I can watch porn on the internet without worrying about a JW wife walking into the room.
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
I can watch porn on the internet without worrying about a JW wife walking into the room.
Poor you finally Free....Can see why the wife left. Garbage in the eyes EH???
Jeffrey Dahmer used to do a lot of that also.He said it became as addicting.
So watch you dont become entrapped again as your were to the other garbage
we swallowed.Weather we take in in the ears, eyes,mouth....gotta watch it
Poor you finally Free....Can see why the wife left.
She didn't leave. I did.
I can watch a really sexy R rated movie and have no guilt about it...wait a freakin sec...my jw parents do that too!
She didn't leave. I did.
W OOPS Sorry !!! Another BOO BOO on my part.
Sex! Without having to marry some A-hole first.
TV shows that have "occult" elements.
Last night I had a long conversation with my boyfriend. I asked him about many of his beliefs. And I just listened without needing to jump in and tell him why he was wrong.
My husband and I watch porn together.
We got to adult stores for goodies
I think for myself.
I LISTEN to people when they speak, not just look for a chance to proselytize.
I set goals and make longterm plans
I enjoy the company of my non-jw family, well I always did, but now I'm free to admit it.
Oh, I listen to GOSPEL music without shame!!!
For many males, the dress shirt and tie were history!
I threw out ALL my ties. I will go to any event in my life now without one...Funerals,weddings...etc
If people don't like it they can kiss my Azzzz
I love sending birthday cards.
I like playing the lottery.
read any book I want no matter the subject.
Going to college.
wearing low cut tops
All of the above is fantastic, but I last night particularly enjoyed going to a Cancer benefit, without guilt.