...insearch...probably because that would be like porn in a jw's hands...to have literature with paintings of naked paradisians , even if there were little leaves or trees conveniently blocking the no-no special places.
Studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
by homeschool 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hey, I appreciate your well-thought-out questions on this matter. If someone slows down enough to think about the ridiculous things JW's do and do not do, it helps them to dismiss commands as just suggestions. Even if you don't see her leave the JW's, you are doing a great job of getting her to think.
Why thank you, OnthewayOut. I'm keeping my hopes low though (to increase my patience level ). For so long, I just accepted that's how my family is...then one day I thought "heck NO thats not how it has to be!"
I just received Releasing the Bonds in the mail. Unfortunately, our dummy mailman stuck it in a place OTHER than the mailbox & its soaking wet cover to cover. Just as soon as its dry, i'm gonna read it
Nice job Homeschool... keep it up! I really wish I could "study" with my brother...
An interesting point I discovered in my own research on "Jehovah"... Not only is that name a mispronunciation of a mistranslation, so the JWs are wrong to be promoting that as "God's Name" (it's not), but you would think that in modern Israel, Jehovah's Witnesses would be called Yahweh's Witnesses... but they're not. The silly dubs take that mispronunciation of a mistranslation and RE-translate it back into modern Hebrew!!! Yep, they're using the modern Hebrew translation of the English rendering of "Jehovah" over there. What an insult. So they've taken the Jews God, westernized/bastardized him, repackaged him, and are now trying to sell him back to the Jewish people under a new label that they don't even recognize!!! No wonder modern Israelis hate the JWs so much.
Interesting... if you don't mind I would like to suggest something. From my personal experience I find it is futile to debate dogma. When you start reading the bible I suggest you bring up a few verses that are very troubling, if you want some good ones just look at http://www.infidels.org/ and type in biblical atrocities or contradictions in the search box. One of my first topic here was about the bible. I have a lot of topics about the bible and it's origins which is a good thing to bring up to your sister. Just click on my user name and then click on topics started. I find that with a book like the bible it being so vague you can come up with all kinds of beliefs so it is better to debate it's authenticity.
Hey, any help/constructive criticism you have to offer is very welcome . I will definitely check out that link. At this point, I dont want to take away my family's hope for the future or show them the Bible isn't true. I don't want to show that there are other true religions out there (there's not, in my opinion). What I DO want to show is that the WTB$ is not true.
Dark...woweeWoW. Our discussion of Jah's name is certainly not over. Its in my lil notebook of things to bring up again, and your point is quite valid.
I never seek to engage in debate with them. I keep focused on deconstructing any nonsense that they assert, mostly using the Bible and WT literature. It is shot full of contradictions and unfounded assertions, so this is much like shooting fish in a barrel. But I do enjoy the company.
I don't have anyone "in", so the stakes of what happens are not so high as what you are facing, Homeschool.
TRUST me, if I didn't have anybody "in", I wouldnt attempt either. The fact that I haven't been told that I'm argumentative since the 1st study session is a huge deal....just gotta roll with it.
I'm already almost done with Steven Hassan's RELEASING THE BONDS. I would highly recommend folks read it, but read COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL first. Both are very helpful...I think
I have been watching this thread and I just had to leave a comment. Homeschool you are doing so well, you have taken on a huge and emotionally draining task and I really admire your courage and strenght.
Im not sure if anyone has given you this link yet but it may help with your study (or you may just find it to be a good laugh-either way if you havent seen it yet check it out)- http://www.qwotes.info/admin-site-map.html
Thank you, Lillith...I tried clicking on the link & it didnt work. Anybody else able to do it?? I wanna see!