Spike - exactly. no lies can be found in the "truth". Lies have been found in the WTS teachings. Remember Rutherford - all by himself invented the idea of "Jehovah's Witnesses", The generation being actual number of years, got rid of bodies of elders, an earthly class of Christians, etc, etc, many of Rutherford's teachings have been abandoned of eventually changed back to Russell's teachings (BOE, Generation) No One today has the right to claim the authority JWs do. It is arrogant and offensive to the Christ that these men are treated as leaders tho they speak of their own initiative not at God's command.
The truth is that the reason my wife and I left was bound up with "Making the Truth Our Own"
by gubberningbody 60 Replies latest jw friends
Spike Tassel
Misunderstandings and progressive analysis are quite expected for any of us who make the journey [from ignorance to folly to hypothesis to filed-testing to truth], a.k.a "truth on the march". It is "truth on the march", the fruit of comprehensive Bible study which allowed the International Bible Students to discern that Isaiah 43:10 has a second, modern fulfillment, and to thus choose to draft and adopt the Convention resolution to adopt the name "Jehovah's [Christian] witnesses". The issue, of course, is that to properly be disciples of Jehovah and Jesus Christ, we must be more than students of Jehovah and Jesus Christ, we must also be witnesses of them. More to the point, the issue of Jehovah's Universal Sovereignty is at the heart of this change. Christ leads the good side of the worship issue, Satan leads the bad side of it. When Jesus rebuked Satan at Matthew 4:4,7,10 it is thus demonstrated that Satan's side also have Jehovah as their Supreme Sovereign, despite the "cognitive dissonance" and "rebellion" which the bad side displays. The suggested "doctrinal controversies and changes" [regarding "generations", "bodies of elders", "heavenly-earthly" destinies for those in the "New System", etc.] show "truth on the march", and show up the spiritual qualities in each of us, whether sound, wholesome, growing, and forgiving; or whether otherwise.
-->"the fruit of comprehensive Bible study which allowed the International Bible Students to discern that Isaiah 43:10 has a second, modern fulfillment, and to thus choose to draft and adopt the Convention resolution to adopt the name "Jehovah's [Christian] witnesses""
spike, it wasn't the bible students who did this, nor was it jehovah, but all the mechanisms of Dajudge
Spike Tassel
Accurate spiritual discernment and accurate knowledge of the history of Jehovah's Witnesses bears out the truth in this matter.
Spike Tassel writes:
"Accurate spiritual discernment and accurate knowledge of the history of Jehovah's Witnesses bears out the truth in this matter."
Jehovah was never behind any of THIS: http://www1.tip.nl/~t661020/wtcitaten/part2.htm
We got false predictions all over the place, medical DISASTERS again and again, flip flops, doctrinal failures, embarrassing wacky science, blinking lights, historical humiliations etc etc etc...
And if the poor little JW's didn't tow the line and follow whatever was considered current light, they'd be counseled and if not brought back in line then disfellowshipped OUT.
Only then to see these things they towed the Watchtower line with then reversed, dropped altogether, apologized for or just flat out never came true!
God was sure not behind any of that sorriness and lame WT embarrassments.
Yep, ole Spike Tassel sure gets one right every now and then. Think I'll even re-quote Spike on this one:
"Accurate spiritual discernment and accurate knowledge of the history of Jehovah's Witnesses bears out the truth in this matter."
**** Hey maybe Reniaa can agree on this one too. Hey Reniaa, you ran away from the last few bombs I dropped in your lap on many threads again.
You sure are good at running like a fast rabbit though. I give ya credit there.
Poor JW's. Life defending all that sorry nonsense as food from god is one tough deal.
Hey Spike, why not munch on some more of THIS: http://www1.tip.nl/~t661020/wtcitaten/part1.htm
Tell us how Jehovah was behind all that sad Watchtower quotes spike. C-mon Spike, you can do it.
Truth on the march. That is the Catholic Church's claim to authority. They were appointed by the 12 Apostles and they appointed the next set of church leadership, etc...etc.... They belive that the "truth" was not given in the beginning but their was a progreessive revealing of truth to the Church from Christ. They believe that their ecumenical councils have the authority that your "Faithful Slave" does. The arguement doesn't hold water for either one of you. It is all a bunch of man-made crap. ........
In the scriptures progressive revelation always is in adding to existing knowledge - NEVER - does scriptural knowledge contradict previous knowledge. Like Russel said - "If future light should contradict current light then one of them is not light at all". The WTS continues to claim Jah is giving them "new light" that contradicts the "light" Jah gave them before - This concept is not scriptural nor acceptable Christians.
Spike Tassel
Spiritual discernment recognizes a taunt real quick. Spike Tassel takes his peace back to himself and leaves the scene till the next convenient time and appearance.
That's not a taunt. I have a very real issue with the basis for "Church" autority which is weel documented in my posts. I'd like to here your defense of the WTS claim to authority based on my previous post.
In other words Spike Tassel is HEADED FOR THE HILLS.
Hey Spike, tell Reniaa hi for us when you see her up in those hills too.
Spike Tassel
Russell was an imperfect human being, even if Jehovah does consider him as one of the anointed (that between the 2 of them, and not for me to judge). His statement — "If future light should contradict current light then one of them is not light at all". — is not absolute.
In this context, I am reminded of the contrast between Proverbs 26:4 and the verse next to and following it.
(v.4) Do not answer anyone stupid according to his foolishness, that you yourself also may not become equal to him.
(v.5) Answer someone stupid according to his foolishness, that he may not become someone wise in his own eyes.
I didn't say yet who taunted me. It was actually Vinny, and I didn't take his bait.
Hey Spike, why not munch on some more of THIS: http://www1.tip.nl/~t661020/wtcitaten/part1.htm
Tell us how Jehovah was behind all that sad Watchtower quotes spike. C-mon Spike, you can do it.
Vinny, I'm sure I will say Hi to Reniaa, and probably a whole lot more, if/ when I can meet her in person. A delightful gal if reality is like what I see on JWN. If you like her style, anyone here, you can complement her yourself and say Hi, etc. We're all capable of speaking for ourselves, as we've each proved in our own individual ways. May peace, joy, and love remain amongst us even in challenging times. Endurance works, that way.