Three's Company was banned, and Aurthur Fonzarelli was the devil!!!
What Were Some Stupid Rules In Your Hall?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
whenever we had a outdoor-cleanup day no kids under 16 were allowed
OK,,, but several years later when the PO's kids were older and wanted to help out at "special days" suddenly that rule of
being over 16 vanished.
Redmann is still the PO, but the majority of his KH is gone because of his inability to govern fairly and sensibly.
For a time, even well behaved kids under 10 couldn't go to the bathroom unless accompanied by an adult.
That may have been because they leave their pedophiles unchecked and don't warn parents about perverts in their midst.
No sex in the parking lot.
Okay, that's funny!
"I was counceled once because I left the stage after my talk before the following brother made it to the platform. The elder told me it was not appropriate to leave the platform vacant."
This makes sense,
one time in my old hall the stage was vacant during the opening song and a mentally-deranged study walked up and asked everyone to please sit down.
man was that a surreal situation !
We had most, if not all, of these rules imposed on us also.
Red nail polish was severely looked down upon by the powers that be.
The only other thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is at convention times we were told we had to sit as a group in one section. Supposedly, it made it easier for the PO to keep an eye on us, as if we were children !
one time in my old hall the stage was vacant during the opening song and a mentally-deranged study walked up and asked everyone to please sit down.
hahaha thats so great witness reactions to unplanned events or behavior is almost always hilarous.I got spoken to a few times about wearing a denim skirt but luckily my feisty mother ripped that elder a new one.
witness reactions to unplanned events or behavior is almost always hilarous
Hahaha, this reminds of something:
One time, at a congo baseball game, I got hit in the face with a baseball that was drilled into home plate. (Yes, I got a black eye.)
Everyone came rushing over, and I guess I was in shock, cus I said, "Get the hell off me!!"
And boy, did they ever clear out!!
hahaha I love making j dubs feel awkward its a sport of kinds as cruel as that sounds. When i was younger me and my friends would try and create awkward silances at get togethers or keep talking on a different topic in response to some sort of "spiritual encouragment" untill they got confused and walked away. You can defer alot of judgementand hastle etc by acting oblivious or just plain weird
When my wife was a teenager she was not allowed to go snowboarding. The elders had some talks with her and her sister about that.
Did she buy her snowboard at a garage sale? Was it demonised?