Is the USA about to become the new Palestine?

by Gill 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    PrimateDave - I understand your hopes for a counter attack. But what if the attack was in disguise?

    Line up for your pandemic flu vaccinations good and loyal people of the USA! We are sure flu is on its way and we want you to Live!

    But why are the flu vaccinations already stockpiled when the strain of flu has not even been discovered that will turn pandemic and so how can there be a vaccine for it?

    Weren't the innocent Jewish people offered a 'nice new home' at first when taken to the first concentration camps?

    These people have not changed in their methods and histroy must be learnt from ..... and quickly!

    Didn't the Baxter corporation kill 20 homeless polish men when they experimented onthem with their new pandemic flu vaccination and claimed they had No Idea that the vaccine was live......on two occassions.

    This is well documented and not even denied by Baxter corp.

  • Gill

    Sammieswife - I agree with you that the USA has crossed a line that cannot be retraced.

    Something is happening and your freedoms are being fanatically eroded at an extent to which I would never have thought imaginable.

    Bad things are happening for a purpose and you all have to wake up from your slumber, and fast.

    People like to knock conspiracy theorists but in the words of the song:

    '.....what you gonna do when they come for you' may not just be a little radio jingle any more!


    SnowBird/Sylvia.....As an outsider looking in.....You may be right,but it may not come as fast as you think.....Native Americans are still waiting for Justice..........For those of you who don`t know Sylvia..She`s only pissed with prejudiced White People..Thats why she does`nt hate my pretty White Ass!..LOL!! ((Sylvia)).. .......................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • sammielee24

    I try to limit my use of the term 'conspiracy theorists'...because people too often link that term to mental instability..when in fact, this country was taken to war by a clearly unstable government that allowed private enterprise to bring it down and collapse it's own economic and financial stability. Who was willing to listen to the 'conspiracy theorists' who tried to bring this stuff to light years ago? Nobody.


  • Gill

    Sammieswife - EXACTLY! The Conspiracy Theorists have been prove right, down to David Icke, Alex JOnes, Jordan Maxwell, Jim Marrs etc.

    Conspiracy Theorists remains a 'dirty phrase' only to those who have not the grasp on reality and are not keeping up with the 'real news' with the effort and thinking that is demanded to be aware of what is really happening.

    It is understandable that people would want to dismiss these 'theories' as IF they turn out to be true it would demand that the lazy majority, get off their backsides, stand up and take some form of action.....oh! and switch on their OWN brains!

    For too many people.....or should I say sheeple, this is a step too far!

  • Gill

    Samieswife - The bringing down of the economy is no accident. It is carefully planned and has been carried out throughout history. But the plan is at a different stage now, where they don't plan to take us all to war.......they plan to just kill us!

    They want to wipe us out like vermin and the collapse of the economy is just a distraction ruse.


    David Icke thinks Lizard People rule the world.. Crazy 1..Thats just a little bit nutty..Actually it`s alot nutty!...................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Robdar

    AskeNAZI Jews (ring any bells?) who by the way are not even genetically Jewish, but adopted the faith of the Jewish peoples


    Ashkenazi Jews are German Jews. Ashkenaz is the Hebrew word for the German region and refers to family ancestry, among other things. It doesn't matter about genetics. Here's the rub: You are Jewish if your mother is Jewish, or if you convert to Judaism, you are Jewish. You do not have to be a genetic jew to be a member of the tribe.

    Sammieswife - I agree with you that the USA has crossed a line that cannot be retraced.

    Something is happening and your freedoms are being fanatically eroded at an extent to which I would never have thought imaginable.

    Gill, why are you so worried about the USA? Better to worry, I think, about your own country. Arent the Royal Family members of the bloodline too?

  • Gill

    Outlaw - That is not quite what Icke believes it is just the disinformation that is given out about him. He makes some pretty valid points and some scarily accurate predictions.

    By all means mock him....but start reading his stuff and other stuff and then see if you are still mocking him in a few months time.

    I am ashamed to say that I too used to laugh at this man.....not any more.

  • Robdar


    ..when in fact, this country was taken to war by a clearly unstable government that allowed private enterprise to bring it down and collapse it's own economic and financial stability. Who was willing to listen to the 'conspiracy theorists' who tried to bring this stuff to light years ago? Nobody.

    We didn't call it a conspiracy because it wasn't a conspiracy. The war agenda wasn't hidden, it was open to inspection but nobody wanted to see the obvious. Well, almost nobody. I protested and marched against the war. did you?

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