Everything I was supposedly going to do in the New Dark Ages was going to be what Jehovah told me to--and I could envision myself living forever without ever doing anything I wanted.
What did you dream about doing in the "New System"?
by lurk3r 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mostly things related to music.
I wanted to have lots of kids and I loved the idea that I could let them play and not worry about them!
I looked forward to growing younger again, it really sucks to know our "Fountain of Youth" has been taken away.
I used to think it would be a time without stress, or worries... etc. Not so sure about that anymore, since Satan was to be released again, seems all that would just return.
if a person was not learning to enjoy gardening now, then they were not showing they really believed in the paradise earth where everyone would have to tend to gardens.
Well, that would have cut me out of it then...I do what little I have to, with bad grace..
As for me, the perspective changed as I grew up. As a kid I wanted what every J W kid wanted, a pet lion to call my own.
As a grown up, I really liked the idea that nobody would be hungry or oppressed...and for me my ideal was, I suppose vey English. I saw myself working with a huge shire horse and a cart plodding down a country lane, saying "good day " to all I met. I even wondered if I could maybe train an elephant to work construction ! [lol] That would be good ..
Anything to get out of gardening !
meeting people
I was going to learn how to play every musical instrument ever invented.
Checking out the resurrected sisters that previously had boob jobs.
Be interesting to take a survey on how many got to retain their added size.
Rub a Dub
Pandoras cat11
Living at the beach and being lazy. Playing with all the wild animals sounded fun. Didn't give much thought about how some animals don't live in the tropics!! Unfortunately, it was brought to my attention that there was still going to be meetings of some sort and plenty of preaching to be done. Never mind the clean up... Suddenly, it didn't sound like paradise anymore.
The new system, this makes me ill. When all this first started in my house my jw sent me a letter of his plans for the 'new system' and the things he wanted him & I to do. Keep in mind I have always been a nearly rabid anti jw. I was not up on the whole new system, paradise earth thing and had I been eating much at the time (I lost my appetite for months when he joined up) I really would have gotten sick, instead I got dry heaves it made me so sick to read what my husband now believed. It was so utterly bizarre and foreign. Still makes me feel a bit ill just to think of it. How he thinks I will be there is beyond me, he knows I 'actively' work against the org with of course equals God in their mind so I'm as good as bird seed.