so why do we do this???

by oompa 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    I want to right wrongs defeat the foe..... but I fear the foe is unbeatable the wrongs unrightable .....and I find myself like Don Quixote..... jousting with windmills

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    To oompa, from the corner I'm in:

    First, I speak for myself. I am here in search of truth ... truth supported by evidence rather than opinion. Likely, I am angry at myself for allowing both freeness of speech as well as choice to be stifled for decades. I am probably a very lonely person in search of some form of attachment. In this shell exists a very good person who has lost all self-esteem.

    While there may be many reasons for others visiting this site, I do percieve a permanent disorder that comes and goes like malaria presenting itself with various expressions. Curiosity wou not manefest itself for years ... therefore long-term visitors may have another agenda. Perhaps many of us are actually looking for closure and emotional restoration.

    Justice? Not likely ... humanity typically issues organized religion carte blance and only prosecutes individuals.

  • jaguarbass

    Why do I do it?

    The same reason we all went to the meetings.

    We have too much time on our hands.

    It's something to do.

    It doesnt take a lot of energy.

    It's somewhat interactive.

    When I get bored with one post I go to another.

    It's kind of a way to relax and unwind.

  • OnTheWayOut

    "Birds of a feather flock together."
    "Misery loves company."

    Those are about the same thing. That's reason number one. Along with number one- we want to know that others feel the same way we do.

    Reason number two:
    We were severely duped. Our lives were torn apart. We are upset about that. We want to vent our upset.

    Reason number three:
    Free therapy may not be as good as professional therapy, but it's free.

    I am sure there are plenty of other reasons that people have to some degree. While I want to help people, it is not my primary reason for being on ex-JW forums. Perhaps it is higher on others' reasons.

    I liked these thoughts from Onefootout:
    Some want to find out if there are others that have doubts like they do, and when they read about those people then they see a little hope for themselves. Then they are looking for ammunition to fuel their own changing opinions and further to get ammo to alter the perceptions of family, friends, ect that are still in. Some looking for the latest scoop from within the org, hoping to see the signs of imminent collapse, finally completely justifying the decision they made to leave.

  • screwproof

    Like you berean I am here to find truths, proven truths. I to am so mad that for years I was unable to voice my opinion on things...and still do not have that right as of yet. I am scared silly for any of the witnesses to find out I am questioning things. I have no idea what would happen to my mother if I were to get disfellowshipped. My brother is having these same thoughts. I am so scared and not afraid to admit I do not like what I am finding out.

  • ziddina

    Good posts... I often ask myself that same question, Oompa, 'cause I've been out for 24 years and I thought I'd worked all the "JW thinking" out of my system... Hubby claims I haven't, yet, and I can see many areas, in my ways of thinking and behaving, from which I still need to 'flush' such poisoned thinking.

    Coming here reaffirms the intelligence of my choice. Coming here allows me to associate with others who 'GET' it - in a way that a 'worldly' person who HASN'T been a member ever could... Coming here allows me to play, have fun, reveal things about myself which - again - a 'worldly' (to use a JW buzz word) person could never get.

    Thanks for starting this thread, Oompa! BTW, I finally figured out how to post pix- I've been threatening to post a pix of me in my Dragon costume with Santa for my avatar - I removed the pix - realized I was hijacking someone else's thread, that of a totally new person... His thread is really cute - new member C.T. Russell's first post and very cute picture of Santa!


  • Peaches1978

    hi, everyone i'm new to this form but i have been lurking on here for the past 6 months. I just wanted to thank everyone for opening my eyes and not having that guilty feeling that i have been carrying around for the past 16 years ever since i got df'd back when i was just a teenager I was born in borg. For making me do research and for also reading COC book (thanks to a special person that posts on here sent me a copy of the book) of course after i tracked her email down. At first i was very angery with this form and i couldn't accept what i was reading but the more i read the more i questioned things and one day i said to my self this all make sense now. Now i know why they say in the KH not to go on the intranet and not to listen to other people but now i see why the real truth is out there ex-jw's are talking about what they know. I haven't spoken to my JW family in over 16 years they are very active JW ( more like fakes people that worry about their apprence) but i have learned to live with out them and i try to keep my children away from them and way of thinking. I dont want them to grow up like i did.

    but anyways I wanted to say hello and i have enjoyed everyones posts and debates on here i have alot of more reading and research.

    love peaches.

  • Quirky1

    Welcome Peaches!!

  • ziddina

    Well, Hello, Peaches! That's a cute handle! Welcome to the board! Glad to hear you're doing well; I can identify with your comment, "haven't spoken to my JW family in over 16 years they are very active JW ( more like fakes people that worry about their apprence)"

    Yes, both aspects of your comment are applicable to my still-in-the-JWs parents and little brother - saw a lot of hypocrisy in my parents' family and am soooo glad to be out of there - as well as the hypocrisy of the WTBTS, especially.

    Anyway, WELCOME! Zid

  • palmtree67

    I do it because I feel like I've had the rug pulled out from under me.

    Everything I thought was true, isn't

    Everything I thought was right, isn't.

    And I'm not really sure where to go from here.

    Just figuring some things out.

    I read here more than I post.

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