The Biggest B.S. stories you've heard from a talk

by superman 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • superman

    A few years ago at a convention, they related a story of a JW who was shot during service. But rather then stop and get medical attention (like a normal person would have done) they moved on to the next door to finish the street. When they got to the house the householder just so happened to be a (you guessed it) nurse! Of course this nurse provided medical attention to the JW until the ambulance came, and was so impressed by their zeal, they wanted to know more about the religion. This lead to them starting a study, and later becaming a witness. COMPLETE B.S. . When I heard the story I was still a believer and even I thought, there is no way in hell this story could be remotely true. Even if for some One in a Billion chance it was even slightly true, then that makes us look like a bunch of fanatics to any outsiders (AKA worldly people) who were there attending!

    What are some B.S. stories you've heard????

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Probably the one about the talking snake. No no, wait, the one about a man living in a fish for days and living. No, maybe the one about the man with magic hair.

  • BonaFide

    The one about the murderer in the territory who didn't kill the sisters who came to his door, so the elders went to his house to ask him why he didn't kill her. He said, "What, with those TWO GIANT GUYS STANDING RIGHT BEHIND THEM?" I heard this story at least twenty times in a bunch of different congregations. A sister I know at Bethel told me she has heard it from visitors hundreds of times, and it "recently happened."

    Oh yes, the angels were protecting the Witnesses. But why no protection in Malawi? And why were the elders asking him questions? And why wasn't a murderer in jail? On and on.


  • BonaFide

    What about the experience I heard FROM THE PLATFORM that China had made it THE LAW that every person had to buy the Live Forever book?


  • Lillith26

    I had one sister tell me that you should never talk to demons or satan! her reason- I've seen a brother picked up and thrown across the room by a spirit we couldn't see because he directed his anger straight to Satan for all the trouble he caused!..... Tales from the Crypt anyone??? LOLOLOLOL

  • superman

    The one about the murderer in the territory who didn't kill the sisters who came to his door, so the elders went to his house to ask him why he didn't kill her. He said, "What, with those TWO GIANT GUYS STANDING RIGHT BEHIND THEM?" I heard this story at least twenty times in a bunch of different congregations. A sister I know at Bethel told me she has heard it from visitors hundreds of times, and it "recently happened."

    I heard that one too, but it's like an urban legend. It's from a person, who it from another person, who it from someone else. However, you never actually directly hear it from the person who the story is about.

  • truthseekeriam

    Thank you all so much:) I was so in need of some LOL's.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Bonafide - you're the best! Surely it was the Mao's little red book they were getting mixed up with.........

  • besty

    So there were these two Aussie Witnesses in the outback and they found a kangaroo asleep at the side of a deserted road. Seeing that it didn't already have the Panda tract they placed one carefully in its empty pouch. Seriously - this is true - I heard this at a CA

    Well anyways, some days go by and a farmer finds this kangaroo stunned at the roadside like it had been hit by a car or something, although it was uninjured it seemed 'dopey' somehow. So he looks it up and down and spots somethign brightly colored in its pouch - no - truly - it is the Panda tract placed there days and days ago by the bros.

    So the farmer reads it and calls the number on the back - you guessed the rest - he is now an elder in Wallabolowollowo Cong in the outback. It's true dammit....

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    One nutbar elder who was convinced that 2005 was "the end", went on about how all the world's religions admitted that 1914 was correct to the witnesses when world war 1 broke out.

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