First post after lurking on the sidelines

by onefootout 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    Welcome! Thanks for your good observations. I finally admitted to myself that da troff wasn't the truth at Gilead a few years ago. In fact, today is the 4 year anniversary my class started...

    I say that because it was the beginning of the end for me. Learning about 607 was one of the most amazing things I learned about. Following the UN involvement, etc....

    But anyway, welcome! :-)

  • Yizuman

    Welcome onefootout,

    Glad you could join us.

    I suppose you're ready to take the red pill just to see how far the rabbit hole goes, huh?

    Welcome to our Wonderland.


  • oompa

    welcome...but if fam or friends mean VERY little personal info here....unless you want to DA........very little.........oompa

  • onefootout

    Thanks for the welcome.

    I would start this on a new topic, but not an option yet, so i'll ask it here.

    How monitored is this website? I have had multiple warnings to not post too much personal info there anyone who have been burned by what they revealed here?

    That begs the question, are there juicy rumors that are posted here just to see who drops the rumor at the next meeting and then *gotcha*?

    Just that lifelong ingrained paranoia kicking in. After all, isn't the whole big evil spirit realm out to get me? And eventually the government too?


  • abbagail

    Can't imagine what a lifer life is like, but Welcome anyway!

    Here's hoping you won't throw the baby out with the bathwater (ie, dump the WT yes, but not the Lord and His Word).

    It's always interesting how different "lies" of the WT appeal to different JWs. The 607 thing seems to be a biggie for many, but it was a mere speck of interest for me. On the other hand, the pedophile situation was my big "killer" <<actually it was the "saving grace" that freed the WT shackles off my brain.

    Much spiritual insight and success on your journey.

    Ditto, love the name, lol.

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome, OFO! I lurked for quite awhile, although I'd been df'd for several years when I started reading this site. I don't know of any specific instances where someone has been burned by revealing too much personal info, but I've heard references to such. I've also read claims that the gb assigns Bethelites to monitor this site, so if you're high up in the borg, you may want to be cool for a while.

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome!

  • onefootout

    Thanks for the continuing welcomes. Just to clarify, I might have used wrong terminology????? I said I was a 'lifer'...I meant I was born into the JW' there another usage for lifer?...long term bethelite or something? Sorry if I gave any the wrong impression. ofo

  • awaken2004

    Welcome ofo!

    Looking forward to your posts/

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Welcome to the board! I knew what you meant when you said lifer.

    As far as monitoring goes, I assume the WT does it. It is in their interest to know what the "opposition" is doing and saying about them. There have been stories that have indicated some were outed because of revealing information that was used to identify them. I would be careful about revealing details that could identify either you or your congregation if you are still attending meetings as an active JW, or would be in danger of being DFd somehow.

    In the mean time, enjoy your experience here. This site has been great for me. I hope it will be for you too.

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