The Official What happened at the Memorial thread

by truthseeker 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    mine was at the hilton...several congos.....648 attended...the good news was there was a bar right there in the hotel 100 feet away......and i was able to text you guys through the whole had a lot of fun...robert 7 and newlight really tried to make me bust out laughing we had cold bottled water in the back with real glasses...nice touch.

    but the "what happened was like this"....first....saw many old once a year types...old friends....told them and others i have not been to meetings in ages....some did not know so told them why.......then... wine.....each time he asked if everyone was served???..wife did not like me telling her "hell nobody was served...i didn't get a thing"......then a little argument on way home cause i did not keep my mouth shut dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    he did give the number of partakers last year and said how few that was compared to the 17 million that did not partake......but NO MENTION of the 10 percent increase last year...or of the gates to heaven being opened in order to keep anointed on the GB!!!.....or that now perhaps many in the crowd can cut loose if they ever even thought of going to heaven......nada................oompa

  • truthseeker


    thanks for sharing, I can relate to it, really ticks me off when the speaker says, "we'll just wait till the friends have been served" and I'm thinking like, what planet is he on, none of us have been served, you gave us food and made us pass it along.

    Our speaker DID mention that only a little flock partake compared to the 17 million, he even said the number 9,900, I was like, does no one notice this???? The number KEEPS going UP!!!!!

  • noni1974

    I had mexican food and went home.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    noni....I had mexican food tonight too....but I took it home.... $14 for a big order of fajitas...but its enough for at least 2 meals .... with rice and refried beans and guac.... and a huge bag of chips and salsa....

    i had a local elder call 3 times today... never left a voice I didnt return his call...

    now I am headed to bed...taking maalox (just in and a sleeping pill (as always)... and a niproxen for my ankle (super size aleve)...

    and maybe some spearment tea... and a calm demeanor...not having had to attend that lousy non-event...

    Snakes ()

  • yknot

    Well we had a packed KH.

    Thirty Brothers had to volunteer to stand outside with those privileged parking attendents to stay kosher with fire laws.

    Visiting speaker again, don't remember his name. Another poor sap put out to pasture. I was once again set with my 'family' (mom's Ex and his new wife and children) WTF??? Is it just me or should after a quarter of a century these folks figure out I ain't related to this schmuck! From there I didn't catch much else because my youngest got cranky as young ones do when he didn't get to hold/touch the emblems.... so off to the parking lot we went. I came much better prepared this evening then last year with board games, sidewalk chalk , books, dvd player, some blankets and snacks. We had lots of company before the events was over.

    My daughter and some other girls decided they wanted a 'Memorial sleep over' so I managed to come home one kid short to my husbands dismay.

    All of those we bribed with baked goods and begged actually showed

    I am just glad we didn't get the 'late' Memorial shift!

    I want a hotel Memorial too ! ! ! (All our area hotels with banquet halls have heated pools!)...... how does that decision get made my dear Elder JWN Brothers? Do I need to start harassing the local boys or the CO?... I think a Memorial pool party would be AWESOME !!!!

  • StoneWall

    I already commented on a thread of one I had earlier after i got back from the memorial but will also copy it to here

    since this is the "Official" after Memeorial thread. :) (to tired and lazy right now to re-type it so if it looks familier to any

    one its off my other thread)


    Made it back alive and in one piece :)

    We had the late memorial since two congregations meet in the KH and stayed for a bit and talked to some I haven't

    seen in a while. Have to admit it went better than I thought and was even nice talking to a lot of them.

    Didn't really affect my viewpoints and opinions on things but at least got to see once again that there are some in

    that really are sincere and made it a point to go out of their way to come talk to me and family and hug us and let

    us know they still think of us often. So from my perspective it wasn't too bad.

    And yep there was the pep talk also after the memorial talk to all in attendance to come back for the special talk

    on April 26 that would be delivered around the world at all KH's and also to come for the other meetings as well.

  • yknot

    I bet practically no one will return for the April 26th talk in my KH.

    Would someone please start another thread regarding that talk..... (or direct me if one is already been started)

  • neverendingjourney

    I skipped it tonight. I've been inactive for going on 4 years now, but I made the last three Memorials nonetheless. I just couldn't stomach it this time.

    I don't remember the last time I skipped a Memorial. My parents were baptized when I was about five years old, but from that point forward, I think we went to every single one. When I was in elementary school, my parents were inactive, but as far as I can remember, I think we made all the Memorials. I have no family in town now, so there was no pressure to go. My mother called earlier today, and I told her I was going, but what she doesn't know can't hurt her.

  • WTWizard

    What a shame there are no reports of Kingdumb Hells where half the parking lot was empty or the Kingdumb Hell had maybe something like 80 or 90 in attendance. Packed Kingdumb Hells and having more than 600 at a rented facility is bad news--if things were headed the right direction, the Kingdumb Hells would have been about half empty.

  • mac n cheese
    mac n cheese

    We went to a hotel. We almost went to the bar instead, but decided we were there, might as well get it over with.

    The Bethel speaker announced the number of partakers last year, "9,900" and then immediately said after that, "see? the number is dwindling." I almost laughed out loud. My spouse was in total shock. No one else seemed to notice.

    And I thought it was weird how they kept asking if everyone had been served. Are they TRYING to increase the number of partakers?

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