by AllTimeJeff 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    you will all be .monitored. by the appropriate powers and in time you will all be gone leaving way to the grand new world with no apostates, none of you filthy filthy people. satan is within all of you.

    You are being monitored too. Unfortunately, my computer can only take so much. It bluescreened when zooming in on what appeared to be saggy manboobs.


  • yknot

    Only Ceiling Cat watches.....

  • yknot
  • yknot

    Seriously....I would welcome some Bethel Brothers to read daily the things we discuss...... I only clicked on JWD by accident and that was all it took!

    This way when they are ready to leave, they know where they can go for support and fellowship.

    BTW Melita, Welcome and I hope you stay awhile reading some of the older posts too by Maximus, Alan F and many many many more!

    The reaction to Ted's condition has varied widely but I must say that using his wife's name is just as disrespectful as you feel some posters have commented.

    Instead of posting quick snippy juvenile responses why not open a thread and discuss 'deeper things'. Ignore the troll comments and have a real conversations with those of us who are very interested in your voluntary appearance into our neck of the woods.

    For instance how did you come upon our little forum? Have lurked for years?, Are you one of Ted's special boys from the early MTS years? How do you feel about all the changes that will take place should Ted not recover or be left in the infirmary and cottled but dismissed like past 'Bosses' have found themselves when their health has left them incapacitated.

    Again Welcome to JWN!

  • cameo-d

    Ynot: "For instance how did you come upon our little forum? Have lurked for years?, Are you one of Ted's special boys from the early MTS years?"

    .....or did someone just put a hook in your nose?

  • Heaven

    "Am I being monitored?" That's a laugh!

    No I am not. They have no idea who I am.

  • yammer-hammer

    As far as monitoring the WTBS private network, no doubt it's done. With a DHCP server it's possible to trace not only what Web sites a user visits, but also every page on every Web site they click on. Most big LANs and WANs have a DHCP server and a proxy server that allows connections to the outside world. The company I worked for kept all DHCP log files for up to six months, and they were able, if the need presented itself, to search the logs for a particular user, a particular IP address (which would reveal the actual computer the user was on), or sort by a particular Web site and find all user accounts that visit that Web site.

    As Jeff said, someone has to have a good reason to write a query into such enormous logs, no one would have the time to sort through every user account on the network and monitor everything a user was doing. I seriously doubt anyone at the Borg does such a thing other than spot checking accounts. If someone wanted to watch a certain individual or group of individuals, that could be done, and no doubt has been done at Bethel and every other big corporation. It's perfectly legal if you have a policy for doing so. With such a policy, it is also perfectly legal to install "remote monitoring" software on any computer in a corporate network. We did it all the time for support and trouble shooting purposes.

    As for connecting to an outside network and feeling safe, don't count on it. A few weeks ago I watched someone use a "packet sniffer" on an outside network and he showed me how easy it was to find unsecured communications, such as e-mail and chat sessions. If you have a wireless network in your home, (and you haven't done anything to secure it) someone could be down the street watching (and logging) everything you do; there are very easy and unsophisticated ways of watching wireless traffic (it's actually a hobby of many computer geeks called "War Driving"). It's like your home... if someone really wants to break in, there is little you can do about it. You can discourage most crooks by taking some basic precautions, and that will repel 95% of the attacks.

    It would not take much effort for someone on the inside of a LAN to install a packet sniffer (a free download from the Internet) and watch other users' traffic. In that case, we would have Bethelites watching Bethelites, and there may be IT administrators at Bethel who are monitoring the LAN for packet sniffers. That can be done too.

    Abj vs lbh ernyyl jnag gb shpx jvgu fbzrobql'f urnq, lbh pna nyjnlf hfr n Ebg13 plcure ratvar yvxr guvf bar. Jura fbzrbar jvgu n cnpxrg favssre ybbxrq ng gur grkg sbe guvf zrffntr, gurl jbhyq dhvpxyl cnff vg ol guvaxvat vg jnf whfg tneontr. Vs lbh'ir tbg ceboyrzf jvgu gur PVN, ubjrire, fgnl gur shpx bss gur Vagrearg, gur cubar, gur enqvb, naq qba'g hfr n snk znpuvar. Gubfr zhgure-shpxref ner FREVBHF.

    If you want to know what that last paragraph says, you have to copy it and paste it into this Web site: and hit the "Cypher" button.

    And in case anyone is out to get me from the Borg all I can say is: PBZR NAQ TRG ZR LBH PUVPXRA FUVG ONFGNEQF!


  • daniel-p

    daniel-p, I was told the name of that new computer system is "Admin2000." It is considered to be the biggest hitter after MEPS. It's an advanced database system, implemented worldwide at all the branches. All branches no matter big or small have the same information on their systems: memos, instructions, internal books, etc. along with their own local problems including local child abuse cases, but not the child abuse cases that Brooklyn has.

    Barbara, look at this guy's CV:

    Here's an excerpt:

    COMPUTER LITERACY Great Plains Dynamics, Admin 2000, Word, Excel, Outlook and some Microsoft Access

    Manager / Caretaker of a block of flats situated on Sloane Square, London. Hands on approach to maintenance and oversight of any contactors on larger jobs. Making sure that the building is clean and presentable and that security and safety standards are upheld. PRO work and problem solving with all the occupants.


    It sounds like he was a home overseer. I looked around for a program called Admin 2000, and I can't come up with anything else it might be....

  • cameo-d

    Why do you think your houses are being marked with lamb's blood GPS co-ordinates?

    Why do you think there is a privatived mercenary army that is affiliated with the christian dominionists?

    What motive would they have to monitor us?

    (Ever wonder about the occult owl symbols that pre-date Babylon? The owl is a stealth predator that operates in darkness. It has special shreaded feather tips that give it silent flight. It's only 'wisdom' is in stalking and catching prey.)

    Is headquarters monitoring us? Not personally. But they probably get reports.

    All religions have an upline. They are the ones who are monitoring!

    The churches---all of them---have lost too many people because of the lies and manipulations that have been exposed. They are losing their power and their wealth.

    When Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers...that's when things started in motion to silence him.

    He really upset the apple cart. His actions had begun to affect the power, control, and the wealth of merchants. Even then, there was a power beyond any religious leaders that was controlling commerce, politics, and religion...and it wasn't any sky daddy! (Innocent people became scapegoats for the deed.) It's always been about power and wealth....that was the motivation for his murder.

    The slaughter of the ten thousand immediately after the crucifixion were those followers who knew the truth. They had to be silenced.

    Today, we see obvious connections of how religions have become deeply entertwined in corporations and politics. The upline has formed organizations, which, in the name of some religious council, p*wns politicians through their lobbyists. In the name of religion, these uplines control economies through the church's holdings and stock portfolios. ( Rather like an elaborate money laundering scheme). It's big business.

    It is the upline of these religions who are doing the dirty work. There is an elite group orchestrating all of this. It has nothing to do with any particular religion or any religious teachings. It's the interconnections between the bankers, lawyers, accountants, and the capstone elite who actually control the wealth the religions have brought in. (This is why nothing has been done to stop the charlatans and the frauds.They bring in money to the state and to industries!)

    All religions are used as a control mechanism. It is implied that religion controls the moral order of our society, but in truth, religion has only caused divisions and hatred among peoples. Religious diversity is the major cause of chaos in this world. And it is all being orchestrated by a power that is beyond religions themselves.

    Again, it is a group of people who do evil and claim that god has dictated these orders.

    This is why everyone in internet forums are being monitored. Those who see this naked evil and understand this "revealing" must be silenced again. That is their plan.

    Religious "disobedience" is the excuse being used.

    This is the agenda of evil men.

    It is not "god".

  • slimboyfat

    test post

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