What will happen to the children?

by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fredhall


    You have a good point. The reason why Jehovah show his mercy is because we are innocent.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    Do you "shut your legs" when
    Jessica is around?

  • NameWithheld2
    If you can do a better job than us, then shut up and do it. And what do you know about Jehovah's mercy?

    <Ha, I can't beleive I'm feeding the trolls, but I'm bored today.>

    Now why in the world would I want to try and do a better job than JWs? Better job at what, knocking on doors spreading crap around? No thanks!!!

    And you are right, I know nothing about 'Jehovah's mercy' because I've never seen any mercy from him, not for me or anyone else in the world.

  • Fredhall


    We are pretty much in control.

  • forgetmenot

    I have a whole different prespective on how God works. I feel that it is very cruel to sit around and tell children who will be mutilated, molested, and killed that it is all "part of God's plan." God works through people, though. Maybe the children seeing mercy will come when people, like ourselves, take an active stand against things (such as the people who do these things to children) that hurt and don't show love. Don't wait for God to work you, instead work with him. We are only imperfect human beings and I know that we can't solve all the problems of the world, but until we meet God face to face and he tells us how to do it, we can do a little help here on earth.

  • buffalosrfree

    YoYoMaMa, the question that should have been asked by you, is what is the one org that God is supposedly using here upon the earth doing. There are children is almost every country on earth that needs Gods mercy and help, why is your org not doing anything constructive? Leaving a mag to be used to light a fire or clear onself isn't quite what most people call help sure won't feed them will it. Buying another building in Brooklyn won't help either. Cutting subscriptions wont, Maybe money food counseling a strong arm to lean on would help. But like anything relating to charity the Borg does absolutely nothing. If you are the "one" org used by God the merciless, why aren't you out helping the poor, the tired, the wounded in heart and spitir, the starving etc. etc. etc. Huh well why aren't you.

  • seven006

    YoYo ,
    You cry for so few and turn a blind eye to so many. Read your bible, read about the flood and the attempted genocide of nations that did not buy into the philosophy of Jehovah the god of armies. Read your manipulative "love me or die" stories that are the guiding light of such a philosophy. Is this the philosophy you teach your own children if you have them? Love me or die? Do you demand such arrogant blind acceptance from those whom you claim to love? If not, then does that make you more compassionate than your god or more understanding of human nature? Does the honest feeling of real right and wrong contradict that of which you preach?

    Armageddon, that is the biggest con and the biggest pedophile of all human innocents. Give yourself without question to the heavy breath and life raping hands of such a concept. You do not deserve to run your own life but must succumb as victim of godly masculine self gratification, what a crock.

    I feel more sorry for you than those who you speak of. You have bought into such a thing that can only be described by it's own invention of the concept of evil. To strip one of their own intelligence so as to own them out of ones own ego and insecurities. It is thinking like yours that has caused such things. What makes you think that the fanaticism of such black magic practices you draw attention to are any different from the practices your beloved religion aspires to.

    How many thousands of children have died because of the blood issue established by those leaders of your cult? You know so little and understand even less. It is you I feel sorry for, it is people with like thoughts that makes the world an evil place.
    It is that concept of an earth wide evil that you and others like you propagate that makes the world perceived as you speak.
    If your god had the simple understanding of a real child to their parents and again returned, you would not even fathom such a concept. As someone quoted Jack Nickelson in another thread, go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.


  • avengers

    How can a loving God let billions of people suffer just for His Name?
    Sounds selfish to me.

    Hello brothers and sisters, where are you now?
    (Simple Minds)
    And anyway; all of you people defending Jehovah: Doesn't the WT say you should not use the internet to go to these sites to preach. Aren't you all in contempt?
    Just like your GOD!
  • Tina

    Dave said it so very well. Yur god is one big-time dead beat dad.
    Don't want yer super daddy w/ the jockstrap in the sky,he's alllllllllll yours hun.T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Erich

    avengers wrote:

    Doesn't the WT say you should not use the internet to go to these sites to preach. Aren't you all in contempt?
    Just like your GOD!

    Please do not put the WTS and the Almighty God YHVH/JHWH into the same pot.

    Jehovah did exist billions of years before WTS; and he will exist billions of years after WTS. Notice that!

    You have no bit of an idea what HIS name really means.

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