The Governing Body's REAL critical date

by Doug Mason 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The Governing Body is nothing more than a administrative authority for they are subject to the FDS

    who alone are given the responsibility of providing spiritual food, the GB is simply an agency for the FDS.

    Perhaps then Scholar you could vilify this arrangement with some bible scriptures and while your at it possibly

    quote some scripture on how the preaching of the Gospel should be turned into a Publishing commercial enterprise,

    I know you respect nothing but " The Truth " .

    Not only are the JWS false teachers but they commercialized these falsehoods to make millions of dollars through

    their publishing company. Now is this something the truly inspired FDS would do ? , I don't think so.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    scholar, "Your studies at Gilead although meritorious does not make you an expert in eschatology, nor does it make you an expert in WT History and Theology."

    Gilead is THE official, advanced, training school in Watchtower theology. The curriculum is arranged by any 'celebrated WT scholars' that you imagine that Watchtower Corporation has. They receive some of their lectures directly from the "Governing Body". To deny the brilliance and completeness of Nathan Knorr's Watchtower Bible School of Gilead makes you a worldly APOSTATE!

    scholar, your jealousy for never having attended Gilead is loud and clear.

    B the X

  • AllTimeJeff


    Game on.

    The evidence for 607 BCE for the Fall of Jeruselem is overwhelming from not only a biblical viewpoint but also from a secular/historical point of view. Apostates have done much to discredit our sacred chronology but their so-called 'scholarly 'efforts has failed miserably.

    As you have so far not given any references, I will give you the popular, and not called into question Wikipedia to start. Feel free to raise the stakes sir.

    Nebuchadnezzar engaged in several military campaigns designed to increase Babylonian influence in Syria and Judah. An attempted invasion of Egypt in 601 BC was met with setbacks, however, leading to numerous rebellions among the states of the Levant, including Judah. Nebuchadnezzar soon dealt with these rebellions, capturing Jerusalem in 597 BC and deposing King Jehoiakim, then in 587 BC due to rebellion, destroying both the city and the temple, and deporting many of the prominent citizens along with a sizable portion of the Jewish population of Judea to Babylon. [2] These events are described in the Prophets (Nevi'im) and Writings (Ketuvim), sections of the Hebrew Bible. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar engaged in a thirteen year siege of Tyre (585-572 BC), which ended in a compromise, with the Tyrians accepting Babylonian authority.

    Oh yeah, that big book you can get at the Barnes and Noble and other book stores, "The History of the World" has Jerusalems destruction at 587 too. And the United States public school system? They have it at 587 too.

    I am just giving two references. Would you please do the courtesy of giving a non JW reference by a non JW scholar that definitively states Jerusalems destruction at 607?

    Would you be honest enough to concede the point if you can't find a reference?

    Where is the overwhelming evidence? It's not there.

    Just one reference is all I ask of you sir. If it is so well attested to, it shouldn't be that hard to find.

    I look forward to your response.



  • scholar

    AllTime Jeff

    Post 1548

    Wikipedia is hardly a rleliable source of scholarly information for anyone can write and correct articles. All that you have done is simply post populist dates for the Fall which are meaningless. The fact of the matter is that no non-witness scholars can agree on a definite date for the Fall, they simply do not know.

    I commend to you the research by the world's most foremost chronologist Edwin W Thiele a SDA scholar now deceased who published Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings which endorses 586 rather than 587 BCE

    scholar JW

  • yesidid
    Would you please do the courtesy of giving a non JW reference by a non JW scholar that definitively states Jerusalems destruction at 607?

    Well Jeff, your clear question to scholar is quoted above.

    His reply 1703 does not refer to the question or attempt an answer.

    We would have to conclude that he cannot find EVEN ONE non JW scholar to support his 607 date.

    It's funny how he often brings up the 586/7 red herring. As though a few months either way is important.

    None so blind.


  • besty

    Scholar - maybe this will help:

    I'm sure the Israeli Government known when their own capital city when destroyed - funnily enough they agree with the Thiele reference you cited.

    Scholar stop being so lame - at least come up with something outlandish like David Icke did - defending 607 is a mugs game - that train left the station a loooooong time ago and you are one of the few people left on the platform.

  • passwordprotected

    I'm confused.

    Apostates have done much to discredit our sacred chronology but their so-called 'scholarly 'efforts has failed miserably.

    "Sacred chronology"? What on earth...? Did I miss a class?

    And this confuses me even further. Scholar claims the date is 607, and then uses this to back his claim up;

    I commend to you the research by the world's most foremost chronologist Edwin W Thiele a SDA scholar now deceased who published Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings which endorses 586 rather than 587 BCE

    So, it's 586 and not 607?

    Also, what sort of god do you worship, Scholar, that would deliberately hide dates and allow that big baddie satan to completely mask, destroy and obfuscate such matters of importance to mankind's universal salvation?

    Here's me going to church on Sunday and believing passages such as Romans 3:21-24 (where I'm led to believe the revelation that the righteousness from God comes through putting faith in Jesus and is available to all because we're all sinners) and feeling good about myself when in actual fact I've completely missed the point of the Bible! The Bible is actually a secret code book that can only be understood under the tutelage of the Governing Body!

    So, help me out. Should I abandon reading the Bible with the aid of the Spirit of Truth and taking comfort from such truths as justification, and instead spend my time searching for obscure references to back up the Governing Body's unique eschatological teachings?

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    SCHOLAR: F W Franz was a brilliant scholar and theologian and he made some MISTAKES, such as 1975. ... The status of earlier dates ... was the provenance of the 'celebrated' WT scholars. As all of these fellows were human, thus MISTAKES are the nature of things and it is by making MISTAKES that we learn and are disciplined by God. ... Those MISTAKES, whether in Chronology or Theology, serve as 'stepping stones' in the pursuit of truth. ... Those 'MISTAKES' that are part and parcel of our Christian heritage and serve as a witness that Jehovah has raised up a body of people to carry out His will during these 'End -Times'.

    DOUG: So when celebrated scholars make mistakes, this proves they have been raised up by Jehovah. That should prevent the WTS complaining that other religious organisations have made mistakes in theology (doctrine of God). If making a mistake is evidence of being a scholar, if making a mistake is evidence that Jehovah has raised up a particular body of people, then it must be wrong to preach the truth. What confusion in reasoning I am being fed!

    SCHOLAR: The Governing Body is nothing more than an administrative authority for they are subject to the FDS who alone are given the responsibility of providing spiritual food, the GB is simply an agency for the FDS.

    DOUG: This must come as a shock to the thousands of FDS Class members on earth and to those old men who make up the Governing Body. Since when has anyone thought that the thousands of people on earth who make up the remnant of the FDS were “scholars”? Since when have they been involved in decisions or in creating scholarly works? When has their collective scholarly intelligence been sought by the Governing Body?

    SCHOLAR: The 1260 days and 1919 are proven true biblically by means of the book of Revelation and the Pauline Epistles and they conform with the facts of modern history during that early period of the 20th century.

    DOUG: The WTS says that “2520 days” means “2520 years” but “1290 days” means “1290 days”. And this proves they were anointed at that moment in time. I am reminded of a discussion I had many years ago with a very nice guy who was training to become an RC priest. He said that Jesus had given Peter the keys to the kingdom, and this authority had been passed down the centuries. I asked him how he knew that this was the way this passage was to be interpreted and understood. His reply was that this is what the church said. A prime example of circular reasoning. How does the WTS know that the authority to represent the kingdom was passed to them? Because they say that it was. How do we know? Because of the authority vested in them. And around and around we go.

    DOUG: Nothing happened during the early period of the 20 th century other than people falsely pointing to physical events being pointers to Christ’s coming. As recorded at Matthew 24:3ff, Jesus plainly warned his followers about deceivers saying they are Christ (Anointed) pointing to wars, earthquakes, and such. Never did Jesus mention number of casualties, length, intensity, extent, increase or decrease in frequency and so on (quote me one word at Matt 24 where he says otherwise). All he said was “beware of deceivers”. Excellent counsel.

  • AllTimeJeff
    Wikipedia is hardly a rleliable source of scholarly information for anyone can write and correct articles. All that you have done is simply post populist dates for the Fall which are meaningless. The fact of the matter is that no non-witness scholars can agree on a definite date for the Fall, they simply do not know.

    Well, thats another example of mis representation actually. They are fact checked. And so far, the only people who disagree with scholars (real ones) and historians are JW's. No one else.

    Unless that scholarly source of yours has a quote saying Jerusalem fell in 587/586?

    Non Witness scholars actually do agree on the general date, it being 587/586 BCE. Not 607.

    Sorry, you are wrong sir, and you are letting your fence sitting lurkers down with your lack of scholarship. They need you to back up what you are saying.

    I know I am the crummy lying apostate, right? I didn't used to be. I actually believed it. I went to Cameroon and almost died for it, so spare me anything other then a direct answer to the continued single question I continue to present to you on two seperate threads. Thank you.

  • AllTimeJeff

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