Will this hurt?

by PollyAnnaBanana 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • PollyAnnaBanana

    Hi ev'rybody!

    Just wanted to see if this works! Gotta hide out -- right now the judicial committee is after me! And everybody I know and love is a Witness. Am I jumping into a cold, dark vacuum? SCARY!

    Remember: We're all in this -- alone!


    "Guns don't kill people! Bullets kill people! -- Al Capone

  • Mum

    Welcome to the board. It is very difficult to break away. I recommend that, first, you decide to accept and love yourself, forgive yourself, and learn not to rely on the approval of anyone else to feel that it's okay for you to be who you are.

    I recommend reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, "Your Erroneous Zones." This particular book helped me to break free from the destructive way I had been taught to think. Joining a club or self-help group can also help.

    You will find new friends. Some of your JW friends will not entirely break off contact with you. There is life after escaping the stone walls of the Watchtower. Hang in there! Come here or e-mail me or someone else if you get down in the dumps.

    Welcome to freedom!


    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yes, it will hurt, at least a little.

    ...but you'll survive the hurt and be stronger for it.

    "Pain is the feeling of WEAKNESS leaving the body!"

  • LB

    Welcome Polly. Dont fear the judicial committee. Not healthy. Just treat them as though they are the Taliban. Who cares if they boot you out?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • waiting

    Welcome to our forum, Polly,

    And there are many of us -- we just didn't know it while still in the WT organization.

    Am I jumping into a cold, dark vacuum? SCARY!
    Naaaaaaaaaa, you're jumping into an acceptable knowledge of science, history, relations, God, etc. You learn if you want. See waaaaaaay down at the bottom of this page in little print? About 5 different clicks to lead you to different sites which offer massive information of the WT.

    Read, read, read. And then appreciate your freedom. It'll take you time to remake your friendships....but you can.



  • Yerusalyim

    Polly, it will hurt, but I think it would hurt more to do nothing. We're here for ya kiddo.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Erich


    >judicial committee<

    What an awful name.
    Had Jesus Christ ever demanded the need of a judicial committee ?
    I don't believe so...

  • Billygoat


    Welcome to the board! You'll learn a lot here. Yes, some of it will hurt, but you will come out stronger on the other end.


  • NameWithheld

    For once Erich has a very valid point.

    You will learn what real unconditional love is, who your true friend are. Sad to say most JW will fail miserably in this, and tow the party line when/if you are DF'ed by ceasing to acknowledge you exist.

    Stick around here, you will find people who have lived through some similar tough times. Many/most have come out better in the end for it.

    If you carry away one thought, remember this, that there is WAY more to life than what you have been taught as a JW. Live and learn!

  • JBean

    Pollyannabanana... great name by the way! It makes me smile! I believe it will hurt for a little while... but realize that all things in time will pass. Keep coming back here... a lot. These folks are a wonderful bunch with lots to offer. Any many have been through hell and back. We're thinking of you... I know how scary the "committee action" can be from experience. But these are just men, fellow humans like yourself. They DO NOT speak for God. Keep focused on that and you'll come out just fine. Looking forward to hearing your story. Love & Peace... Jbean

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