Have you ever had your palm read, fortune told, or read your horoscope etc?

by restrangled 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Newby
    John Newby

    While some "psychics" DO use cold-reading techniques on others, it doesn't explain away the accuracy of doing these readings for one's self! I do divination myself and can attest to accuracy! As to the newspaper horoscopes, they are way too general. Go to a REAL astromancy expert and they can give astoundingly accurate charts.

  • restrangled

    JD...I'm know seer, but I was asking, once I found this book again I could send you the pages and see what you think.

    Just off the top of my head though your either a Leo, Taurus or a Scorpio....I'm probably dead wrong but its fun to try and guess.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    JD...I'm know seer, but I was asking, once I found this book again I could send you the pages and see what you think.

    How accurate can it be if it won't tell you which date is accurate? After all, my personality is blatantly obvious from my posts here.

  • restrangled

    Now that I think of it, possibly a Saggetarious.

  • restrangled

    Doe, I can't guess your birthdate, I'm guessing on personality traits....which may not be accurate on this board either. I need the date, not the year, and I still have to find the book.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    If I were to give you my sign, it would hamper the validity of the test I was proposing.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Here you go--my birthdate is one of the following:











    Now, if your book is accurate, tell me which is the correct one.

    And for those who may have access to my birthdate, keep quiet!

  • restrangled

    What test, I didn't say I could predict anything....I said I had a book about birthdays that was very accurate.....but I need the date.

    just for the hell of it, I would say you are probably a leo or taurus.....based on your online persona.


  • dinah

    Dammit, I used to know Doe's birthday (and sign), but I forgot. I'm thinking he was a fire sign.......

  • C. T. Russell
    C. T. Russell

    John Doe,

    I am peering into the future, past, and present. I see an image. You are bold, but alone. You are strong, but prideful. I sense a Virgo. No, now its Libra. But a shift to Pisces. No wait…

    I have it now! You’re a bull! Not Taurus, but bull.... bull... bulll... Your a a Republican full of BS!

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