Did anyone in your congregation have "perfume allergies"?

by BonaFide 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    Seems like some have a legit allergy, and some just want attention. That's sad because some really do have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but others pretend to have it and that makes it seem fake.


  • CrazyBlonde

    OMG :)

    A sister i used to know used to sit outside in her car hooked up to an oxygen bottle and listen in by radio. Sometimes she would come in the hall and wear her white surgical mask. Other times she would just sit around moaning. (perfume allergies)

    My mum read the awake they had on chronic fatigue syndrome and decided that she had it too and used to buy the white masks you get from the hardware store and wear one of those to the meetings. As a result of her 'allergy to perfumes and everything not made from natural products' i was not allowed deoderant, makeup or hair product, well into my teens til i discovered sneaking. (she's a massive hyprchondriac who has been referred to see a shrink many times but refuses because they will just give her evil medication and try to change her, oh wait....duh).

    What's up with the PO's / CO's wives anyway? I also remember one from when I was young, she had a weird strict diet and made her own hairspray from water and sugar apparently, had a massive ugly bees nest hairdo. couldn't even wear freshly washed clothes around her etc. was allergic to EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE.

    personally i think it's just a desperate cry for attention as the 'weaker sex'. if they can't have their say in other things they'll just make everything about them and how poor them can't do anything *sob* etc. control freaks.

  • blondie

    I am on the health and welfare committe at work and we have several people with scent allergies all non-jws. It is hard to accommodate them by making everyone not wear scent. We have people come in all day long as clients and we certainly can't tell them not to wear scent.

    I don't doubt it is real, but I saw at least 2 sisters happily shopping at the mall coming out of one store right by the perfumes.

    I have know of men at the KH who claim this problem as well.


  • Dagney

    Yep, in every congregation.

    Interesting statistic.

  • yesidid
    jeeeez. eye roll.
    There were these two sisters that developed "environmental sensitivities" or some such rot

    I would very much like to be gracious and say I hope you never develop the "rot" of environmental sensitivities.

    But with your attitude I think it would be very good for you. You may develop some human feeling, perhaps even a little empathy for people who suffer as do those with environmental sensivities.

    I am not suggesting years and years like many of the real sufferers, just one week would be enough.

    You would wonder whatever hit you.


  • chickpea

    yes!! my kid!!

    uncontrolled asthma triggered readily by fragrances...
    this kid would get a simple rhinovirus and convert
    to pneumonia in less than 24 hrs....
    it was a frikkin nightmare....

    toluene, ethanol, acetone, formaldehyde,
    benzene derivatives, methylene chloride...
    just a few of the lovely ingredents found in

  • Kudra

    yesidid- sorry if I came across as less than sensitive- I know that SOME people DO indeed get this and it is legitimate. But these sisters... it was always something or another. They were the ones that ruin things like Chrinic Fatigue Syndrome for those that actually have it.

    I really believe that if they actually had fufilling work and more exciting lives that they wouldn't need to come up with these sicknesses...

    Sorry if that sounds bad. I think that we all believe that some folks DO get these syndromes and others liek tons that we know at the hall, don't.

    Take the last hall you attended and compare it with your current workplace. I bet in the majority of the cases hardly anyone at work has "environmental sensitivities" and a boatload at the hall DO have "environmental sensitivities"...

    just sayin'.

  • minimus

    This is a Witness allergy. I've seen it spread. One JW will cry that the scents in the Hall are horrific. Then suddenly the disease spreads and everyone gets infected within their little group. Then if the elders don't decree that perfumes and colognes are banned, they all have a hissy fit and cry that the elders don't really care.


    I was allergic to the old JW women who bathed in lavendar perfume..The upside was,it kept away flys and mosquito`s.. Fly .....................................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • rebel8

    I would think nothing of it if the rate of strange acquired illnesses was so much greater than the rate in the general public. Some cases are real, some are not, IMO.

    I suspect many unusual illnesses, especially those that interfere with spiritual responsibilities, are psychogenic (created by the mind or stress).

    We had many of these in our kh. I recall one person acquiring a certain illness within an hour of watching the first tv documentary on the subject, presenting herself to the ER and demanding to be admitted....then doing things which disproved the existence of this illness while hospitalized. (I personally observed this.)

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