern ourselves with his dealings,' the better we can get to know Jehovah.--Ps. 77:12.


    So quickly the WTS segues into discussing Jehovah and I find myself saying "where's Jesus?" He becomes only a tool to get to know God. Where is the talk about intimacy with Christ?

    Q 4. How can following the Christ help us to become intimately acquainted with Jehovah?

    4 A very fine way to become even more intimately acquainted with Jehovah is to follow the Christ. Just think of the glory Jesus had alongside his Father "before the world was"! (John 17:5) He is "the beginning of the creation by God." (Rev. 3:14) As "the firstborn of all creation' he lived for aeons in heaven with his Father, Jehovah. During his prehuman existence, Jesus did more than just spend time with his Father. He was God's personal companion, happily working together with the Almighty, forming with him the strongest bond of love ever. Jesus not only observed his Father's way of doing things, taking note of His feelings and attributes, but also absorbed and adopted all of what he learned about his Father. As a result, this obedient Son became just like his Father--so much so that the Bible refers to him as "the image of the invisible God." (Col. 1:15) By closely following the Christ, we can become more intimately acquainted with Jehovah.


    FOLLOW THE CHRIST (Jesus or the anointed?)

    To Imitate Jehovah More Fully

    Q 5. What will help us to imitate Jehovah more fully, and why?

    5 We are 'made in God's image, according to his likeness,' so we have the capacity to reflect godly attributes. (Gen. 1:26) The apostle Paul exhorted Christians to "become imitators of God, as beloved children." (Eph. 5:1) Following the Christ helps us to imitate our heavenly Father. This is because Jesus reflected God's thinking, feelings, and personality better and explained him more fully than anyone else could. When on earth, Jesus did not simply make Jehovah's name known. Rather, he revealed the Person that name represents. (Read Matthew 11:27.) Jesus did this by his words and deeds, his teachings and example.

    COMMENTSWe are 'made in God's image'--does the WTS teach that women are made in God's image like men?

    According to the WTS is it easier for humans to imitate Jesus or God? Why did Paul say to imitate him even as he imitated CHRIST not God?

    Why did Jesus not use God's name in the Lord's prayer if he wanted to reveal the person that name represented?

    *** w72 7/15 p. 445 Woman’s Regard for Headship—How Demonstrated? ***

    Woman, too, was created with these qualities. However, her position is different from that of the man. The Bible tells us: “[Man] is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory.” (1 Cor. 11:7) But why does not this text say that the woman also is God’s “image”? It should be remembered that man was created first and for some time was alone, being in God’s image by himself. The woman was made from the man and was to be subject to the man. The woman’s position thus is one that cannot reflect God’s position of headship toward his creatures, and it is this matter of headship that is discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Jehovah God is not subject to anyone. Unlike the woman, the man does not have an earthly head over him when it comes to matters relating to his wife and children. Hence in this respect he alone is “God’s image.”

    Q 6. What do Jesus' teachings reveal about Jehovah?

    6. By his teachings, Jesus showed what God requires of us and how he feels about his worshippers. (Matt. 22:36-40; Luke 12: 6, 7; 15:4-7) For example, after quoting one of the Ten Commandments--"you must not commit adultery"--Jesus explained God's view of what takes place inside the heart of a man long before he commits that act. He said: "Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Ex. 20:14; Matt. 5:27, 28) After stating the Pharisaic interpretation of a statement in the Law--"you must love your neighbor and hate your enemy"--Jesus made known Jehovah's thinking, saying: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you." (Matt. 5:43, 44; Ex. 23:4; Lev. 19:18) Gaining insight into how God thinks and feels and what he requires of us equips us to imitate him more fully.

    COMMENTShis worshippers--only jws

    gaining insight into how God thinks--where's Jesus?

    Does the WTS teach its members to love their enemies? Or do they qualify it?

    *** w93 10/1 p. 19 pars. 14-15 “Search Through Me, O God” ***
    As long as time permits, we endeavor to help such people to learn and apply Jehovah’s ways. But what if some people show intense hatred for Jehovah? Regarding them, the psalmist said: “Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies.” (Psalm 139:21, 22) It was because they intensely hated Jehovah that David looked on them with abhorrence. Apostates are included among those who show their hatred of Jehovah by revolting against him. Apostasy is, in reality, a rebellion against Jehovah. Some apostates profess to know and serve God, but they reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible, but they reject Jehovah’s organization and actively try to hinder its work. When they deliberately choose such badness after knowing what is right, when the bad becomes so ingrained that it is an inseparable part of their makeup, then a Christian must hate (in the Biblical sense of the word) those who have inseparably attached themselves to the badness. True Christians share Jehovah’s feelings toward such apostates; they are not curious about apostate ideas. On the contrary, they “feel a loathing” toward those who have made themselves God’s enemies, but they leave it to Jehovah to execute vengeance.—Job 13:16; Romans 12:19; 2 John 9, 10.

    Q 7, 8. What do we learn about Jehovah from Jesus' example?

    7. Jesus also revealed what his Father is like by example. When we read in the Gospels that Jesus felt compassion for the needy, empathy for those suffering, indignation at his disciples who reprimanded young children, do we not see the Father feeling the same emotions? (Mark 1:40- 42; 10:13, 14; John 11:32-35) Think of how Jesus' actions shed light on God's cardinal attributes. Do not the miracles Christ performed show the tremendous power he had at his disposal? Yet, he never used that power for personal gain or with the intent of harming others. (Luke 4:1-4) How clearly his action of throwing greedy merchants out of the temple shows his sense of justice! (Mark 11:15-17; John 2: 13-16) His teachings and the winsome words he used to reach people's hearts indicate that he was "more than Solomon" in wisdom. (Matt. 12:42) What can we say about the love Jesus displayed by surrendering his soul in behalf of others except that "no one has love greater than this"?--John 15:13.

    COMMENTSSo does the WTS by example show compassion for the needy, not just other jws and only those judged in good standing by the local jw congregation?

    Does WTS policy allow spanking at the kingdom hall, talks about going to the restroom too often (who decides that, the parents or the elders)?

    If so few elders can find little time to make effective, timely shepherding calls, how will they surrender their souls in behalf of these? Is it the responsibility of the sheep to find the shepherd or the shepherd to find the sheep?

    *** w02 3/1 p. 16 pars. 13-14 How Precious Is the Truth to You? ***
    In Scotland some young lambs were grazing in a pasture when one of them strayed to the side of a hillock and tumbled onto a ledge below. It was uninjured, but it was frightened and unable to climb back. So it started to bleat plaintively. Its mother heard it, and she too began to bleat until the shepherd came and retrieved the young lamb. Notice the sequence of events. The lamb called for help, the ewe added her voice to its cries, and the alerted shepherd sprang into action to rescue it. If a very young animal and its mother can sense danger and immediately call for help, should we not do the same when we stumble spiritually or face unexpected dangers from Satan’s world?

    *** w60 1/15 p. 49 par. 19 The Happy Family of the Wonder-working God ***
    He does not leave the children at home for fear they may be too noisy at the meeting. He takes the little ones to the meeting, whether they want to go or not, and if they misbehave, he corrects them, not by bribing them with candies, but by applying a good spanking as needed. They soon understand that they are there to listen and to learn.

    *** km 1/01 p. 1 par. 3 Be a Good Listener ***Unnecessary trips to the restroom also interfere with their listening

    *** km 4/91 p. 2 Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples ***Mention that at times attendants may make parents aware of the need to keep down disturbances made by their children.

    8 The Son of God represented Jehovah so perfectly in everything he said and did that he could say: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also." (Read John 14:9-11.) Following the Christ is tantamount to imitating Jehovah.

    Remember who is THE CHRIST?

    Jesus Is the Anointed One of Jehovah

    Q 9. When and how did Jesus become God's Anointed One?

    9. Consider what took place in the autumn of 29 C.E. when 30-year-old Jesus came to John the Baptizer. "After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God's spirit coming upon him." At that time, he became the Christ, or Messiah. At that time, Jehovah himself made known that Jesus was his Anointed One, saying: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved." (Matt. 3:13-17) What a fine reason that is for us to want to follow the Christ.

    COMMENTSI have explained in the past that while the WTS says there is no difference between 'baptizer' and 'baptist' they have switched in 'baptizer' perhaps not wanting to identify John with the Baptist religion.

    *** w93 8/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Should John who baptized Jesus be referred to as “John the Baptist” or as “John the Baptizer”?

    Both designations are correct and Biblically supported...It does not appear, however, that we must distinguish between these ways of referring to John. At Mark 6:24, 25, we read about Salome: “She went out and said to her mother: ‘What should I ask for?’ She said: ‘The head of John the baptizer.’ Immediately she went in with haste to the king and made her request, saying: ‘I want you to give me right away on a platter the head of John the Baptist.’” The two designations were used interchangeably.

    Some people might understand “the Baptist” according to the second definition in a dictionary: “A member or adherent of an evangelical Protestant denomination marked by congregational polity and baptism by immersion of believers only.” John certainly was not that.

    Q 10, 11. (a) In what ways is the title "Christ" used with reference to Jesus? (b) Why should we not fail to follow Jesus Christ?

    10. In the Bible, the title "Christ" is used with reference to Jesus in various ways, such as Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, and the Christ. Jesus himself first used the term "Jesus Christ"--the name followed by the title. In prayer to his Father, he said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3) This usage clearly draws attention to the one who was sent forth by God and became his Anointed One. When the title is placed ahead of the name, as in "Christ Jesus," the emphasis shifts from the person to the position, or office, held by him. (2 Cor. 4:5) Using the expression "the Christ," the title preceded by the definite article, is another way to emphasize Jesus' office as the Messiah.--Acts 5:42.

    COMMENTSBased on the games the WTS played with "baptizer" and "baptist" where is this going?

    Jesus Christ = attention on Jesus as individual "clearly"?
    Christ Jesus = attention to position held by Jesus
    THE CHRIST = office of Messiah

    Is there any PROOF here?

    11. Regardless of how the title "Christ" is used with reference to Jesus, it highlights this important truth: Even though the Son of God came to the earth as a man and made his Father's will known, he was neither just an ordinary man nor merely a prophet; he came to be the Anointed One of Jehovah. We must not fail to follow this One.

    QUOTE"Christ" means anointed in Greek (Messiah in Hebrew). All the 144,000 are said to be anointed in similar fashion as Jesus, Jesus being the head and the 144,000 being the body, together making the whole body, "The Christ." The 8,524 who "partook" at the LEM (memorial) this year are the remaining ones "remnant" of those on earth. The GB makes up part of the 144,000 but not all.

    144,000 + Jesus = The Christ.

    Look at some older WTS publications prior to 1945 and you will see that concept often.

    ***w63 9/1 pp. 539-540 Names for Christ and His Congregation***

    "We come now to a consideration of those terms or titles that apply or are used to refer to Jesus Christ apart from his body members. Among those that might be mentioned as found in the Christian Greek Scriptures are "the Amen," "Faithful and True," "the Faithful Witness," "King of kings and Lord of lords," "the Lamb of God," "Leader," "the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah," "Lord," "Potentate," "Savior," and "the Word." Clearly, the designations here referred to apply, not to Jesus’ body members, but to Jesus himself, even as do his more commonly used names, "Jesus," "Jesus Christ" and "Christ Jesus."—Rev. 3:14; 19:11; 1:5; 19:16; John 1:29; Matt. 23:10; Rev. 5:5; 1 Pet. 3:15;1 Tim. 6:15; Luke 2:11; John 1:1; Matt. 1:21; Rom. 7:25; 8:1.

    But what about the expressions "the Christ" and "Christ"? Does the use of the article with "Christ" designate something different from when no article is used? Might it be that, whereas the term "Christ" refers to Jesus Christ alone, the term "the Christ" could also include the 144,000 members of his body? Do the Scriptures support this thought or distinction? No, they do not. Certainly Christ’s body members are not included in the words of Peter: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Then again, the 144,000 are said to rule "as kings with the Christ for a thousand years." How could they be said to be reigning with the Christ if they were a part of the Christ? Yes, there are many scriptures that distinguish between "the Christ" and the members of his body.—Matt. 16:16; Rev. 20:4.

    In fact, the expression "the Christ" of itself at no time includes the members of Christ’s body. So the title "Christ," with or without the definite article, refers to Jesus Christ, the article serving to draw attention to or to emphasize his office as the Messiah. Christ is the Head and Bridegroom of the 144,000, his body or bride. That is why these ones are said to be "in union with Christ," to "belong to Christ," and to be "Christ’s body."—Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 3:23; 12:27.

    The fact that Christians are said to be "in union with Christ" does not mean that they can be spoken of as "the Christ," anymore than the term "Lord" can be applied to them because children are told, "Be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord."—Eph. 6:1.

    How, then, are we to understand 1 Corinthians 12:12? This reads: "Just as the body is one but has many members, and all the members of that body, although being many, are one body, so also is the Christ." Does not the term "the Christ" in this instance include the body members? No, apparently not, for what Paul is here discussing is the body of Christ separate and distinct from its Head. That is why he sums up his argument in verse 27, saying: "Now you are Christ’s body, and members individually." At verse 12 Paul is evidently using an elliptical way of speaking in connection with the Christ, a form of speech not uncommon in the Scriptures. So we could paraphrase Paul’s words at 1 Corinthians 12:12 this way: ‘Just as the body, though being a single entity, has many members, so it is with the body of Christ, that is, those associated with or belonging to Jesus Christ.'In other words, the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures do not make a distinction between "the Christ" and Jesus Christ. Illustrating this point is Ephesians 2:13, which says: "But now in union with Christ Jesus you who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ." Compare also Ephesians 1:10, 12, 20.

    *** w59 5/1 p. 269 pars. 6-7 Attain Completeness in the New World Society ***

    The whole body under the direction of the head moves and acts as a beautifully co-ordinated unit, perfectly organized. In the same way Christ, the Head, employs the organization that is his body to carry out his assigned work. His orders reach the whole of the organization on earth through the governing body, and on down through the Branches to the congregations.—1 Cor. 12:12-18; Matt. 24:45-47. To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary to obey the organization that he is personally directing. Doing what the organization says is to do what he says. Resisting the organization is to resist him.

    Jesus Is the Only Way to Salvation

    Q 12. What statement made to the apostle Thomas holds meaning for us?

    12. Another vital reason to keep on following the Messiah is stated in Jesus' words to his faithful apostles, spoken just a few hours before his death. In response to Thomas' question about Jesus' statement concerning going away and preparing a place for them, Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:1-6) Jesus was then speaking to the 11 faithful apostles. He promised them a place in heaven, but his words also have meaning for those who hope to gain everlasting life on earth. (Rev. 7: 9,10; 21:1-4) How so?

    COMMENTSNo one comes to the Father except through Jesus except when the WTS makes its flipflop application of 1 Timothy 2:5 where Jesus is said to be the mediator only for the 144,000 but not the other sheep UNLESS it is in regard to prayer.

    So Jesus was not promising everlasting life on earth...but the WTS will explain his words for us.

    *** w04 4/1 p. 32 Should We Call Upon Angels for Help? ***
    However, angels do not serve as intercessors who bring human prayers to the throne of the Most High. God has determined that prayers be addressed to him in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, who said: “No matter what you ask the Father in my name he might give it to you.”—John 15:16; 1 Timothy 2:5.

    Q 13. In what sense is Jesus "the way"?

    13. Jesus Christ is "the way." That is, he is the only one through whom it is possible for us to approach God. This is true in the matter of prayer, for only by praying through Jesus do we have the assurance that the Father will give us whatever we may request in harmony with His will. (John 15:16) However, Jesus is "the way" also in a further sense. Sin has alienated mankind from God. (Isa. 59:2) Jesus gave "his soul a ransom in exchange for many." (Matt. 20:28) As a result, the Bible explains: "The blood of Jesus ... cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1:7) The Son has thus opened up the way of reconciliation with God. (Rom. 5:8-10) It is by putting faith in Jesus and obeying him that we can have an approved relationship with God.--John 3:36.


    only by praying through Jesus?

    only through Jesus "approved relationship with God"

    *** w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood ***
    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.

    14. Jesus is "the truth" not only because he always spoke and lived the truth but also because all the prophecies written about the Messiah--scores of them--were fulfilled in him. "No matter how many the promises of God are," wrote the apostle Paul, "they have become Yes by means of him." (2 Cor. 1:20) Even" a shadow of the good things to come" contained in the Mosaic Law became a reality in Christ Jesus. (Heb. 10:1; Col. 2:17) Jesus is the focal point on which all prophecies concentrate, and they shed light on his central role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. (Rev. 19:10) To benefit from the fulfillment of what God has purposed for us, we need to follow the Messiah.

    COMMENTSSo is Jesus the focal point or must jws go through the WTS to reach Jesus?

    Q 15. In what sense is Jesus "the life"?

    15. Jesus is "the life" because he has bought the human race with his lifeblood, and everlasting life is a gift that God gives "by Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 6:23) Jesus is "the life" also to those who have died. (John 5:28, 29) Moreover, think of what he will do as High Priest during his Millennial Reign. Why, he will obtain everlasting deliverance from sin and death for his earthly subjects!--Heb. 9:11, 12, 28.

    COMMENTSSo does Hebrews 9:11,12,28 provide proof for the statement about "earthly subjects"?

    CARROT: everlasting life

    Q16. What reason do we have for following Jesus?

    16. Jesus' answer to Thomas, then, has great meaning for us. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. He is the one God sent forth into the world for the world to be saved through him. (John 3: 17) And no one comes to the Father except through him. The Bible clearly states: "There is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved." (Acts 4:12) Whatever our background may be, therefore, it is the course of wisdom for us to believe in Jesus, follow him, and thus be led to life.--John 20:31.

    COMMENTSDoes the WTS teach that anyone can get everlasting life without going through their organization?

    *** w89 9/1 p. 19 par. 7 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***
    Only Jehovah’s Witnesses
    , those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the “flesh” that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.

    We Are Commanded to Listen to the Christ

    Q 17. Why is it important for us to listen to God's Son?

    17. Peter, John, and James witnessed the transfiguration. At that time, they heard a voice from heaven say: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him." (Luke 9:28, 29, 35) Our obeying the command to listen to the Messiah is a serious matter.--Read Acts 3:22, 23.

    COMMENTSObeying Jesus' command = obeying WTS/FDS/GB

    Q 18. How may we listen to Jesus Christ?

    18. Listening to Jesus involves 'looking intently at him, considering his example closely.' (Heb. 12:2, 3) Hence, we do well to "pay more than the usual attention to the things" we read about him in the Bible and in the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave," as well as what we hear about him at Christian meetings. (Heb. 2:1; Matt. 24:45) As his sheep, let us be eager to listen to Jesus and follow him.--John 10:27.

    COMMENTSThe WTS teaches that no one can understand the Bible without their publications. (see above)

    Can the sheep follow Jesus without following the WTS, no.

    19. What will help us to follow the Christ continually?

    Q 19. Can we succeed in following the Christ continually, no matter what comes our way? Yes, we can, provided that we "keep holding the pattern of healthful words" by practicing what we learn "with the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus."--2 Tim.1:13.

    COMMENTSSo has the WTS been holding to their pattern in view of their flipflop doctrines of

    Superior Authorities
    Organ Transplants

    What Did You Learn? • Why can following "the Christ" increase our intimacy with Jehovah?
    • Why is imitating Jesus tantamount to imitating Jehovah?
    • How is Jesus "the way and the truth and the life"?
    • Why should we listen to Jehovah's Anointed One?


    So will the WTS flipflop back to teaching that THE CHRIST is the 144,000 and Jesus (144,001) to gain a stronger foothold as the only way to Christ? Time will tell.

    Next week, "Be Zealous for Jehovah's House." This is another OT exercise for NT people.

    Love, Blondie

  • OnTheWayOut


    Therefore, when we loyally submit to the direction of the faithful slave and its Governing Body, we are submitting to Christ, the slave's Master. (April 1 2007 WT)

    Since Christ is invisible and the faithful slave outside of the Ivory Tower are nothing special, just submit to the Governing Body.
    Does anyone feel like I do when they read this- How could I have been duped into such mindless following?

    Blondie's quote for para. 1: Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do. (Watchtower; Dec. 1, 1981; p. 27)

    I used this when I resigned as an elder. I said I didn't even bother to know the names of the GB members, I don't know a single anointed one. How can I be "in touch" ?

    Para. 7 ...indignation at his disciples who reprimanded young children...

    I am confused as to why they put that there. Do they want parents to cut back on spanking at the Hall? Don't they want silence from children unless they are commenting?

    COMMENTSI have explained in the past that while the WTS says there is no difference between 'baptizer' and 'baptist' they have switched in 'baptizer' perhaps not wanting to identify John with the Baptist religion.

    Should John who baptized Jesus be referred to as “John the Baptist” or as “John the Baptizer”?

    Just another way for Jehovah's Witnesses to have their own loaded language, be different, feel "special."

    11. Regardless of how the title "Christ" is used with reference to Jesus, it highlights this important truth: Even though the Son of God came to the earth as a man and made his Father's will known, he was neither just an ordinary man nor merely a prophet; he came to be the Anointed One of Jehovah. We must not fail to follow this One.

    Para. 11 leads into a slippery slope of loaded language. Follow the one- the anointed one- follow the anointed- follow the Governing Body.

  • WTWizard

    First, where is the proof that Jesus wanted people to follow him? True, it might be in the Bible--but what says that Luke remembered that detail after more than 40 years? And Paul's influence turned Christ's message into a new set of commandments--which would have further confused the Gospel writers.

    Second, I see no evidence whatsoever that the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery follows Christ. Beating up children for not paying attention at the boasting session or for acting up during field circus, banning everything that is remotely fun, custom-making rules in various congregations, protecting pedophiles while silencing the victims, and busting up opportunities for living one's life while they slave for the religion is not what Jesus wanted people to do. Nor did he want everything we do to be what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger tells us to. And, what about not questioning the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger? If they are wrong, we are to abide by and teach the bad viewpoint, even if we can prove it wrong, until they themselves change it (even if they themselves had it right and change it to a bad viewpoint).

    I think they would do well to practice what they preach before imposing it on people.

  • Bangalore

    Remember the old JW saying "It is better to be wrong with the WT Society,rather than be right and be against the society" or something like that.


  • boyzone

    Ah there it is! I was waiting for this part.

    Q 18. How may we listen to Jesus Christ?

    18. Listening to Jesus involves 'looking intently at him, considering his example closely.' (Heb. 12:2, 3) Hence, we do well to "pay more than the usual attention to the things" we read about him in the Bible and in the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave," as well as what we hear about him at Christian meetings. (Heb. 2:1; Matt. 24:45) As his sheep, let us be eager to listen to Jesus and follow him.--John 10:27.

    All the way through I just knew they weren't gonna leave themselves out of the picture for long. Listening to Jesus Christ means reading about him in the publications from the FDS, yep business as usual.

    Thanks for a great analysis Blondie.

  • boyzone


    Therefore, when we loyally submit to the direction of the faithful slave and its Governing Body, we are submitting to Christ, the slave's Master. (April 1 2007 WT)
    Since Christ is invisible and the faithful slave outside of the Ivory Tower are nothing special, just submit to the Governing Body.
    Does anyone feel like I do when they read this- How could I have been duped into such mindless following?

    Yep, I felt the same way when I first read that 2 years ago. It was one of those Watchtowers that gave me a sudden clarity and I suddenly saw them for what they were. Everything that was wrong about the Org came into focus with that WT especially when it went on to say,

    " For this reason, all in the congregation view it as their sacred duty to follow and uphold the direction coming from the faithful slave and its Governing Body". April 07 WT pg 24 para 13

    By saying it was our sacred duty to obey them, I knew that they were not only false prophets but false gods too. Ever since then every WT dealing wit a loyalty issue has the Society firmly planted in there. They disgust me.

  • Heaven

    Therefore, when we loyally submit to the direction of the faithful slave and its Governing Body, we are submitting to Christ, the slave's Master. (April 1 2007 WT)

    say what?! I DON'T think so! Where is this stated in the Bible?

  • blondie

    Full 4/1/07 quote

    *** w07 4/1 p. 24 Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave ***

    Showing Due Respect for the Faithful Slave

    A fundamental reason for showing proper respect for the faithful slave class is that by so doing, we are in fact showing respect for the Master, Jesus Christ. Paul wrote of the anointed ones: "He that was called when a freeman is a slave of Christ. You were bought with a price." (1 Corinthians 7:22, 23; Ephesians 6:6) Therefore, when we loyally submit to the direction of the faithful slave and its Governing Body, we are submitting to Christ, the slave’s Master. Our showing due respect for the instrument Christ is using to manage his earthly belongings is one way in which we "openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."—Philippians 2:11.
  • Heaven

    "He that was called when a freeman is a slave of Christ."

    This is singular, individual - 'man'. Not a Governing Body. I have never seen 'The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses' mentioned in the Bible.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Two big errors in this Botchtower farticle:

    9. Consider what took place in the autumn of 29 C.E. when 30-year-old Jesus came to John the Baptizer. "After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God's spirit coming upon him." At that time, he became the Christ, or Messiah. At that time, Jehovah himself made known that Jesus was his Anointed One, saying: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved." (Matt. 3:13-17)

    Luke's gospel would be considered reliable on such details. What did he say?

    (Luke 2:8-14) 8 There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks. 9 And suddenly Jehovah’s angel stood by them, and Jehovah’s glory gleamed around them, and they became very fearful. 10 But the angel said to them: “Have no fear, for, look! I am declaring to YOU good news of a great joy that all the people will have, 11 because there was born to YOU today a Savior, who is Christ [the] Lord, in David’s city. 12 And this is a sign for YOU: YOU will find an infant bound in cloth bands and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there came to be with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God and saying: 14 “Glory in the heights above to God, and upon earth peace among men of goodwill.”

    (Luke 2:25-27) 25 And, look! there was a man in Jerusalem named Sim′e?on, and this man was righteous and reverent, waiting for Israel’s consolation, and holy spirit was upon him. 26 Furthermore, it had been divinely revealed to him by the holy spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Christ of Jehovah. 27 Under the power of the spirit he now came into the temple; and as the parents brought the young child Jesus in to do for it according to the customary practice of the law,

    Sorry Botchtower, according to the Bible you are lying. From the time of his birth, at the testimony of angels and the holy spirit, he was divinely recognized as the Christ, the Anointed, the Savior. Later he was baptized and began his ministry. The OT example is Samuel anointing the young boy David... but he didn't become king until later. Another OT example would be the nazarites from birth, like Samson. So, if the Bible says that Jesus was the Christ from the time of his birth, who authorized Watchtower corporation to publish "new light", changing scripture to say that he wasn't anointed until he was 30?

    Perhaps JW parents should now realize that children shouldn't be baptized until at least 30?

    Their obsession with black/white, right/wrong, ours is the only "truth", puts them in conflict with the Bible. What next, will the "celebrated JW scholars" say that Jesus wasn't born a prince but was appointed prince in 1874 by CT Russell?

    Error #2 follows directly...

    10. In the Bible, the title "Christ" is used with reference to Jesus in various ways, such as Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, and the Christ. Jesus himself first used the term "Jesus Christ"--the name followed by the title. In prayer to his Father, he said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3) This usage clearly draws attention to the one who was sent forth by God and became his Anointed One. When the title is placed ahead of the name, as in "Christ Jesus," the emphasis shifts from the person to the position, or office, held by him. (2 Cor. 4:5) Using the expression "the Christ," the title preceded by the definite article, is another way to emphasize Jesus' office as the Messiah.--Acts 5:42.

    Fancy verbage, but complete fiction scripturally. Nearly half the times "Jesus Christ" is used, it is preceded by "Lord" or followed by "our Lord", which would shift the emphasis back from the person to the position or office. Flip, flop, flip. But the biggest error is, "When the title is placed ahead of the name, as in "Christ Jesus," the emphasis shifts from the person to the position, or office, held by him." If that was the case, why was Paul the only writer to use the expression "Christ Jesus"? Did none of the other Bible writers appreciate the position or office held by Jesus? "Christ Jesus" is used once in Acts, but there refering to what Paul was doing. And since the expression "Christ Jesus" doesn't appear in Hebrews, but does appear in most other of Paul's letters, including Philemon and Titus, it is additional proof that Paul did not write Hebrews. "Christ Jesus" is nothing more than a Pauline creation, nothing more or less significant than that.

    "This usage clearly draws attention..."? Not so "clearly" when you actually look at the Bible. Rarely the wording is used to make a point, mostly it's used interchangably. Once again, those "celebrated JW scholars" are trying to look smart... but aren't.

    B the X

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