What will happen to the children?

by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006


    Your just backing a new team with the same old quarterback. What ever name you want to give him is irrelevant. It is the same old philosophy of religious supremos male dominated and controlling hogwash that is crumbling like those who created it. Your acceptance of a man made concept of an ancient god with a sward of justice is no different from YoYo's. If there is indeed a god of love floating somewhere in the universe I can accept that possibility but the one the bible speaks of is very ungodly. The good concepts of love they neighbor and do un to others are humanity based concepts that had been written way before the writers of the bible ripped them off.

    Separating your body from the watchtower society is very admirable and shows you are genuine in your search for answers. Subscribing to the same warn out concepts with your mind nullifies your efforts. Tide laundry detergent packaged in a box that says "new and improved" fools some of the people some of the time but in reality it is the same old soap. But as I have said may times before, what ever rocks your boat!


  • COMF

    what will happen to the children if Jehovah does not intervene soon?

    What has happened to them so far because of his lack of intervention?

    I don't want innocent children dying, just because their parents are stubborn and don't want to serve Jehovah.

    So you're saying God let this happen to this boy because the parent didn't serve Jehovah?

    As Witnesses we are unclear on that point

    As witnesses, you're unclear on all points.


  • Erich


    quote] Your acceptance of a man made concept of an ancient god Your acceptance of a man made concept of an ancient god ![/quote]

    quote] What ever name you want to give him is irrelevant...[/quote]

    This is an error.

    YHVH/JHWH is more than a "personified God".

    His name "I shall be prove" is much more than "giving an ancient god any name". Oh, what an intellectual mistake! What a short-sightedness!

    His name is a kind of universal formula. It implies a type of "algorithm", a teleologic universal order, whom underlies all kinds of biologic, molecular, atomar and sub-atomar structures in the universe.

    I do not defense the WTS , BUT I DO DEFENSE THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD, AND I WILL DO THAT UNTIL THE END OF MY LIFE, IF NECESSARY !! If they Df'd me or not, is not of fundamental interest for me. I will be surviving it!

    Read my web-site http://www.sensortime.com/jhwh.html

  • seven006


    All of us on this board have or own ideas and thoughts. Your being adamant about the sanctity of a name is apparent and I respect your freedom to have it. What you consider to be an error in my thinking I see as an error in yours. The only difference is, my thinking is just that, my thinking. It is open to new ideas and open to new concepts. Yours is the accumulation of many others who feel it is the only correct and absolute thought.

    If it is what gets you up in the morning and puts a smile on your face then your way of thinking is what works for you. To view it as an absolute fact is in my opinion and in your words "an intellectual mistake" and a perfect example of "shortsightedness."

    I admire your zeal for your thoughts and the mature way in which you present them.

    Take care,


  • Erich


    To view it as an absolute fact is in my opinion and in your words "an intellectual mistake" and a perfect example of "shortsightedness."

    No, that description is part of a unified scientific theory, and is absolutely consistent and provable.

    If you do not believe me please go to your university and show it to a mathematics-, logics- epistemology- or physics expert. He will soon prove that all content of my work is provable and status of the newest results of international science. Besides, read the book "Goedel, Escher, Bach" written by D. Hofstadter. This could be of help for better understanding.

    Oh yes: I am more open-minded than you may imagine it.

  • seven006


    Gödel, Escher, Bach. I'm impressed,...to a point. I have had Hofstadter's book recommended to me by a friend once before. Now that I see your comment in relation to your YHVH philosophy I am definitely going to pick it up. Thank you for mentioning it.

    I have an idea where your belief is based. If it is coming from the writings of The Torah then I am in disagreement based on many thoughts like the theory of Adam the astronaut as well as most others. From what I know of Hofstadter his thoughts on AI are intriguing and I am sorry I haven't read the book before now.

    I have always found Escher to be one of the most unique and misunderstood artist of all time. I even did an airbrush illustration of two robotic arms drawing themselves in the same vein as Escher's "strange loops" for the cover of Art Material Trade News back in the mid 90's. It was my way of expanding on Escher's thoughts in relation to the future thoughts of AI.

    You have definitely aroused my interest. I still think your inference to the mathematical formula to prove that YHVH is universally accepted as truth based on mathamatical theorem in regard to a universal language is wrong. But I can now see where you are coming from. Hofstadter's theories are not universally accepted but in many ways highly respected. I believe in his own words in regard to his theory in relation to his belief that he states the sometimes you have to rely on "faith". There is that word that makes me stop and wonder. It is the same wall of proof that Kierkegaard ran into in trying to back up to his philosophy about christianity.

    If I am correct in my assumption of your Torah based belief and you would like to continue this discussion then let me know if this is indeed your belief. If not then thank you again for bringing up the book and I will definitely check it out.

    Again I think you for the mature way in which you have presented your thoughts.

    Take care,


  • Erich


    My theory about the meaning of the name YHVH/JHWH has nothing to do with hidden Thora code or Jewish kabbala mystics. It is exclusively based on scientific fundamentals, on metamathematics, propositional calculus and epistemology, and in addition, on the physical consequences if one has auto-adaptation, self-optimization and artificial intelligence based on linear time-quantizing and analyzing of sensor-signalamplitudes (see my Pat. US6172941 )

    About D. Hofstadter: I read this book in the eighties, because it contains the best description of difficult meta-mathematical and logical stuff, about Goedel, Church, Turing and so on.
    His opinion about AI got meanwhile overwhelmed through new cognitions which came from informatics and robotics experts esp since 1990 - 95.

    Hofstadters philosophy basing on zen-buddhism etc. had no influence to my world-view at all.

    If you buy Hofstadters book, please send me an e-mail that I can help you to find out the pages which are most important.

  • seven006


    You are one interesting person. Please excuse me for making assumptions based on past postings of YHVH. I am interested in what you have to say. I will pick up the book and get in touch with you.
    I think Alan F. would enjoy this subject matter also. I will email him and have he check this tread out.

    Thanks again, I think this could be fun.


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