What will happen to the children?

by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoYoMama

    Check out this news story: http://web.star-telegram.com/content/fortworth/2001/12/21/foreign/fw030707-1221-XA036-terror.htm

    Many question Jehovah on what will happen with the children during Armageddon. I don't know that answer entirely so I'll wait and see what happens. But now I ask, what will happen to the children if Jehovah does not intervene soon?

  • Naeblis

    What makes you think he'll intervene now and not at any other point in human history where millions of children were in crisis??

  • ashitaka

    I agree that this is horrific, but, you're saying that, ok, they MIGHT die in a horrible way if Jehovah doesn't step in, so let's not feel bad if HE gets rid of them ALL right now.

    YOYO, some of your posts are OK, but I don't get this one.


  • Fredhall

    With Jehovah's mercy, there might be millions of children that probably survive Armageddon.

  • YoYoMama

    Naeblis: You're forgetting that Jehovah can bring back those millions of children.

    ashitaka: I know it's a confusing question. I admit that I don't have all the answers. I hope Jehovah has mercy on the kids, although a lot of the responsability of the kids lives belong to the parents and the decisions they make. The point I'm trying to make is that Jehovah will do something about the suffering today. Those children killed in Brazil will be resurrected and have a chance at living.

  • NameWithheld

    Why should he do something 'today' now that he's ignored the children's pain for 1,000s of years?

    Or is this the same 'today' (or should you have said 'real soon now') as the 'today' in Russel's time (1879/1914/1915), or Rutherford's time (1925/1940), or Franz's (1975/1984/2000)?

    If Jehovah can/will bring all those people back, perhaps the wisest thing for humanity to do would be to nuke themselves out of existence, then god can step in, fix the earth and resurrect everyone?

  • YoYoMama

    1984?, 2000? What are you talking about?

    perhaps the wisest thing for humanity to do would be to nuke themselves out of existence,
    They're working on it already.

    Hey Yo-YO,IF your sorry god does intervene with your armagedon,he`ll kill a hell of a lot more kids than that.So much for your deceptive religion.>>>Hey Fred,I wish you were right,but according to the dubs it just won`t happen...OUTLAW

  • Fredhall


    You are wrong!!!!

  • NameWithheld2

    1984 = 80 years after 1914 = one generation. Of course, that's 'old light' now and we know, we know, the JW never said that. Whatever.

    2000 = "A work to be completed before the end of this century" - in reference to the preaching work, meaning the preaching work is over, you JWs just haven't gotton the memo yet.

    By the way, if god were so loving, and allowing time for everyone on earth to become a JW, then explain why the worlds population is gorwing so much faster than the JW can preach to it. At the rate you guys are going the work will never be complete, so god should have ended it long ago. This waiting around crap is counter-productive. God's not very effecient I guess. The more babies born into crappy conditions is that many more children that have to suffer for no reason (no reason if there were a god that really cared about them).

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