SHOCK! As A Family Of 5 Is DF'd On The Same Night!!!

by african GB Member 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It would be more credible with more details. The story certainly would be possible.

    Frankly, I've witnessed much more unbelievable events right in Bethel.

    B the X

  • asilentone

    I think the GB is a Troll!

  • rebel8

    I don't understand why everyone is suspicious???

    In my kh we had a handful of people all dfd on the same night and several others reproved. I was one of the few "young people" who wasn't disciplined in the entire congregation that night. It was all for sex and drugs.

  • daniel-p

    i hear you rebel8, but read all GB member's posts and connect the dots....

  • AllTimeJeff

    As I said, a SENSATIONAL story....

  • ziddina

    Hmmm. I went online looking for confirmation of this story and (as usual) got distracted by this site:

    The author of the above-mentioned site brings up some VERY interesting points, as follows:

    "Shunning is a Drug...
    ...and drug users need enablers. I've noticed a few things about abusers of people and things. A person who abuses other humans does it for a reason... The addict gets something out of it, a "reward."...

    Addicts need a drug , abusers need a victim. Shunners are playing a mind game and they need a playmate who will follow the rules. Shunning is their drug. Abusers need help to carry out their abuse. They need enablers (victims). Without their victims they can not continue to abuse. Watchtower rules for shunning must be followed by both shunner and VICTIM or shunning doesn't work! Shunning is a show. To best work it needs an arena to be played in, and an audience."

    I love the points she made! She goes on to state: "If my happiness is contingent on my son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, or other special person leaving the Watchtower organization then I have put a pretty cheap price on my happiness. If I have to wait to have a good life until other people, places, or things change then I'm no better off than the members of the Watchtower and I could just as well be back under the "official" control and influence of the group.

    I used to confuse relatives with friends. I used to confuse people who were once willing and able to meet my needs with people who can meet my needs today. I used to confuse cult members with real people."

    Then she makes a crucial, pro-active choice about her actions: "Remember too, I, as a former member, can talk to anybody. I can certainly talk to them. The current members are the ones being punished. THEY are the ones who can't talk to me, or read anything critical of the WT, or even read a book written by a former member, by order of their leaders."

    Just thought I'd share this... Zid

  • cameo-d


    Apostacy is such an ambiguous term.

    Don't you have any juicy details?

    What's the word on the street?

    Do you think a cranky elder just "had it in for them"?

    How was the apostacy revealed?

    Was the man stalked and hunted down?

    Did they have tape recordings of his objections to the policies of god's mouthpiece?

    C'mon. You can spill it.

  • lurk3r

    That's nothing in my congregation Simese con-joined got disfellowshiped for apostasy the other decided they should be surgically seperated...they both died because the faithful one refused blood!!!

    Re: SHOCK! As A Family Of 5 Is DF'd On The Same Night!!! posted about 3 hours ago (4/20/2009)

    witness007- is that a ture story?

    This is fantastic!!!LOL I don't know which one is funnier here, but my god! HAHAHA

  • ninja


  • jamiebowers

    As exciting as african GB Member's congregation seems, I might consider getting reinstated just to be where all the action is! LOL!

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