I've written a few times about the wacko elder who often dramatically intones about how "the end isn't close...it is IMMINENT!". I just found out he is facing foreclosure on his house, and the business he founded and is co-owner of is floundering. Imagine the desperation - 59 years old and nothing to show for all those years. House gone, money gone, retirement funds gone.....
I think this is the main reason why, as you say, so many Witnesses are desperate to see The End come. This religion in many ways, does not teach you how to live in the present, it's always about living in the future, where there's no such thing as a mortgage, Visa, MasterCard or the telephone or cable bill at the end of the month. Most Witnesses do not have a good education and live hand to mouth as a result. But since credit is so easy to get, many of them get huge mortgages and ring up their credit cards, believing that the Day of Reckoning will never materialize thanks to the promise of the Big A wiping the slate clean. Sure, why not live high on the hog for the next 2 or 3 years----after that, it's easy sailing.

This is the exact same mentality that the brothers and sisters had in the years leading up to 1975. We all know that many sold their homes and businesses, fully expecting that they'd have enough to carry them through to the New System. I guess they didn't read the fine print.
My former best friend's parents were and still are, fanatical Witnesses. They sold their house in 1987 for about $85,000. They were so sure that Armageddon was only a few years away, that they didn't want to be bothered with a house anymore, and so they moved into an apartment building instead and began to pioneer. That sort of thinking never made any sense to me because now you've got to pay rent every month whereas if they had stayed in the house, they'd have no mortgage to pay as it had been paid off a few years previously.
This brother was a cleaner (big surprise there eh?) and ended up with some sort of disability that affected him greatly. Yet he had always been self-employed so he had to keep working. He never paid into a pension, had any savings other than the money from his house, no RRSP's or anything. He's now nearly 70 years old, still works even though it kills his back, because they blew all the money from the sale of their house and have absolutely nothing to live on. I saw him at a funeral last year and he was telling me how "close" we are to The End and that he'd be surprised if this System 'lasted another 2 years.'
Can't help but wonder if he regrets being dumb enough to sell his house like that. Funny, the people who bought it off of him 22 years ago recently sold it for $267,000. Had they been smart enough and held onto the house until now, they could have at least bought a smaller house, banked the remainder and had a bit of a steady income.