Let's start our own governing body

by bluecanary 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    thanks to both bluecanary and parakeet. As I have said before, it seems that birds of a feather flock together, even if they don't share the same roost

  • JeffT

    I refuse to accept your authority.

    I'd start my own GB but to steal a phrase from Groucho Marx, I won't associate with people that would have me as a leader.

  • Chalam

    Hi BC,

    Challam—dept. of somebody on here might as well be religious

    I am not a fan of religion! Any chance I can work in the faith department please? :)

    What are we governing BTW?

    All the best,


  • bluecanary

    Stephen, yes you may chair the Faith Dept. We're governing whatever anyone will let us get away with. That's what all governors do right?

  • Farkel

    snowbird - Chairperson of Genteel Southern Hospitality Committee

    Marvin Shilmer - Dept. of Stealth Anti-Theocratic Weaponry

    Barbara Anderson - Chairman of the Board!

    Flipper - Peace Out Dept. of Public Relations

    Compound Complex - Ambassador of Peace to Everyone and Chairman of the "Head Cheerleader" Dept.!

    beks - Liason Coordinator to Nancy Pelosi and the Karl Marx Foundation

    Renaiaa - Ambassador to the "People Like You Are Why We Left" Committee

    Spike T - Ambassador to the "People Like You Are Why We Are Still Out" Committee

    Old Hippie - Dept. of "Still Trying to Figure It Out After All These Years"

    Minimus - Dept. of "I Never Run Out of Questions" Bureau

    All Trolls - Ambassadors to the "Do Ya Feel Lucky? Well, DO YA, PUNK?" Committee


  • besty

    besty - Dept of Facilities Mgmt - i'll look after the climate for y'all

  • AllTimeJeff
    besty - Dept of Facilities Mgmt - i'll look after the climate for y'all

    Cool, our own HVAC dept....

    Blondie: Writing Dept Coordinator

    Farkel: Official Bullshit Translator

    CoCo: Chairman of the Easy Going

    Barbara Anderson: Chariman of Bravery

    Minmus: Chairman of Quantity and Quality (aka Weights and Measures)

    Beks: Chairwoman of Liberal Arts

    Mastadon: Chariman of Facial Hair

    Oompa: MILF Coordinator

    Leolaia: Chairwoman of real Scholars kicking Freddy Franz's @$$

    Lady Lee: Chairwoman of the Grownups

    Mouthy: Chairwoman of of following the bread crumbs (re: 1914)

    Flipper: Prince of Peace out!

    Issacaustin: Chairman of "I will chase you JW trolls to the ends of the earth!"

    V: Chairman of bitching WT videos

    A@G: Chairman of cool Gilead videos....

    Narkissos: Chairman of Textual Integrity

    Chalam: Chairman of Scriptural Fire Hydrants

  • besty

    Dang - if i'd known there was a MILF Coordinator role I would have applied....

  • mrsjones5

    Thank you one and all.

    Mrs Jones5, dept of "Oh Snap!"

  • AllTimeJeff
    Dang - if i'd known there was a MILF Coordinator role I would have applied....

    Tell me about it.... I doubt I would have the panache for it.....

    MrsJones, that job is yours! Go get em!

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