I agree that the original poster did not post the truth of the matter. JW parents love their children, most anyway. I'm sure there are worse groups out there. Born ins didn't have a choice and didn't know what was out there to explore and research. It sounds like the rant of a teenager who has had it, or is the bait of a troll having fun with us to see what we'll say.
Raising Children In The JW Cult Is Child Abuse
by George Yurich 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
welcome back deceived, its a sad story...i wish you well in coming to terms with it. xxx
Sour Grapes
I would say that what I went thru as a child was minor child abuse because
of being denied the holidays, not getting to know my worldly aunts, uncles and
cousins and being made fun of in school for being a JW. I would not say that
JW's are Satanic. Basically they are bunch of good people in a cult.
Sour Grapes
Becoming a JW changes who you are...even if you started out self reliant, smart, logical, tolerant...it changes you. And then when you REALIZE you were changed and step back and look at who you WERE as a JW you cannot believe that that happened to you, that you somehow ALLOWED it to happen to you.
Thats what mind control is. That is how a cult works. That is what it feeds on....control. And TOTAL HATRED of anything that points at its works and cries FOUL!!!
Red Fireball
I am new to this forum - please be patient with me. I would like to chime in on this subject as I have first hand knowledge of the child abuse I encountered as a JW. I was abused while growing up in the JW's. My mother is mentally unstable. I do not believe the JW religion is fully responsible for her actions as I believe I would have been abused if we were Catholic or Methodist. I have come to realize - over many years of recovering - that the religion called out to my mother because of her weak mind. The religion justified and protected her actions. The religion did not force her to abuse as that was destined to happen, regardless. I was fortunate to have friends in the JW that had somewhat normal families. They were not abused.
Scarred for life
For those of us that are born-ins we had no choice. It was forced on us. We knew no other way of life. It definitely forms and shapes who we become as adults even if we leave the cult. I think it is a form of abuse. It is religious abuse, spiritual abuse. I don't think my parents meant to abuse and hurt me and my sister but they did.
Red honey...you are right about it probably happening to you regardless because of your mothers mind...however it was TOLERATED and you were not PROTECTED because she was a JW and they simply turn their backs on anything that remotely might make them "look bad" and its the child, the victim, who suffers and the perp who goes unpunished.
Anybody who is a JW is insane and psychotic and incapable of logical and analytical thinking.
Well, George, that is a bit harsh, isn't it? Were you a JW? Is that how you thought of yourself?
I was "in" for over thirty years, and can assure you that I was capable of logical and analytical thinking. That is why I am no longer going to the KHall.
I don't think anyone becomes a Witness because they want to be Satanic, now do they? I think many, as I was, are sincere, and want to worship God in a way that he approves.
I was mislead. It all sounded so good. It still does. I wished it were all true. I was not insane, but gullible, looking for the best in other people, and wanting a hope for the future.
But I wasn't psychotic. Neither were the others on this forum.......
For all those who have let it be known that they suffered abuse while around the JW organization:
I want you to know that my heart really does break for you. While the JW's do not necessarily promote abuse, their dogma unwittingly allows all kinds of abuse to take place.
While I feel strongly that the opening statements by the thread originator were overboard, that doesn't mean that the abuse that does go on, sometimes aided by JW organizational procedures, is real and is a big symptom of the important issues that this cult faces....
I really wish for all a peace and recovery that is due you....
"I want you to know that my heart really does break for you. While the JW's do not necessarily promote abuse, their dogma unwittingly allows all kinds of abuse to take place." ..........ATJ
ATJ..I`ve heard kids screaming at the back of the Kingdom Hall because one of thier parents is beating the shit out of them.....It`s been the subject of more than one thread,on this board..JW`s accept the abuse of children,right in they`re own Kingdom Halls...... I had the shit beat out of me as a toddler in a Kingdom Hall parking lot.....
Child abuse at Kingdom Halls is an Accepted Event..Thats where JW Parents put on thier best face..You can only imagine what happens to those kids when no one is looking.....
I`m sure there are JW Kids that had good Childhoods..My Friend "Mulan" on this board,is one of them...... There are so many more Jehovah`s Witness children that had really shitty childhoods growing up in the WBT$ Cult,the Jehovahs Witness`s.....
I`m one of them........