Satanus - you need some new friends........
Materialism & Adultery
by sweet pea 36 Replies latest jw friends
hemp lover
"Hemp Lover - I AM a Brit living in California - been here just over a year......."
Well, in that case, welcome to the USA. I thought maybe you were like me. Ever since I've become bestest friends with Crumpet, I've found myself saying things like, "Y'all wanna come over to mine?" ;-)
sweet pea
Thanks HL - thanks for the welcome. Bestest friends with Crumpet eh? She's a doll. We hooked up in London a while back, I miss her naughty posts......
The Berean
Hope for the future
While most of recall horror stories and hypocracy, I must say that the current crrop of you JWs (Of course fewer are staying) are more real and less prone to putting on errs. True, the old school still lingers but if you will notice the newbees and climbers they pretty much mind their own business and ignor others. I find it pleasant that I am no longer interrogated as to where I have been or what my problem is. I suppose the stocked gun rack in my pickup might have something to do with them leaving me alone! You suppose?
Seriously, the kids who stay are better than the crowd most of us had to deal with.
Sweet Pea, go back to school when it makes sense for your family. It is never too late. I went back as an "old woman" :o) and had the time of my life learning things I never even knew to be curious about. You don't have to know what you want to do right away. While you are fulfilling some of the liberal arts requirements, you will have the chance to explore a lot of interesting subject matter until you find something that you love. It seemed like my whole world opened up and it forever changed who I am and my outlook on life. You will meet so many interesting and amazing people. I will never regret the sacrifices I made to reach that important goal. I started my undergrad at age 38 and continued through to my Masters degree. Keep that dream alive and you'll know when it is the right time to pursue it. You can do it! All the best to you!
since leaving I have come across the best of friends I could ever imagine.....I feel truly blessed. When you get to
meet Normal People your in shock because its something you never expected you were told worldly people were bad and it really does
get heavily ingrained in your mind.
I found that on a basic level people are good. I now have friends that do not judge me for: how many meetings I do or do not attend, how many times I show my face in the ministry, whether I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster or God or Allah, how big or small my house is. They like (or do not like) me based on who I really am. They are loyal friends, faithful partners and instill good morals in their kids (and most do not go to Church....). Totally unlike the picture painted by the Society. Although I miss my old JW friends, I certainly don't miss the subtle (and not so subtle) judgementalism of those friendships.
I totally agree with you on everything you just said. I am just now leaving and everyone I have made friends with are very moral live very clean lives. I love that they do not judge me like I was in the witnesses world. So far the peace of not being at the meetings has been nice.
this thread just shows human nature is the same. People say..
When I was a witness - the people around were good.
now I am not a witness - the people around me are good.
all this shows is loyalty to our current situations and maybe justifying new choices. Imperfection is imperfection no one is free of it till Jesus comes. This is a bible fact that you have to deal with when dealing with current humanity in others and in ourselves, whatever our situation.
Matthew 26:41 (New American Standard Bible)
41 " (A) Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; (B) the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
Oceanside! Sweet, Surfs up. Huge swell came in yesterday. The 'Wedge' at Newport Beach was breaking over the Jetty, check out a youtube video of it.
There are great associations that do a lot of good in the communities they serve, its a good place to start rebuilding friendships.
SWEET PEA- Good thread . I have found in my 6 years out of the witnesses that non-witness people are far less judgmental, show unconditional caring and love in an open minded way that Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to do because of cult mind control by the WT society. I found subversive , divisive communication techniques among the witnesses - and these divisive techniques are STILL used against me by some in my witness family to this day ! Right now I'm going through an ordeal with my dissension causing older brother who is an ex-Bethel elder. He's trying to turn some family members against me.
So I also see more hatred , bad qualities, materialism among witnesses than I have ever seen in people outside the cult in general. Yet the witnesses act like thy are so much holier than everybody. It's nauseating to observe