RUSSIA deports and bans JW Attorneys

by skeeter1 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    The Russian Orthodox Church doesn't like competition. I think that is the point.

  • passwordprotected

    The Russian Orthodox Church doesn't like competition. I think that is the point.

    Sorry, but I highly doubt the WTS are any sort of competition.


    The WBT$ Government intends to Crush the Soviet Government..

    At least thats what the WBT$ believes..

    I wonder how the Russian Government would react to the WBT$,if they knew the Truth?..


  • Satanus

    "The thing is that the Jehovists [a Soviet-era term for Jehovah's Witnesses] recognise only their own faith as the truth and try to preach this given any opportunity, thus offending the sensitivities of representatives of other confessions."

    Wt corp is totally intollerant of other religions, and vows to spread this hateful message. All they need do is accept other religions as having the right to exist, and cease preaching. 'Course, that is anethema to them. They spin the russians as being intollerant. Here is a break down of religions in russia:

    Based on self-identification data, the population of Russia includes 70.2% of Russian Orthodox Christians, a little more than 1% of Protestants (including 0.3% of Lutherans), a little less than 1% of Roman Catholics and some 0.1% of Old Believers. About 0.1% of the population are adherents of Buddhism. A Russian census of 2002 found 230 thousand (0.16%) ethnic Jews in the country, but only 8% of them, which is 0.01% of the total population) self-identify as followers of Judaism. 4-6% are Muslim. Small religions in Russia comprise 0.19%. 4% of the population identified themselves as non-believers.


  • Robdar
    Sorry, but I highly doubt the WTS are any sort of competition.

    That may be but it hasn't stopped the priests from burning down the houses of Jws and beating them til they are half dead. Funny how the Russian Orthodox were oppressed during communism and now they are the ones doing the oppressing.

    My experience with the Russian Orthodox is that they are intolerant towards anybody who is not one of their own. They are a hateful bunch. I am not speaking out of my ass either. I attended a Russian Orthodox church for almost 2 years with my ex-- until I couldn't take its members anymore and stopped attending.

  • passwordprotected

    @ Robdar, apart from the part about house burning and beatings, everything you said about the Russian Orthodox church could be said about Jehovah's Witnesses;

    - oppressive

    - intolerant

    - hateful

  • besty

    i'm told its quite common to flit from one cult to the next......

    Russian Ortho - JW - same news different people

  • WTWizard

    If they want to believe that crap, that's up to them. If they want to practice their beliefs, that's up to them.

    However, if they are going to make it difficult for people to switch out, and they are going to use deceptive practices to get people in the cancer, only to destroy their lives once they are in, they need to be put out of business for that. I don't care if you don't celebrate birthdays, wish to die instead of getting a blood transfusion, or waste all your life reading the littera-trash from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. But, if I am scammed into believing that on false premises and then hounded or dragged back into it, or prevented from leaving, when I no longer believe it or realize that it is not working, that should be grounds to get them busted.

  • OnTheWayOut

    We know they really are destroying families, dangerous to health, and extremists.
    Regardless of how the JW's might proclaim "persecution" this is the proper thing to do- attempt to get them banned.
    I hope the rest of the world pays attention if Russia succeeds.

  • Bangalore

    But won't banning only reinforce their claim that they are the true religion because thay are being persecuted?


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