If my JW aunt or cousin dropped dead tomorrow, I wouldn't care, to be honest with you.
Do You Care What Happens To Indiviual JWs At This Point In Time?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't that the point we've learned since leaving ? Not to define friendship and caring by religious beliefs...
but to see individuals .... to wish no harm upon anyone unlike the GB that says cut off even your best friend
who goes against any of their self-proclaimed disfellowshipping wrong doings such as smoking (101 things ).
Matthew 5:43-48)- 43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor[g] and hate your enemy
For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren[i] only, what do you do more than others
I seek to greet everyone... to wish no harm upon anyone .
The only ones I couldnt care less about are the bastards in the tower who have been sucking their living off the rank and file, threatening them into servitude to support their lazy self righteous asses.
They can all go straight to hell in a handbasket.
Yes I Care.
stillwondering asked: how do I post from word?
I use Word all the time. The font is Verdana and the size is 9. I type up what I wish to say and then I select what I wish to copy, do a Ctrl-C (Copy) and in the Post a Reply window, I do a Ctrl-V (Paste). If I copy anything from here, it seems to be 'centered' so I have to left justify it first. Sometimes I have to alter the font and size as some posters either have too big or too small a font size. Does that help any?
Yes, I would care very much for a few. There are some that are sincere, just caught up in a cult as I was.
Others, I would care to the point that I care for people in general.
I don't wish harm on anyone, justice yes... but not harm.
I care very much. There are a lot of nice, kind, sincere, deluded people caught up in the snare that is the WTBS. If I could do something to help them get out, I would.
I've thought for a long time that if the Society does collapse somehow, there will be a lot of hurt people out there.
still wondering
many thanks, I'll give a try next time.
I care. I have many people I consider friends in the organisation.
If every JW vanished from the earth tomorrow I probably wouldn't even notice.