by Hobo Ken 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    I will believe it when I see it ... though, the GB have tended to appoint older JW Anointed, especially those that have been in the organization a long time, and served at Bethel, a Branch office, or like Sam Herd, were District Overseers. These are the ones they trust ... soooo, maybe they are running out of those they trust. They will not likely appoint any new Anointed, new in the organization by their standards, and not well connected. They might just create a board of Other Sheep to run the joint until they can dream up something new to sell.

  • jws

    First of all, if this were true, I would expect it to turn up in several places and we'd hear about it from several posters. The source for such decisions would be in New York. It seems unlikely that the first place we'd hear about it is from somebody in Scotland. Assuming Hobo Ken is really from Scotland and not just using that to hide his real identity. And assuming his relative is also from Scotland. I'm not saying Ken's lying. I trust this is the story he heard from his relative. I'm just doubting how this elder heard it.

    Aside from that, let's say that is true. Like other posters have said, there's younger guys who are going to be around for a while and they can change their mind in the future. And who knows? There may be a power struggle going on. After all, the leadership of the company has been given over to others and the GB are reduced to doctrinal leaders. Maybe the real president has decided he should be running the whole show, doctrine and all. But he's have to outlive the younger GB members and that's going to be a while.

    Or maybe the younger GB members want time to enact a lot of changes once the old guys die before recruiting more people that might vote them down.

    The problem is the JWs need a doctrinal source, whether it's a comittee like they have now or a single person like the Pope for Catholics. Who's going to fulfill that role? Even if the "other sheep" are writing the publications now with a sign-off from the GB, do we know how often the GB sends things back? And do the GB members tell these people what they want written first. The fact that "other sheep" do the writing doesn't mean the GB isn't in strict control of doctrine.

    Without a source for doctrine, the doctrine will fall into chaos. One author will feel one way, another may feel another. You'll be stumbling JWs out of the org left and right.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    @ jws

    Lol I'm not from Scotland?


    I have something to hide? lol

    Check out my blog deathorobedience.blogspot.com.

    I have nothing to hide or any reason to be dishonest. It might be true it might not, I'm only reporting what I heard.


  • passwordprotected

    @ jws - "Without a source for doctrine, the doctrine will fall into chaos. One author will feel one way, another may feel another. You'll be stumbling JWs out of the org left and right."

    While I'm not disagreeing with your overall conclusion, since when do the WTS need a source for any of their doctrines? ;-)

  • jws

    Lol I'm not from Scotland?


    I have something to hide? lol

    I just know that some people around here are still trying to keep in good standing so as to see family. I didn't know about your website or how open you are about your life. And like I said, I'm not saying you're lying. You're only reporting what you heard. I just find it hard to believe the first mention of this turns up in Scotland. The elder doesn't know what he's talking about.

    While I'm not disagreeing with your overall conclusion, since when do the WTS need a source for any of their doctrines? ;-)

    You're right. But I'm not saying their doctrines are able to be documented and proven. Just that they need somebody (a group or an individual) to control their mythology. Even though that hasn't always worked out perfectly either.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken


    Is Harry Potter real?


    Is the wts God's channel on earth?


    JK Rowling has written book after book, she makes it up as she goes along. Whatever she wants to happen in the story happens.

    It's the same with the wts. They make it up as they go along too and like Ms Rowling they have become very rich doing so.

    People buy her books and read them as an escape from reality. To the people in this cult it is real though, it IS their life and they will believe whatever they read next.

    So whether this is true or not the wts remain in ultimate control of the minds and lives of the reader/believer.

    At least the Harry Potter books make some coherent sense , probably more believable too.......


  • besty

    JK Rowling is also alleged to be from Scotland as is Susan Boyle - no coincidence that the best selling author of all time and the fastest YouTube sensation are both claiming to be Scottish - I call conspiracy......

    All joking apart Scotland is very well connected in a JW sense - start with John Barr on the GB, and someone more qualified can correct me if I'm wrong but I belive CT Russell stayed with a Scottish Bible Student family on his first visit to the UK. I've met plenty 5th and 6 th generation JW's in Scotland and can also vouch for Hobo Ken.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    FAO Besty.

    Here, here, Scotland is the berries. Think of all the great inventions. The TV ,telephone, Football, golf, deep-fried mars bars.......

    This forum wouldn't even exist without the Scots eh?

    lol thanks for giving me my props too

    On your point about the late great C.T. love muscle , his family is of Scottish and Irish descent so I guess we're to blame for the bad as well as the good.......

    Although I reckon he would probably have played for the republic if he was any good at football.


  • moshe

    They can say whatever they want, but the WT is known to get new light all the time. The GB is all that stands in the way of the WT lawyers taking over. It will be easier the the Corporate leaders to handle a smaller, more senile group of GB members.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    Moshe I like that line of reasoning...

    Take for example broadcasting. The BBC and other networks used to broadcast overtly racist, sexist and masogenist material in decades gone by,some in the name of humour. Nowadays none of the above would get past the censors let alone the lawyers.

    Lot's of truly mental stuff managed to make it into the publications in the past, something they cannot erase. It's all much more carefully monitered now of course.

    It was many of these ridiculous teachings and statemants that woke me up. My screenname is based on one!

    Now what appears in the wt is all very polished although just as much nonsense.

    When you have a look through the "pay attention " book the advice to "contact the legal dept" is punctuated all the way through it , and this book is 20 years old at least.

    Could it be that the wts will become so terrified of it's own shadow in a legal sense that they will streamline the organisation of any doctrines that could lead to litigation and disruption?

    After all it is a business. Why would they want to harm sale$$$. We could end up with "the greatest corporation" in the world filled with a bunch of "corporate" Christians.


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