Hi. Just popping in with an observation Id like to share and any feedback Thanx.

by chrisjoel 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • creativhoney


    hate to break it to yall but this is a scene in the movie 1408..

  • StAnn

    Creativehoney, I was thinking that this reminds me of scenes from the movie "Mothman" with Richard Gere.

    St. Ann

  • StAnn

    Creativehoney, I was thinking that this reminds me of scenes from the movie "Mothman" with Richard Gere.

    St. Ann

  • chrisjoel

    1408? Nah ..the only scene where anyone sees anyone ina mirror in that movie is when Samuel Jackson does sitting in his cars rer view mirror..the movie is on You Tube in 11 parts....but you are right though it is definitely something out of a horror movie as the guy told me as much.but totally not made up and he has no reason to lie to me...guess we wont know til we experience death...uhhh

  • jaguarbass

    It sounds like he saw a shadow people.

    They talk about shadow people on Coast to Coast with George Noory.



  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Psychotic hallucinating drugs or a psychotic episode brought forward due to mental problems

    and these can occur no matter what religion your associated with.

    I would think Crisjoel that would be educated enough to discern what is occurring in these events,

    but then again you might be a mentally unbalanced JW too

  • oldflame

    Personally those who do not believe that there is an after life are either numb, brainwashed or scared. I have witnessed several ghost in my life and have been touched. I do believe in demons but there are also spirits of the dead. Demons harm you in many ways, spirits are just there and have no intentions to harm anyone.

    I am a paranormal investigator, our team is called RPI & Shasta paranormal. We did a investigation a couple of weeks ago and got a EVP (electronic voice phenomena. I believe that if a person has a fear of the unknown like spirits then they will not show themselves. You can do some research online and there are some pretty compelling videos and photos of ghost. Some are fake and some are very real.

    If you are ever in Northern California look me up and you can go on a ghost hunt with us....

  • Chalam

    Hi chrisjoel,

    I agree, there are many things in this life which you can not "explain away". I have seen several with my own eyes.

    Have a look at this, a account of someone who was at death's door

    Ian McCormacks Presentation

    Here is his web site Ian McCormack - Heaven Hell and the Box Jellyfish

    All the best,


  • wobble

    I think he saw the ghost of Guru Nanak,who told Sikh men not to shave their beard!



  • cameo-d

    The same thing happened to Paul on the way to Damascus.

    He started a religion over it.

    Maybe your friend is looking for a following.

    Is there still a market for mystics?

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