Have any of you had the experience of listening to a Witness' sad story, and not being able to tell them, ITS BECAUSE YOU ARE IN A CULT!?

by BonaFide 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    I had this experience last week. THe girl sat their telling me how she hated service, how the org has complicated things, how legalistic they are and how this goes against all Jesus did...and how she has lost all motivation to be a witness...I wanted to tell her it is because she is in a cult! But I had to hold back and plant some seeds instead- which I did! It was a success I would say.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Reniaa, have you ever tried switching off your computer & throwing it away?

  • passwordprotected

    Reniaa, have you ever tried switching off your computer & throwing it away?


  • verystupid77


    Way to go with that girl. That is all we can do is plant seeds in people and hopefully they will see the big picture of this religion truly being what it is a cult. This is what Bonafide meant by this thread just plant seeds in people we just need to do the revise of what the JW's taught us.

    I was telling one of my customer about my religion and he said you finally understand what the rest of the world has known for years that the JW's are a dam cult. I just looked at him and and laughed. He said you were raised in a cult and you just are now seeing it. I have been blown away at how different things look once you give yourself permission to truly look at the religion for what it is.

    My customer is right. I just wish my husband could see this religion for what it is and hopefully soon.

  • isaacaustin

    So true VS77...planting seeds can be the most effective way. Typically a JW is guarded...so plating subtly gets points in in such a way they do not hurt.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    I was telling one of my customer about my religion and he said you finally understand what the rest of the world has known for years that the JW's are a dam cult. I just looked at him and and laughed. He said you were raised in a cult and you just are now seeing it.I have been blown away at how different things look once you give yourself permission to truly look at the religion for what it is.

    Amazing isn't it?

    As Robert Burns put it:

    O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us.

  • wobble

    I have had to hold my tongue on a number of occasions since leaving the cult,because my extended family are still "in", and I would like to be able to do as Isaac A does, and plant seeds.

    I have decided that I will not pussy-foot around any more with some of my family though, for instance my oldest sister is such an Uber-Dub that she annoys her fellow Witlesses, she is going to benefit from my honest opinion the next time she comes out with her nonsense.



  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Sometimes a deliberate silence can speak volumes too.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I'd love Isaac A to "plant seeds" here on JWN. He'd be more interesting to listen to, I imagine

  • highdose

    look i'm new here,but would someone please tell me why reianna is so mean to everyone? am i missing somthing?

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