Materialism & Adultery

by sweet pea 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    "I was stuck to the nipple of the GB." That's a pleasant image, thanks ;-)

    Sweet Pea, you nailed it. Realizing "worldly" people were pretty freakin' all right was one of the things that got me to open my eyes after I was df'ed and still a believer. It hit me that the only people who had ever looked me in the eye and lied to me or screwed me over in business dealings were JWs. And also seeing that nobody knew who JWs were or what they believed helped, because I talked to everybody about who I used to be, usually at happy hour - lol.

    "I very much regret not going to University"

    Me, too. You talk like a Brit. How did that happen? ;-)

  • zarco

    Sweat Pea - give it a go (education). In our experience people with life experience do very well at university. There a few "know it all" but bottom line young people accept and respect those who better themselves.

    And you are right, you as one person make a difference and are making a difference. Nice work!


  • Gregor

    Sweetpea, this is a good topic.

    My last few years as a JW included 5 yrs on Judicial Committees. I should have only done three yrs and then rotated off the JC. Anyway, it completely changed my feelings about the WTower cult.

    One evening towards the middle of the 5th yr I told 2 elders over a few beers during a backyard BBQ/pool party that I truly believed that if took 100 people at random off the street and compared their personal lives to 100 Jehovah's witnesses that the JWs would have a significantly higher percentage of adultery, fornication, etc. and most telling, the 'kinky' sexual sins unique to WT law. The reason I remember this occasion so well is the reaction of these two friends. One of them asked me later if I believed this was God's organization. I was gone 18 months later. I stand by my statement today.

    PS For men, material success is a combination brain anasthetic and testerone booster.

  • zarco

    I want to be ATJ's friend too - but he lives too far away. A west coast trip is necessary. He can't be "all time" without visiting the west:)

  • zarco


    I have said similar. We lived in a moderate sized town with two congregations. Over a three year period there were 16 divorces (both congregations in total) and loads of other stuff. I worked for a company that had well over 300 employees and no divorces over the same period of time. A spiritual paradise... I think not.


  • AllTimeJeff
    You have friends here if you ever get the urge to come to LA

    I was in San Diego last month, Oceanside actually... Didn't even think to ring you guys up. Stupid! I have totally forgotten what its like to say "Let's do lunch!" .... I will have to do that next time.... I am sure Besty and I would have some fun too....

    I keep thinking the first time I visit LA, there will be a quake... But what the hell...

    Good idea for the thread btw...

  • Satanus

    My experience is that worldly people are worse. It could be just my luck in choosing poor associates.


  • AllTimeJeff
    "I was stuck to the nipple of the GB." That's a pleasant image, thanks ;-)

    Yeah, nothing like flabby men's "B" cups.

    Zarco, we can get together the next time I am in Cali... whenever that is.. lol....

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Hemp Lover - I AM a Brit living in California - been here just over a year.......

    Zarco - do you work in Education then? I may just give it a go once the kids are a bit older, not sure what I would like to study though - so many choices.....

    Gregor - interesting observations, you obviously have a shedload of experience, I'm glad you're here! And I think you're right in your take on the numbers - just like JWs have a proven high proportion of mental health isssues than your average Joe Bloggs.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    ATJ!! I can't believe you were in Oceanside and didn't come to visit - we could even have met you there - we have friends who have just moved to Oceanside!!!! I'll pm you with our numbers......

    and don't worry about the earthquakes, we've only been here a short while and experienced about 5 of them! Nothing to worry about, LA is built to cope with them. They're quite fun actually.......

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