Did you loose your faith after leaving the false?

by wtfmidoing 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    @ reniaa - "interesting that only one person on this whole thread said they still believed in Jehovah and it does seem that in no longer being a Jehovah's witness there is a move to walking away from having jehovah as God and in using his name too. It is something I have noticed a lot in ex-Jws."

    Lolz. Red herring. Since when is using the name Jehovah appropriate when we're in a relationship with our heavenly Father and since when does doing so have a bearing on whether a persons believes in God? You may call him Jehovah, but I get to call him Father.

  • sass_my_frass

    I discovered that I'd realised the god thing was bogus all along.

  • geevee

    After wasting forty years, I am done!

  • parakeet

    reniaa: interesting that only one person on this whole thread said they still believed in Jehovah and it does seem that in no longer being a Jehovah's witness there is a move to walking away from having jehovah as God and in using his name too. It is something I have noticed a lot in ex-Jws.

    Interesting that one one person on this whole thread thinks that not using the word "Jehovah" signifies anything.

    Using the word "Jehovah" is something I've noticed a lot in JWs and their wannabees. What a coincidence.

    Is there a point in what you wrote? Or was its pointlessness the point?

  • independent_tre

    I agree whole heartedly with Gordy, in that I never left God, only an organization. That is one of the most powerful lies of the WTS, that if you leave them ( men), then you have left God.

    I think renaiaa cannot stand to see anyone express true faith in God minus the WTS, which leads to meaningless posts. Renaiaa, your true colors are showing and envy is not a good quality.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    As a group, they're the most back-biting, gossip-mongering, and smugly patronizing bunch of human beings I've ever seen.


    I would rather say that if some JWs are, indeed, the way you describe them, very likely, in most cases, it is the result of years long mind control policy on the part of the organisation.

  • parakeet

    aligot: Parakeet, I would rather say that if some JWs are, indeed, the way you describe them, very likely, in most cases, it is the result of years long mind control policy on the part of the organisation.

    "If" some dubs are vicous? You don't know?? Have you been reading the posts on this board? Have you had any long-term contact with dubs? I have -- 14 miserable years' worth. And I don't think my KH was especially venal, more middle-of-the-road venal. That's about the best I can say of them.

    If the mind-control is what turns dubs from thinking human beings into "honest-hearted" braindead drones capable of letting their children die in service to their murderous blood doctrine, then you agree with me. Because a dub without the mind control isn't really a dub. He's a soon-to-be apostate with horror stories to tell.

    Dubs, by the very nature of their faith in the WTS, lose most of whatever compassion they started with.

    An honest-hearted dub is an oxymoron.

  • isaacaustin
    John 17:26 (New American Standard Bible)

    26 and ( A ) I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that ( B ) the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."

    Reniaa, name means (and even the Wt admits this) more than the letters making up the proper noun. It menas the person behind that noun. Unfortuantely the JWs have created their own idol, or false God...in the name Jehovah. As though their uttering of the name repeatedly has some sort of saving power.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    Does anyone else notice Reniaa often pops into a good thread with something that is either :-

    A. A red herring

    B. Off topic.

    C. meaningless s**t stirring

    It's like when you are enjoying a nice meal and halfway through you find a hair in it.........


  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous


    sorry for replying late, i've been away for a week.

    Because a dub without the mind control isn't really a dub. He's a soon-to-be apostate with horror stories to tell.

    Unfortunately, looks like you're right to a large extent, although I won't go as far as making it a general rule since I'm not in other people's shoes. I know of a few quite well educated JWs (a doctor, a high ranking music teacher and an engineer, for example) who are trying hard to keep balance between genuine adhesion, self censorship and free thinking. Don't know how long it can last. As for me, I've been a JW for 30 years and I'm now marked in the congregation for my apostate and "negative" expressed opinions. I feel like being a satellite orbiting at very high altitude, which a very small acceleration will send free of the attraction of this organisation.

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