June 15 Study WT - Faithful Steward and its GB

by bud2114 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bud2114

    From what I can tell, there was some discussion out here on this article about a month ago, but at that time few folks had their copy to look at (we just received it last week at our hall). Now that most JW's have their copy, there has been a lot of discussion about it - at least here, that is.

    As was mentioned already, this is definitely a follow up to the 5/1/07 QFR "When does the callling of Christians to a heavenly hope cease?" In fact, the last part of this new article restates word-for-word certain points made in the QFR. However, the motivation behind this article seems to be totally different than it was for the QFR. While the QFR was more in response to questions over the recent and rapid increasing number of memorial partakers - something even the most clueless JW was starting to notice, this new article seems to be in response to a rising tide of disgruntled annointed ones who are openly questioning the authority of the current 9-member GB acting as a "representative" of the entire slave class.

    True, since the switch was made to the new WT format, every 3rd or 4th article seems to be a continual reinforcement of the role of the "slave class" as God's only channel and the need to follow their lead no matter what, but this article has a different tone to me and is directed more toward the anointed - especially the new partakers.

    Of course, this idea of pushing the GB to the fore, and down-playing the role of the rest of the anointed has been a work in progress ever since the coup in 1976 when Knorr and Franz lost their year-long battle with certain board members over control of the organization and the 6-committee thing was set up. Prior to this a GB loosely existed, but these GB members were merely corporate officers, and board members with no real authority over what the Society President decided. Although Franz vehemently argued against this idea by correctly pointing out that there is no scriptural basis for such, and no real "governing body" existed in the 1st century, his credibility was shot after the 1975 debacle. If I recall, there were 14 GB members at the time and the number soon after increased to 18 and has since fluctuated up and down, with the current number at 9.

    The term "faithful and discreet slave," which in this organization technically always meant the "GB," is just now (after 33 years) being explained correctly in print.

    Interestingly, the WT writer(s) must think JW's wont verify anything and will go along with whatever is written no matter how asinine the statements are. For example, when discussing Paul and Barnabas' visit to Jerusalem regarding the circumcision issue that had recently come up in Paul's home cong. in Antioch (Syria), par 9 makes this ridiculous statement: "Their appointment [as Apostle's] was confirmed by the governing body in Jerusalem. (Gal. 2:7-10) Shortly after that, Paul had a part in dispensing spiritual food."

    What? I thought Paul was appointed by Jesus personally on the road to Damascus - why would he need confirmation by some supposed Governing Body in Jerusalem? And did not Paul's previous 17 years of ministering as an "Apostle to the nations" constitute dispensing spiritual food? According to his letter to the Galations where he relates his early ministry work, Paul first ventured to Jerusalem 3 years after his calling, and "saw no one but Cephas (Peter)" during his 15 day visit (this, in itself, is quite odd that the GB - if it existed, did not care to meet with Paul). Then, 14 years later, Paul again went to Jerusalem after having a "revelation" and for the first time met with the "apostles and older men" to set them straight about the circumcision issue. It is absolutely ludicrous to say that at this visit Paul's appointment as an Apostle was confirmed by the Governing Body, and that shortly afterward he had a part in dispensing spiritual food.

    The article is full of this unsubstantiated drivel. I don't think the "anointed" in general are buying it anymore. Maybe other JW's are beginning to see through this crap too. Let's hope that the continual need of having to address this GB issue is a good sign and soon this house of cards will fall for good.

  • jwfacts

    I asked my auntie the other day if she still believes it all. She said of course, and how much nicer the Watchtowers are becoming. I was a bit shocked and said that I thought just the opposite. There is so much more information on Apostates and also on how important the Slave is.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Actually an increasing number of "anointed" could get sticky for the GB. After all, we live in a world that tries to follow democratic ideals. People resist tyranny and even though these newly "anointed" are in a cult, many of them are probably young, and have some secular education as well as common sense. If they begin to challenge the fact that they have absolutely no say over an organization that they "feed", well perhaps some dissent will surface. How likely is this? Only time will tell.


  • sir82
  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Excellent post Bud! I have taken note of the very valid points you make and plan to use them first chance I get. Like you, I hope to see the house of cards fall in the very near future. The tipping point is surely not far away.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    "and even though these newly "anointed" are in a cult, many of them are probably young, and have some secular education as well as common sense"

    Sorry, but someone who thinks they are one of 144,000 chosen people who are to go to heaven with an immortal soul and rule with Jesus isn't likely to be overflowing in the common sense department.

  • WTWizard

    All it does is creates confusion within the regular members. And for nothing--who gives a f*** about the technical details of the structure of the organization when the leaders actually live up to "Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger" much more than "Faithful and Discreet Slave"?

  • minimus

    Good post, Bud!

  • truthseeker

    It's rather like an onion isn't it - the more you peel back the layers the more is revealed.

    The faithful and discreet slave is the outer onion layer. Peel back the 10,000 partakers and what do you get?

    A "faithful steward" composed of 9-12 GB members.

    They deliberately avoided discussion of the 'faithful and discreet slave doctrine" in their introductory study books, but when talk about the arrangement, it was always implied that the remnant and governing body made up the faithful and discreet slave class who were dispensing spiritual food at the proper time.

    That is what I used to believe, now they come out and say only 9 people do all the teaching, writing and publishing.

  • bud2114

    The veil is slowly-but-surely being lifted upon the whole ridiculous charade with which this modern-day organization controls it's members.

    If read in context, any person can see that both Matthew's account of the "faithful and discreet slave" and Luke's "faithful steward" are nothing more than simple illustrations or parables meant to indicate an individual's standing before God based on their respective actions.

    No logical, thinking person would arrive at the convoluted conclusion that these passages are part of some complicated prophecy related to some exclusive class of heavenly-bound people, that were first chosen beginning in 33 C.E.; that were part of group that for decades was thought to be completed in the 1930's, but now suddenly starts accepting new members; and finally a group that has somehow allowed themselves to become upstaged by a self-appointed 9-member panel (GB) who's selection process is one of the great secrets of all time.

    With articles like this, hopefully, the confusion over the increasingly tangled mess will cause even the most devout JW's to just READ THEIR BIBLE and think - could this be right?

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