Did anyone in your congregation have "perfume allergies"?

by BonaFide 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I cannot be around most perfumes or colognes. They make me very sick with nausea, severe stomach cramps and severe headache.

    There are only a few I can tolerate, and even those must be used in moderation.

  • Quirky1

    I've even threw out car air fresheners because of sistah's with car alergies....

  • babel on
    babel on

    jehovahs witnesses do not usually seek therapy but if more did i suppose that there would be a connection made between the weak mind that is capable of accepting the mind control theology with the weak mind that accepts that the body is sick when its not. every Jw i know has chronic fatigue, fibro mialgia(no spell check) perfume allergies, depression or some other bizarre illness that i never hear of anymore since leaving. im not saying they do not exist but the numbers are to high per publisher. The church i attend there are 300 members and i only know of one that claims to have fibro mialgia. the average kingdom hall has 120 publishers and im not going to tell you think about how many you remember. Truly Bizarre..

    ironicly JW's will project this negative attitude on the world around them being far removed from the reality of it, for instance....

    Publisher..Good morning Have you ever noticed theres so much sickness in the world. Poverty is rampan, people are depressed..everyday scientist are dicovering new illnesses(like fibro myassa and chronic lazyness) have you ever hoped for a new and better world!

    Householder.....Why yes I have, but unfortunantly your organization still exist

  • daniel-p

    I am intimiately aware of this "affliction," since both my mother and sister have it. Yes, it is psychological and in their case it is bullshit. This is not to say, however, that perfume doesn't bother anyone or give people headaches or what have you. That's different than someone claiming that a wiff of scent will send them to the hospital. I want to make that clear because it is obvious that strong scents can give people headaches. However, the people like my mother and sister are what they call "allergic to the 20th Century," and if you spend time with people like this you will realize that they decide when and where they can and cannot deal with environmental stresses. They will be fine if they are doing something they really want to do, like go shopping or out to eat. But if for some reason they need attention, or if they are pissed about something, they will use it as a means to regain control.

  • rebel8

    I remember the cleaning products used in all the khs and assembly halls I've ever been in. They were cheap products that had probably dangerous chemicals in them and a stench to match.

    Did these people get bothered by the cleaning products? Were the khs suddenly restricted to using vinegar and lemons to clean? Not that I recall.

  • four candles
    four candles

    Yes I knew a sister who had 'allergies'..she wa salways falling over and such. Cry for attention it was at the time maybe. Funny how all these nasty allergies affect just witnesses,never met or heard of anyone else with them....................................yet!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm no psychologist, but I've often wondered if the hypochondria of a lot of jws is associated with their cognitive dissonance. We all relate smells and sounds to situations. Know what a hospital smells like? Clean right? However, is it any wonder you don't like that smell? My alarm clock has a distinct sound, and I'm sure yours has the same. Is it any wonder that sound grates on my nerves and I instantly feel sick to my stomach any time I hear it? Pavlov's bell and all that.

    Now, consider that for the average person, gatherings where people wear scents are a cause for joy and celebration--birthdays, holidays, parties, celebrations, etc. A JW participates in none of these, being trained to be anti social. In fact, the main place a JW associates with gatherings and scents is at the Kingdom Hall. Is it any wonder some of them get sick at the smell of such a place? Instead of focusing on the legitimate cause of their discontent, could it be they're focusing on the situation?

  • caliber

    I am not criticizing those that have that allergies, I am allergic to a couple of things. Its just that I have never heard of this particular allergy or seen it in anyone other than a Witness. And also, it seemed to me that those that had it had unusual personalities as well

    It is a know fact that left handed and mixed handed people because of different brain wiring (more right brain thinking)

    have different personality perspective & input and more allergies simply because of structural brain variation


  • daniel-p

    It is a know fact that left handed and mixed handed people because of different brain wiring (more right brain thinking)

    have different personality perspective & input and more allergies simply because of structural brain variation

    uhh... yeah. right.

  • willyloman

    What would be interesting is whether a study was done to determine if these allergies cleared up once the suffering sister stopped going to meetings!

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