Try again Elsewhere
Bitchy women at work..."hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" Why girls?
by Witness 007 54 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Did somebody call me?
Not all women are like that Elsewhere...though I am watching some silly s**t going on between two female neighbors....*sigh*
"One in particular that was gross and creepy as well"
Beksbks, I don't remember working with you?
"The only thing worse than working with bitchy women is working with dumb men.'
Purplesofa, I don't remember working with you either.
*In Elsewhere's mind: That should have sufficiently stirred up the hornets nets... I'll just sit back now and watch the show. *
* Grabs some popcorn *
Fkkk Elsewhere... can't you just get along with them's weemen?
Musky! You're a doll!
well it kinda depends on what field you work in. If it is healthcare every effort should have been made to calm the family down. everyone deserves respect and courtesy.
Now I have worked for some women who yell when the littlest thing goes wrong. But I ahve worked for some men who yell and punch holes in the wall of their office. I think we ( ,ale and female) can both get upset its just that it isn't expected from women like it is from men.
Danger: bitchy men at work
Sunday Herald, The, Mar 25, 2001 by James Hamilton
Signs warning of the hazards of men working are normally displayed at roadworks. But they should actually be posted in offices around the country, according to the authors of a new survey of workplace attitudes.
A UK recruitment website which questioned thousands of visitors about office life discovered that men, rather than women, are the true office gossips.
Not only that, they are more likely to take bribes, sleep their way to the top, steal the ideas of a colleague and pass them off as their own or to resort to character assassination.
The survey was designed to assess how politically correct office life had become, but instead demonstrated just how far it has yet to go. Bad behaviour is rife, if the anonymous correspondents are to be believed. And men are at the heart of most of it.
More than six times as many men as women admitted they would spread rumours at work. Four times as many men as women said they would steal a colleague's idea. Meanwhile men were three times more likely to sleep with their boss in a bid to get ahead.
However, the authors note: "Females did outdo their male counterparts with 'playing the sympathy vote' to advance their careers."
The surprising findings are not as unexpected as some might think, according to Glasgow University psychologist Dr Prem Misra. He said gossip and canny office politics were far more common activities for men than most people realise.
"Stereotypes tell us that women gossip, but men have also started to gossip - in a way that is going unnoticed but can actually cause conflict and unhappiness amongst colleagues," he said.
"There is evidence that men support each other in work situations in a way that is disguised. It doesn't really come out into the open. Men in the office bond much more than women do and form a much closer bond with each other than with female colleagues."
The phenomenon is not universal and is often unconscious, but could help explain the survey's results, Dr Misra said. "There is new research being done on this unconscious male bonding which is very interesting."
Meanwhile, Edinburgh-based corporate psychologist Ben Williams warned that workplaces characterised by aggressive competitive behaviour could be highly damaging.
"This survey seems to befocussing on very aggressive behaviour. Women tend to be more collaborative than aggressive," he said.
"Some companies encourage competitiveness or divide and rule tactics. But women don't tend to put up with that childish aggression and tend to leave such organisations."
Williams also suggested that the source for the survey - internet technology recruitment firm might have affected the outcome.
"Computer programmers and analysts and people who shrug off the softer skills might be happy working in an aggressive environment," he explained, adding that aggressive behaviour did have its rewards.
"There are definite pay-offs to being a predator. But they tend to be short-lived. A company that is positive and collaborative will get far better results over time."
"In aggressive companies the turnover tends to be higher, as people burn out."
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Oh that article is bullshit. Someone should bury it.