SHOCK! As A Family Of 5 Is DF'd On The Same Night!!!

by african GB Member 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • trebor

    You have found nothing to replace the Jw religion so you cling to your hatred and the destruction of Jws as some goal to feed on instead.

    For some that may be true. I won't generalize and speak for everyone, but I will speak for myself. I have no hatred and wish no ill-will towards Jehovah's Witnesses. As for the business and organization known as the Watchtower Society, it would be nice if they did self-destruct. But there are similar organizations to take its place both religious and non-religious.

    It appears from your post, *you* have found nothing (in your mind) "better" than Jehovah's Witnesses, so you choose to stick with defending that organization. Just because you haven't found something to replace it, or insist that you must belong to an organization or support some institution as you do not see or believe any other possibility is an option, means everyone else must hold to the same philosophy.

    Or as you have stated in other posts, atheism is too depressing for you. It has nothing to do with whether it is true or possible but too emotional disconnecting for you to handle. From your posts it appears the options you have left yourself are:

    A. Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth or is the best thing closest to the truth and/or is the organization which God supports and blesses.

    B. Being an atheist - as all other religions fail as being "the truth" or are not approved by God. If Jehovah's Witnesses don't have the truth, then God for all intent and purposes for you doesn't exist.

    Others do have a similar dependency, some do not. Then there are some that see and believe a much broader range of options. As for me, I don't stick with lies and fairy tales just because the alternative doesn't sound better to me. Just because I don't have a better story to replace the one preached by the Watchtower Society, doesn't mean I still support an organization whose teachings and doctrines have contradicted them.

    If the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses are correct, and the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are who they claim as well as the whole "Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" notion, and you truly believe it then you shouldn't even be on these message boards, not even reading - forget about posting anything. Otherwise, you are going against the directions of God's chosen organization. Indeed, as the Watchtower Society would have you believe, you are going against God, period.

    Or do you believe Jehovah's Witnesses have some or most of the truth and you are personally picking what to follow and believe. That would be very convenient and just like many other people who belong to many other faiths who pick and choose what to follow. Do you not see that as a tad hypocritical? Could anyone argue against someone of another faith or state that people who pick and choose what to believe is not right, when they themselves are doing the same exact thing?

  • Finally-Free
    You have found nothing to replace the Jw religion so you cling to your hatred and the destruction of Jws as some goal to feed on instead.

    Well, you know nothing about my life, so you're not qualified to say whether or not I've found something to replace the JW religion. I don't hate JWs. Hate is too strong an emotion, and generally most detrimental to the one carrying it. They're not worth it.

    For the most part I come here when I'm at work, things are slow, I'm sitting in front of the computer anyway and I'm tired of Spider Solitaire.


  • sammielee24
    You have found nothing to replace the Jw religion so you cling to your hatred and the destruction of Jws as some goal to feed on instead

    Many remain JW's because they are unable to comprehend that it is a cult and not the 'truth', that there can be a good, moral, satisfying and spiritual life outside the society. For that reason, they remain inside the religion, practising their own form of hate and destruction, killing people on emotional, mental and physical levels by their doctrines - all the while pretending to be kind, smypathetic and caring; a people without hate or prejudice in their hearts. Unable to really live and unable to really be free..sammieswife.

  • shamus100

    A) Bullshit.

    B) I'll take my chances.

    LIving your life in fear is the most pathetic way to live, IMO.

    Lying is a sin too. Are you lying?

  • reniaa

    Good question trebor :)

    A. Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth or is the best thing closest to the truth and/or is the organization which God supports and blesses.

    The problem with other so-called Christian faiths is they cannot be God blessed because they simply do not teach the Bible message! they fail on the basics things like who God is they cannot even agree among themselves! they are never going to progress to preparing people for armageddon with their doctrines so muddled. With such muddled doctrine the concequences are a fractured preaching work to show for it, if any at all! and dis-unity among the people 35,000 self-styled christian faiths and counting.

    Jehovah's witnesses are Gods people they preach about Jehovah and his son they are the only one! they know God and have a name for him!

    your right a couple of years ago I was going back to witnesses thinking they were the God's people but not really knowing it. I decided to explore it properly the way I was taught to, scripturally and that has proved them to me to be God's chosen people.

    but how can one single religion out of so many be right at this time? I mean surely if all the others are wrong the bible would predict it and a reason why?

    2 Thessalonians 2:11
    For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

    and there it was clear as day this is not an end of time prophecy but one echoed by other greek scriptures that show a lie would happen and had started at the time of writing even.

    2 Thessalonians 2:7
    For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.

    I have seen people try and apply this to witnesses and other scenario's but none fit the time period involve a teaching so powerful the majority would be fooled but the faithful would see the truth and the bible would help them see this?

    Sometimes the answer can be the obvious one! the easy one, God doesn't do trick questions!

    God's people will be distinguished by following God's word Jw's do this unfortunately this leads to anti-witnesses saying they are over-applying it which with man's imperfection could be true and happen.

    But the alternative is to be in Christian faith that can only say 'Believe in Jesus' beyond that they have no more words or doctrine

    When you are looking through a magnifying glass it's sometimes hard to step back and realise how radically different the Jw teachings are, how different their message is but also how biblical it is right down to the annointed.

  • sir82
    so-called Christian faiths ...cannot even agree among themselves!

    Yeah, it's pretty easy for JWs to have "unity of belief" when those who think differently are threatened with expulsion!

  • shamus100

    The number of new Jehovahs Witnesses compared to any other religion leaves much to be desired. Stop looking at percentages and look at raw numbers. DUH!

    Further to what sir82 has stated, the only thing keeping people in is expulsion.

  • passwordprotected

    But the alternative is to be in Christian faith that can only say 'Believe in Jesus' beyond that they have no more words or doctrine

    What doctrine did the apostle Paul preach and teach and ultimately believe in?

    1 Cor 2: And so I, when I came to YOU , brothers, did not come with an extravagance of speech or of wisdom declaring the sacred secret of God to YOU . For I decided not to know anything among YOU except Jesus Christ, and him impaled.

    You feel that all Christians are discredited because they only preach "believe in Jesus", but that's exactly what was preached in the 1st C. If Jesus alone is The Way, The Truth and The Life, what else needs to be preached, what other doctrines - such as 1914, for example - need to be believed in?

    Jesus bought us life with his blood. Repent and be saved. Dead simple...

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    Excellent post trebor!!!!! You sum her position up better than she probably realises herself.

    Sammielee.....Nice synopsis of life as a witness as it's nothing more than individual delusion. If you can't be true to yourself then who can you be true to?

    As for Reniaa....You think we hate JW's?......Wrong again. I hate the entity of the organisation NOT the people in it. I believe there were once many and probably still a few in the GB who know that there are major flaws in the teachings but continue nonetheless.

    They have to have the need to believe it as much as the R'n'F otherwise THEY would have to admit they are wasting their time.

    But for the majority of JW's it does not even OCCUR to them that it's not the "truth" and if they did they would quickly banish such a notion out of the fear it generates.

    I Smile when I see people I used to call friends ignore me, they are the ones who are in the wrong and deeply ,deeply misled.

    I don't do this in a malicious way , sneering in hate, but rather in a pity.

    Let me give you an example; I was driving down the street yesterday and my brother who's an elder comes toward me in the opposite direction

    on his bike. He sees me coming and swerves into the next street accross my path to avoid me.....What sad ,childish, and ultimately hateful behaviour. And this is sanctioned by Jesus and the Bible?

    What have I personally done to him? Nothing. What have I done to his "beloved organisation"? Said they are wrong and that I'm leaving them.

    Sounds to me like the JW's themselves are the ones who are clinging to THEIR hatred and belief that we are all doomed. They NEED to in order to justify their bullying and antisocial behaviour.

    If they are wrong and we are right? Well that would just be to horrible to accept wouldn't it?


  • viva

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan

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