The truth is that the reason my wife and I left was bound up with "Making the Truth Our Own"

by gubberningbody 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    even if they weren't annointed, a group making judgement on scripture is bound to be better than a person alone, because how would you keep your own personal desires from shaping what you read?

    Depends on the motivation, doesn't it?

  • allelsefails

    Reniaa - A group making desicions? You mean Russell throwing away his association with groups like Methodists, Adventists, and millerites and deciding only HE in all the world had the right interpretation. The small study group in PA the JWs talk about was him, his dad and mom, and 2 friends of theirs who left the group sometime later. It was all about what ONE man thought. Ditto Rutherford, Knorr, Franz until the 70's made the adjustment of the "Governing Body". Do you think the interpretations of 12 old uneducated white guys in NY is better than mine? Even if they have the best motives in mind they have been tied to their traditional beliefs even when they don't hold to them personally. Let us examine further - Martin Luther - better ideas than the Catholic Church? Calvin? Wycliffe? Arius (who contested the Trinity doctrine)? Jesus - defied the true religion the group of Pharisees and priests? All the prophets who defied the "group" thinking of their day and were willing to speak out against false worship and hypocrisy? Noah - who defied all goup thinking and built an ark? Sorry "Goup" thinking is as likel to be wrong as individual thinking. The God has a personal relationship with each of us and we do not need men to mediate for us. He has always used "a man" to give the truth NEVER an organization.

  • Chalam

    Hi gb,

    The WT claim to have "the truth" but unfortunately that turned out to be a bad joke.

    Jesus said this

    John 14:6 (New International Version)

    6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    Now either Jesus was a liar or the WT have nothing to do with the real Jesus. I believe the latter.

    All the best,


  • quietlyleaving

    "all words are part true and part false limited by our imperfect understanding, but strive always for honesty within yourself"

    worth remembering - thanks gubberingbody

  • designs

    Straw man. Technically their theology states that a person comes to the Father thru Jesus. Since they believe in a form of Limited Atonement, they hold that the New covenant applies to the Church (Bride of Chrsit) now and humanity in general post Millennium.

    They have added layers to that simple dictum- extra ecclesium nulla salus and the revivalism of apostalic succession. Shades of Catholicism and LDS.

    Being superstitious enough to gulp down Fundamentalism is no recommendation for spiritual enlightenment.

  • isaacaustin

    Renia said:

    Would you soften bible absolutes like, One Almighty God,

    My reply: We both see what this means differently so let's not otuch on that one here....

    Renia said:

    fornication, adultery, homosexuality, idolatry etc that you may find are not suited to your new situation?

    My reply: I agree they are do many Christians. What is not absolute, and is unscriptural is the control methods taken by the WT to stamp it out.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Being one of Jehovah's Witnesses is simply a "phase" that the majority of members pass thru and move on from . The number of Memorial attendees compared to active publishers give evidence that more folks used to be than are ...

  • isaacaustin

    yeah, it does seem to be a 20 year relgion. My parents are overdue to come out. Wonder if that means my wife will be out in 7?

  • Narkissos

    This reminds me of what my JW father told me the first time we talked on the phone after I was df'd: "How could you believe you alone were right against everybody else?" I was not in the mood for irony, but coming from an ultra-minoritary cult adept that was really too much not to raise a smile.

    Truth and number. "Truth begins with two," Karl Jaspers wrote. Provided they are two to begin with. Provided one is not just repeating what the other says. Or both repeating what yet another said.

    Only the relative agreement of relatively "independent thinkers" can be deemed relatively meaningful.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    If we really have the holy spirit (the spirit of Truth), it must agree with Jehovah (the Source of Truth), Jesus (the Word of Truth), and all those who are in accord with Truth.

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