Will FULL-TIME Pioneers/CO's/DO's Be REWARDED More Than Average Publishers?

by african GB Member 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MissingLink

    An older pioneer elder once told me that everyone not Pioneering were in for a big disappointment, because only Pioneers would make it into the new system. (He only started pioneering after he was retired)

    So bascially the message is: everyone doing less than YOU will be destroyed. You're just on the edge yourself, you'd better step it up a bit to be safe.

    Personally I think for every 1000 hours you get a free petting lion in the new system. Not sure what the scripture backing this up is though.

  • reniaa

    lol speculation thread again guys as a witness I was never taught how much you did qualified you for more, just that those that could should do what they can as God's work but widows mite was often understood on this one.

    What makes me wonder is that you would ask a question that is more about how humans do things than God because certainly currently employeres etc think worth is measured by productivity but this is not biblical?

    Mark 12:41-43 (New International Version)

    The Widow's Offering

    41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, [a] worth only a fraction of a penny. [b]

    43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.

  • isaacaustin

    they are 'rewarded' by the org as far as prestige....a title...praise of man...but fail as far as the praise that counts. Makes me think of Jesus words in John 5 to the religious leaders railing on him for curing the man on the sabbath...how they love the praise of man but ignore the praise of whom it really counts...


    lol speculation thread


    Nobody here is speculating, we don't believe any of this bull**** any more remember? Do the elders know you post on an apostate board? Are you above the law? You must have a special commission from Jehovah and be here on divine authority.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    What if I report BOGUS time every month( that's exactly what I do)?

    Why is it that the HOLY SPIRIT is not exposing me?

    african GB member

  • isaacaustin

    because the Holy Spirit is not operative on the witness org

  • BluesBrother
    Does JEHOVAH "reward" his "servants" on merit/productivity?

    No...If we are putting ourselves in the mindset of the faithful dub, everybody gets the same prize. You cannot get a bonus that adds on to everlasting life in perfect health and happiness.

    Jesus' parables spoke of different abilities but the same reward.

    A cynic might say that they are "getting their reward in full now", in terms of kudos, praise and status in the congregation, but long term is all the same prize

    Why is it that the HOLY SPIRIT is not exposing me?

    If I were still a dub, I would reply that the H/S is not a person to take action, but the angels have not seen fit to expose you - YET!

  • daniel-p

    What if I report BOGUS time every month( that's exactly what I do)?

    Why is it that the HOLY SPIRIT is not exposing me?

    african GB member

    Because the holy spirit does not exist. Don't you get it? If something happens to expose someone, it's Jehovah "cleaning house." However, if nothing happens and the wrongs continue, it is Jehovah "giving that person a chance to change." Either way, and no matter what happens, "God is great, and so are we (the Watchtower)."

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    How many open-minded JW's turn in BOGUS TIME?

  • lancelink

    Personally I think for every 1000 hours you get a free petting lion in the new system.

    HA HA !!

    Thank you for clarifying this for me

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