Homsexuals---Do You View Them Improperly???

by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindmelda

    If you've had any group of people villainized to you a good deal of your life, you're going to be afraid of them.

    I used to be afraid of anyone "worldly" of course, because you're taught to be. But, I'm not anymore.

    I always found men and women equally attractive, but I never acted on the attraction to females bit. I was always scared to, but I had a terrible crush on my female JW roommate...I was really horrified by it at the time. *sigh*

    I'm happily married (to a guy) and have been for 21 years, and yes, my husband knows that I also find women sexually attractive. I think it kind of makes him happy, too! LOL

    Although I am faithful to him, because UM, MARRIED and I like men equally well. I don't like cheating, either. Dishonesty is not good for relationships.

  • hamsterbait

    Funny how the "girl on girl " thing is generally accepted by men.

    How many women ACTUALLY get turned on by "guy on guy" - not just because it is currently fashionable to claim it? how many can say their hubby would be happy for her to watch this whilst getting it on??


  • BurnTheShips
    Homsexuals---Do You View Them Improperly

    They must be viewed with the "Queer Eye"


  • Tuesday

    I can definetly tell when someone's gay, I usually come to this realization after the guy asks me out. My wife has alot of gay friends so we get invited to parties and inevitably by the end of the party I get asked out. I have to have some sort of quality about me.

    I'm not sure what proper means, but if you mean to say you see someone's mannerisms and think they're gay; I don't think that's improper just observant. It doesn't mean you won't be wrong though.

  • stillajwexelder

    I try and view them as human beings. Some of the nicest people I have ever met are gay. One of my best buddies is gay

  • BurnTheShips
    Homesexuals---Do You View Them Improperly

    No, sex should be part of every home.

  • stillajwexelder

    and yes some hot girl on girl action is wonderful

  • VIII


    and yes some hot girl on girl action is wonderful

    You're not really an Elder. I'm shocked. Shocked.

    Try Insatiable with Marilyn Chambers. Oldie, but a goodie. Or, Debbie does Dallas.

    You'll want your wife to try some of the moves with her Service Partner.

  • Priest73

    Sorry to Hijack your thread minimus.

  • restrangled

    Minimus, please give some identification to gays or bi's in the animal world. I think you're stretching it big time.

    As far as humans go...I have 2 gay uncles and some gay friends. My big beef is: Shut up about it. I don't care what your sexual orientation is. Stop flirting like a teenage girl. Stop lisping, flapping with your hands, and acting like your taste in art work, decorating, etc. is better than the general population.

    I don't want to see gay parades, and the ensuing foolishness.

    People are people.....Heterosexuals can become obnoxious too, but I believe they don't have parades about their sexuality, or put it on a bumpersticker.


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