Please help me to chill .... quit bouncing off the walls....detox...

by SnakesInTheTower 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    In some ways I am ADD....bouncing from thing to thing...I think I have always been a bit ADD, even as an kid.....never diagnosed formally, but I have the symptoms.

    Being a JW, especially an elder, did not help that one little bit. I was always busy doing something as a JW...field service, "studying" for meetings or some part, elder business, helping others in the congo, etc. I rarely took the time to just unwind, relax, do something for myself..... I was always worried about doing something for others.

    On the other hand, on some things, I will be ultra focused on what I am doing to the point that I will let 8 hours go by and have to be reminded to go eat....this was the case when I was a billing specialist.. I would be in the middle of some fascinating adjustment (I love numbers, data analysis, stats, etc.) and I would get a tap on the shoulder to go take my lunch....... so in that way maybe I am a bit OCD.....I want to get something done, I stay with it until it is done. I read the same way....

    Now that I don't have any of that JW stuff keeping me busy. Having a job with a very unstructured schedule, it is causing me some issues. My GF told me last night (and today at lunch) that she notices that I bounce off the walls....worse than her 8 year old son. lol He can at least sit in a chair and focus on his NintendoDS. Despite the fact that I absolutely enjoy every minute I am with her (and her son), I do have a hard time staying focused on the moment. I certainly can understand why that bothers her. She tells me I need to detox and she is going to help me out. LOL She is a very patient woman indeed. I don't want to take that too much for granted.

    So, what do you do to help you, relax, enjoy being with the ones you love, enjoy the moment... how do you shut your mind off from the other things and just be there.? How do you focus?

    It's a serious question. One I have to get a handle on.

    Snakes (Rich )

    I am only in front of the computer right now to post this. After that I have to go.... I am going to do laundry and read my homework chapter...too many distractions at home...even that ...I am doing 2 things at

  • snowbird

    Hi, Rich.

    You may need to see a doctor and get a mild sedative until you can get things under control.

    I had to do that in 2005; I simply couldn't relax, and was full of nervous energy!

    Now, I very seldom have to take a pill, although I keep some on hand just in case.

    The best to you.


  • rebel8

    Very interesting post.

    I am also told I'm hyper and meet the description you gave of yourself (I think?? I am not physically hyper at all. I can sit still.). I never attributed it to dubism, but maybe that's part of it.

    How do I cope with it? I do things that are "not productive" but keep me busy. I do intricate artwork.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I believe in going drug free so try sex aleast 3 times a day....makes me sleepy and, seriously.

  • wobble

    Send me some of your energy,nervous or not,I just cannot get motivated to do anything at present. (except eat and drink beer !)[you can eat beer too]


    Lazy laid-Back Wobble

  • rebel8

    witness007, please stop hitting on snakes. He is spoken for.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    I have kind of the same problem - try and have something going on all the time to occupy your senses, put music on whenever you can, chillout music can help if you want to unwind or if you want distraction listen to something with some energy and lots of layers like some classic trance or electronica.

    Try and have a few things on the go entertainment wise, read 2-3 books, watch some tv series on DVD, take up some hobbies, do more time at work - you should be able to keep your mind pretty busy.

    Exercise is essential, go for a 30-60 min run 3 times a week, that will help with stress and the whole bouncing off the walls thing massively.

  • VoidEater

    Meditate. It's easy to just shut off the mind and let the heart decide (thanks, Thomas Dolby). After years of practice.

    Let the mind be in service to the heart, not running the show.

  • BizzyBee


    I don't see a case for this being such a bad thing. Several things you mentioned are positive - being absorbed and passionate about what interests you. Perhaps draw up a Franklin "T" for yourself - pros and cons. At least then you'll know more precisely why and what to work on. Yoga is good, too.

  • Scully

    Try reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

    I don't think you are as much of an odd-ball as you think you are, Snakes. It's part of our culture to try to maximize our productivity and multi-task. Those are qualities that are valued in the business world.

    I have audiobooks on my mp3 player - I "read" while I'm driving to work, or knitting. I have been known to "read" and knit while I'm waiting for an appointment - in the meantime I have a batch of bread dough on the go in my bread machine.

    The trick is to know when it's ok to do the multi-tasking (bad idea: the actual reading of a book or knitting while driving) and when it's important to focus your thoughts and energy on one single event (like a romantic evening with your girlfriend).

    Being able to multi-task and be uber-efficient can become a problem. I'm usually the one who is called upon at work to organize meetings - why? - because nobody can multi-task like good-ol' Scully. Things get dumped on you because people know you can do their crap plus manage your own stuff. I have had to learn to say "No". My free time is MY free time, and if I'm doing their crap so they can have THEIR free time, at the expense of MY OWN free time, I'm being used and taken advantage of.

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