Great post, Jeff.
What Works Best on Exposing JW's? All of the above....
by AllTimeJeff 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Try standing up in a Presbyterian Church and disagreeing on the Westminster Confession, not so good in the conservative denominations.
Try standing up in Congress and disagreeing with the United States Constitution.
Scarred for life
I have been a member of a Presbyterian Church and I am currently a Methodist. You are free to attend or be an active member without proving that you agree with 100% of the church teachings. On many things there is a wide range of beliefs. Sunday School classes are absolutely full of discusssions with many different opinions represented. All are welcome.
Spike Tassel
JWs are considered ambassadors and envoys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Ambassadors and envoys have protocols to follow.
considered? True- by other JWs. By the rest of the world, and most importantly by God, they are considered false prophets.
Spike Tassel
And who is the world's "God". 2 Corinthians 4:4 tells us the answer
So very well put by Qcmbr
..... and all other 'believers' don't know that they are right they simply believe they are. Belief cannot be exposed and can rarely be reasoned with since belief by its very nature is our human response to a lack of evidence but it can be dislodged if it is constantly brought face to face with its cause and questioned therein.
Those outside the watchtower can see easily that it is built on nothing substantial beyond clan bonding, nothing remotely factual and is in fact - like all religions - a form of cage or social constraint - but for those within the cage looking outwards it is almost impossible to conceive that they are mentally trapped
and instead see the very bars that constrain them as in reality part of the cage that entraps those outside; as a caged animal at a zoo may percieve the human visitors as caged so the believer thinks they are free and unencumbered and all others just haven't realised yet.
To expose the cage one must merely hold up a large enough mirror. To expose the watchtower or any false system just hold up the mirror. My mirror was held up - inadvertantly -by a good friend who left my belief system and finally allowed myself to ask - and face the question - what are my beliefs actually based upon? Once I was brutally honest with myself I found my cage door wasn't even locked.
I think Jo Dee speaks volumes....
"My Give A Damn's Busted" - Jo Dee Messina