newbie needs help

by highdose 49 Replies latest jw friends


    hi highdose

    It rather sounds like you are no longer a witness anyway, you have moved towns, you avoid the kingdom halls, you no longer live the witness life. You have basically made the choice already...Says who?..Reniaa Almighty?..LOL!!

    You are a good example of why a lot leave and it has nothing to do with Jehovah and the doctrines Jws believe in but about having a social group with more freedom to do what you want in...You don`t even know this person!....

    I have to say I am pro-witness because I believe in Jehovah and his son Jesus and want to follow the way of Gods word, which is quite strict morally and very opposite to current moral trends in the world but it is for each individual person to decide upon...You publicly Admit,you don`t follow the WBT$......You simply take the side of the WBT$ whenever there is a debate.....That does`nt make you a Jehovah`s Witness...........To be able to call your self a Jehovah`s Witness..You actually have to be a Baptized Active Jehovah`s Witness..That goes to ALL the Meetings,Assemblys,participates in Field Service and the Ministry School............You don`t follow the WBT$..Your not a Jehovah`s Witness.....Your simply Pro-Jehovah`s Witness..There is a big difference..



  • rebel8

    Snowbird: You rawk.

    Renivebeenassimilatedaa: AS IF anyone is even suggesting the op do anything against his or her own moral values. For someone who claims to love 'the truth' so much, you sure make up a lot of stuff.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Reniaa, you have no right to 'point the finger' at another saying, ''you no longer live the witness life'' - as YOU don't yourself. You have no credibility. Highdose (like any rational individual) recognises the WT for what it is.

  • snowbird
    Snowbird: You rawk.

    Thanks, dear, but it's the Message that rocks, and I don't mean The Message Bible.

    I'm so happy I finally realized that.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Reniaa is just jealous. She couldn't get a social group outside of the JW's as long as she held onto some whacked out beliefs.
    She kept seeing her "worldly" friends clinking glasses or wishing each other a happy birthday, so she freaked out. It was even worse when they wore green on St. Patrick's Day.

    She couldn't use her freedom because of all the cult programming, so she figured she was better off going back. That way, if she pretended to be a good JW, never admitting to coming to these Apostate sites, she would get a social group. Well, at least she would get a group to preach with and hang out at the donut shop at during the day.

    She couldn't stop assuming anyone who left the JW's was immoral, so she figured she'd stop being immoral and go back.

    I said all that with just as much knowledge about her as she had in her comment, perhaps a bit more.

  • shamus100


    You are right - said bluntly but right.

    Birds of a feather flock together. If you hang out with drug-addicts, drunks, losers, then you are probably one too. If you seek out people that are positive members in the community, you will become a positive member of the community too. To actually say there aren't good people in the world is one of the most false statements out there - something dubbies are quick to condem.

    It's all about your attitude. Many people will themselves to be failures and don't even know it.

  • mouthy

    Welcome aboard. You have already been blessed . No family IN Wonderful
    my daughter & grand kid is in it & must shun wicked me.
    Enjoy your freedom. Reniaa doesnt know any of us but has passed
    judgement on us all ( or nearly all) I have been free since 1987. & it is TRUE!!!
    The "TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" You are FREE!!! but use your head.
    Look after your self because the WT did try to teach good morals,they
    didnt always succeed as we know with all the pedifiles ( spelt wrong )
    adulteries,murder's etc that some in the "LIE" has committed.
    Enjoy this site of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!! We even love Reniaa,
    & Spike, & Ernest our "ON SITE JEHOVAHS WITNESS 'es"


    (((Mouthy)))..You love everybody!..


  • Heaven

    you do know you people are meant to be the very essance of wickedness don't you?

    Yes. But we have broad shoulders. This is what a mind control cult tells it's members of those who are non-members. The WTS aren't the only ones who use this. Just as an aside, you're now included in this. How does it feel to be 'the very essence of wickedness?'

    I personally never listen to that tripe as I have seen and worked with many other peoples and for the most part, it doesn't hold up as true. I personally have always tried to do what's good and proper. I am not always successful but then, who is? Life is about learning and growing. None of us was born perfect. I've always helped my family, friends, and colleagues, paid my taxes, kept my house in running order, showed up to work and did the best I could. I'm not sure there is any 'wickedness' in there.

    I am so glad to hear your family is not in.

  • Chalam

    Hello again HD,

    i think your right chalam, i never found NWT easy, its very gruesome too. and i have to admit i never did understand much of what paul wrote. i noticed that the society only uses certain bits over and over again so i guessed they didn't understand too. either that or it was just me being stupid.

    Yeah they use the same bits over and over and indoctrinate you with their false interpretations of them. They ignore the other verses that directly contradict their "teaching". Stick around and you will see the JW apologists on here doing the same.

    Also, the NWT is hard to read for a reason IMHO. One reviewer called it "wooden" and that is a good description. They make it difficult to understand so you have to go to their teaching aids.

    There is only one teaching aid you need, the Holy Spirit John 14:26 1 Corinthians 2

    There are much more modern bibles out there and they haven't been tampered with in the respects of key verses, John 1:1 etc.

    This one is nice and easy to read New Century Version

    ...i kept all my chick lit books tho;)

    What are they? I never was a JW!

    All the best,


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