..Your Worst Injury...

by OUTLAW 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Yeah well combining alcohol with painkillers may put you out of your misery for good!

    Teach Muttley to go for help if you get stuck in the well like Lassie did!

    (I think flipper wins the thread. *ouch* )

  • restrangled

    Outlaw, please get in to town and have that knee looked at!

    I have stepped on toothpicks 3 times. Deck nails twice. Deck nails you can pull your foot off of. Toothpicks break off and swell inside your foot. 3 emergency room operations to remove them. Getting pain numbing shots in your foot for the operation hurts way worse than the initial injury!


  • musky

    (I think flipper wins the thread. *ouch* )

    Shoot, I knew I should have stuck with the grizzly story. I might have won this one. DANG!........


    Purps..That is one big Ass-Hickey..Did his girlfriend give it to him?..LOL!!..And.....Thanks!......................................Rebel8..Alcohol and pain killers are not the best combination..But..I`m in the middle of nowwhere......When I`m too injured to drive I have to make due with what I have..It`s happened before........................................................................Restrangled..Thanks!..If it does`nt heal up I will get it looked at..Right now I`m using a cane again..When I first wrote this thread the pain was frigg`n off the scale.................................................................OUTLAW

  • flipper

    OUTLAW- Hang in there with your knee buddy . At least Bigfoot or a grizzly hasn't tore yer nuts off yet !! When THAT happens it's time to take your boots off and rest ! Peace out, get some rest, Mr. Flipper

  • rebel8

    For Outlaw

    RICE is your friend.





  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    When I was 19, I worked at night doing janitorial (like a good little pioneer). I got off my last building at 2:00 a.m. and got on the on ramp to the highway. Suddenly something or someone (I honestly don't remember now) was moving across the 5 lines of the highway on to the on ramp right in front of me. I had less than a second to choose either to hit the person or swerve.

    I swerved and hit a solid steel light pole anchored in the ground. I wasn't wearing a seat belt and bounced off the windshield a couple of times. I took 104 stitches. Parkland Hospital left 3 pieces of glass in my forehead, one about 2 cm above my left eye.

  • doofdaddy

    Nothing major until I took up motorcycle riding at 17.

    Broken bones in foot, leg, wrist, arm, hand, smashed hip.

    When I was a stone mason I broke fingers so many times, I don't remember.

    Oh yeah and broke my neck surfing big waves in the 70's!

    My greatest injury was talking to my brother many years ago. He told me that he was now a jw and offered me a bible study.....


    Flipper.."At least Bigfoot or a grizzly hasn't tore yer nuts off yet"..Flipper..Grizzlies and BigFoots leave that job for your Ex-Wife!..LOL!!..Thanks Bud..............................Rebel8..Rice is my friend..It keeps me regular!..LOL!!.............................BigTex..Sweet Jesus,Chris!..That sounds horrible!........................................DoofDaddy..I`ve had numerous injurys..Broken bones ect..Have`nt seen a doctor but once in 20 years...........................................OUTLAW

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