Aw hell!
This is what I've decided to believe...
by cognac 148 Replies latest jw friends
IS THAT YOU SHAMPOOP! What a coincidence!!! I was just on your other thread stocking you telling you to post your pic! And now you did! How obedient! You are now reinstated!!!
Aaaugh! I disassosiate from your church!
I've had it with your lies, lies, lies.
I'm going to build a chocolate jesus to worship instead.
Sorry, you've been disfellowshipped first. I win, you lose!!!
Did you say chocolate??? hmmmm, what kind of "chocolate" is this Jesus you speak of?
Every easter I get me a chocolate bunny, and eat it. It's my chocolate Jesus - delicious. Have too much of him and you get a tummy-ache, though!
Then you go to church, then it's over for the year! IT's the easiest religion in the world, and you're saved!
hmmmm, but what kind of chocolate??? Dark, regular, or white?
The color of the chocolate signifies which slave class you belong to... if you are a dominate male, you get black. All others get brown... and the holy father himself gets white to signify his holiness of all eternity.
Would you like to taste the chocolate Jesus? You may join, only if you repent of your sins, and send me $1,000.00 (usd preferred) to:
Shamus Hamilton
P.O. Box 960
London, Ontario, Canada
Y6M 1X3
Thanks, and god bless.
I'm bored with this thread. Let's talk about something else entirely!
I'll start:
The theme: Gossip
How many people do you think are still reading this thread besides you and me, Poop? (If you are - nows a great time to say so.)
Poop - I'm the white one! Therefore- you have to send the $ directly to me after you get it!
PS. You have it all wrong! It's not "father" it's "mother"
Not a lot, Cognak.
We can talk about people. Oh, I know - let's talk about All-Time Jeff. He's a real jerk, isn't he? Overbearing bethel jerk.
Who do you hate?