What will happen to the children?

by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka


    While I admit to having no answers to the eternity of those poor, slain children, I cannot, in any way, condone the death of many many millions of 'worldly' children. Children, like adults, are both bad and good. Some children are worse then other, some are better.

    Then why would a God of Justice and Love murder children who are good, who have good inclinations and possibly beautiful things to bring to the world?

    I am not an unreasonable man, and my father and I had a discussion about something similar to this this morning. But, there is no justification to kill one billion bad people, and five billion good people.

    Do you remember the account of Sodom and Gomorrah? Well, God said that he would spare the cities if there was even one man among them who was good. IS this the same God who would murder billions today? I just can't meld the two Gods into one.


  • YoYoMama

    Namewithheld2: Jehovah is not allowing time for everyone on earth to become a JW, just the sheep-like.

    ashitaka: I understand what you are saying and you are speaking from your heart. I have a heart too and I have confidence that Jehovah will do the right thing. I don't want innocent children dying, just because their parents are stubborn and don't want to serve Jehovah. As Witnesses we are unclear on that point, on exactly what will happen to them. Jehovah is love and justice. I am sure he will take into consideration many factors. I know that many a times I have been out to service and a child comes to the door. Instead of asking for the parents and I tell them a Bible story and most will listen carefully and even get the points of the story. Unfortunately the parents come out and are not interested and makes the child go back inside. What will happen to that child? I hope Jehovah shows mercy.

  • ashitaka


    Is nice to see that's the way you think. I wish all witnesses thought the way you do about that. It's just a certain callousness they have towards the topic that I cannot abide. Thanks for the post.


  • Fredhall


    Let's getting something straight. The preaching is not our work. And it will be complete to Jehovah's satisfaction and not ours. Plus, it is not God's fault that babies are born into crappy conditions. The problem is that their parents can't shut their legs.

  • Erich


    Jehovah will not "intervene".
    The term "intervene" is vocabulary nowhere been found in the bible.

    YHVH/JHWH will let the worlds matters happen in an manner, so that HIS intention to establish a new and righteous order (in the spiritual world as well as in the material world) will become reality.

    We do not know the way HOW process will take place, we do not know WHEN and we do not know the DURATION, which the process needs until its end. But you can be sure that people who believe in YHVH/JHWH will survive; their relations, charges and kids too.

  • NameWithheld2

    Ha ha Fred, you're funny.

    yoyo, your answer is a non-answer.

    Jehovah is not allowing time for everyone on earth to become a JW, just the sheep-like.
    Fine, but more 'sheep like' ones are being born everyday, faster then you can preach to them. Or are you going to say that at some point no more 'new' people who are 'sheep like' will be born? Ludicrous. My point stands, if there was a god who really cared, he would either have ended this long ago, or put a 'birth freeze' on the world so that you poor little over worked JWs could get around to seeing everyone.

    </edit> Uh oh, I think someone's been hitting the crack pipe again!

  • Infrared

    YOYO and Fred are getting such valuable service time here. Its a good thing that Jehovah provided this wonderful forum for peolple like these to enlighten us and show us our errant ways. With the added bonus of padding their service hours for the month, because they are to lazy to go door to door. Dont you have a meeting to study for.

  • Undecided

    Hi YoYo,

    A few years ago God was only going to kill my wife and kids and grandkids, since they were not JWs, but now He's going to get me too since I have quit doing the works of the dubs, like meetings, selling the mags etc.

    I live the same as I did, the only difference, I don't reverence the GB or their crap.

    I know my children are not evil and believe in God, but arn't following the doctrine of the leaders of JWs.

    I just can't see the love in this doctrine of Jehovah, and if he torments in hell as some Christains beleive, I couldn't love that God either.

    Ken P.

  • Fredhall


    If you can do a better job than us, then shut up and do it. And what do you know about Jehovah's mercy?

  • Mum

    Fred, I don't know why children need "Jehovah's mercy." Why would you be asking for mercy when you have done nothing wrong? Why would Jehovah (or anyone else) feel the need to extend mercy to an innocent person?

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

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