so why do we do this???

by oompa 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and hearty welcome, Peaches!!!

    You see, Beloved Oomps? There's your answer... we do it for all of the "lurking peaches" in the world. Capiche?

  • villabolo

    Therapy, revenge and altruism, you hit it right on the head oompa.

    And a big welcome to you Peaches.

  • oompa

    welcome peaches....and i see a lot of newbies posted here......funny...but my wake up was so hard and fast even though i had doubts for years, that i started posting the day i joined i think.....i was an emotional wreck!......i mean bad off tears on the keyboard bad off......raised in...decades in...only friends and family i have are in.......and then i knew it was all therapist said i needed a support group and i told her about this place.....she said to use the fluck out of it......sometimes i have.....thanks all.....oompa

  • Peaches1978

    Thank you everyone for welcoming me. I think the only way I was able to get through it was because of my husband (which was the reason why i got df'd when i was 16 )and his family they are hard core catholics and have shown me what real family is about and love. more then what my mother did growning up. it has been a very hard 16 years trying to let go of all the borg up bringing out of me but one thing for sure my two children will never ever be brought up like i did. hughs and kisses to all.....

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Actually, I am very torn, I wish I could just forget all about it, but I haven't figured that part out yet...

    I agree. I'll add that because my wife still has family inside the org it is tough to forget about it. The WTS is going to continue to effect of familiy for quite some time.

  • mouthy

    Peaches!!!!!! Am I glad to find you...LOL
    Dont anyone ever tell me God dont answer prayers
    This gal is one of my answers

    ((((((HUG)))) Laura.

  • jookbeard

    morbid curiosity in a lot of ways, especially if like me you sat through a judicial committee on a charge of apostasy and the very utterances that I spoke which constituted apostasy is now truth, so I ask myself who's the apostate now? of course the WTS is , but part of me waits for the full withdrawal of the blood policy and later when they will have to admit we are no longer in the last days.

  • Quandry

    Welcome to peaches!!!!

    I just can't fathom how the WTS justifies disfellowshipping and then shunning 16 year olds. This is an age when they need the guidance and love of their families....not to be thrown away like some useless garbage, which is what the WTS is willing to do.

    My daughter was also df'd when she was sixteen...she is twenty one going on twenty two now. Those B@$t@#&$ have NEVER ONCE asked about her in all this time.....they treated her like garbage, and couldn't care less if she is dead or alive.

    I hope that someday they are paid back for the treatment they mete out to others.

    Anyway, stay with us.....

  • creativhoney

    I read this in a book. - so heres the blog post I posted

    I read about apologies and forgiveness. - when you get what they call 'Righteous Indignantion' you believe that you have been wronged and this may well be the case. - they may have transgressed the rules of society, a moral boundary or your own good standards. - so you may be right, the question is does being right actually help? - sometimes even taking a principled stance is not the right one. the only right way is for the relationship to end. - even if later down the line you choose to forgive, and this can only make me feel better. The personal benefits of forgiveness are immense - even if you choose not to continue in a relationship with someone who has aggrieved you - forgive them anyway. - because when you are angry and hard done by its common to replay the hurtful event over and over in your head - its like prodding a bruise. you can only increase the irritation and keep hurting yourself by doing this, -or thinking how they have got away with it.. - all this does is hurt you. forgiveness reduces your own guilt - for allowing yourself to end up in this situation anyway. even if you dont feel that forgiving someone will make any difference to improve the relationship, it will improve you. Hmm. ok thats sound advice - but how the hell do i put it into practice. how do you forgive someone who has done so many crappy things to you? or people who have done one terrible thing.. how do you get to the point when you think - ok, I forgive you, but the things they do dont eat you alive all day and all night, because you feel so wronged? well - its sound advice i suppose - forgive people , move on, and let the bitterness be theirs - its easier said than done - but i also read about 'self regulating ... next post hang on.. was interesting.

  • creativhoney

    so this was my other blog post...

    I know its not me - and I know i have to get a grip and stop niggling. I want the day to come when I am excited to get out of bed in the morning or just glad to have a lie in. I miss my family and I miss having someone to be around who loves me back. Im not an Island. Ok so I did another quiz in this book - it said I was footloose. I r esist everything except temptation and let tomorrow take care of itself. the only bad thing is the morning after and how decisions have a rash way of catching up. - that my impetuousness is not good for me. - well I knew this but what am I supposed to do about it? - Apparently the answer is 'Self Regulation' and here is the starter course 1. Sit up straight whenever you remember. 2. postpone your first cup of tea or coffee by 15 minutes every day. 3. concentrate on one thing entirely for five minutes in a day - whether it be a word on a poster or a mark on the floor. 4. Keep a record of everything you consume for a week 5. sit quietly and do nothing for an hour at lunch or in the evening. (hmmm that one is hard Ill fall asleep) the point is you have your mind on regulating your behaviour and studies showed that at the end of two weeks people are better at self regulating whether that is keeping a diary, or even turning your gloomy thoughts into positive ones.... this has to be worth a try..

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