Bitchy women at work..."hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" Why girls?

by Witness 007 54 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Snoozy

    "A woman scorned"....

    Now that was a good movie..The story of Betty Broderick...


  • meangirl

    Sometimes when I read these comments I wonder why some of you even left the organization.....if you men truly despise women and have no respect for us and want to completely stereotype and generalize us why don't you go back to the patriarchial organization known as the "witnesses" and you can give talks using illustrations us women folk will understand like "now when you sisters go to make a dress" or "when you sisters go to bake a cake". You could make sly little remarks during the bookstudy on family life about "how women are good at remembering things like sending thank you cards and anniversary cards but men are equipped to handle the heavy things".......Seriously, what is with the stereotyping........We are ALL individuals and deserve to be treated with fairness before any generalizations are made.......To reinforce the point, if you substitute the word "women" in your statements with "mexicans" or "black people" it would be so obviously prejudice but somehow when somebody lumps all women into the same category and generalizes it's okay? Think about it, how often from the platform did you hear a brother say "women are more emotional than men" well what if he had said "mexicans are more emotional than white people".......would that go well? Or one time I remember reading a qoute from the society where it was something to the effect "women are comfortable with submitting and like to be told what to do" and instead of that what if they had written "black people are comfortable with submitting and in general like to be told what to do"........You see how absurd it is to generalize and stereotype races yet sexual discrimation is the last frontier.....come on people think about it!

  • Twitch


  • freydo

    guys - I know you're not going to understand this,

    but there's this woman who keeps telling me how financially challenged she is, but she's not and I am

    and we both know it. so what's the translation?

    Is she weighing the trade off of giving up everything for love?

    And she talks too damn much, but ceases when I say to.

  • freydo

    Obey or rebel - that is the question.

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